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Leadership skills, stakeholder management and execution of fibre-optic infrastructure: intervening influence of government policy

   | 31 lug 2021


Fig. 1

Intervening model.
Intervening model.

Extent to which leaderships skills are applied in steering fibre-optic infrastructure

Score Frequency Percentage
2.00 4 2.3
3.00 8 4.7
4.00 4 2.3
5.00 14 8.1
6.00 18 10.5
7.00 34 19.8
8.00 48 27.9
9.00 22 12.8
10.00 20 11.6
Total 172 100.0

Descriptive analysis of government policy from visual analogue scale data

Score Frequency Percentage
2.00 2 1.2
3.00 10 5.8
4.00 4 2.3
5.00 24 14.0
6.00 20 11.6
7.00 36 20.9
8.00 44 25.6
9.00 26 15.1
10.00 6 3.5
Total 172 100.0

Model with dependent variable regressed on independent variables (path c)

Source SS df MS Number of observations 172

Model 273.277533 1 273.277533 F(1,170) 162.6
Residual 285.722467 170 1.6807204 Prob > F 0.000
Total 559 171 3.26900585 R2 0.4889
Adjusted R2 0.4859
Root MSE 1.2964

Performance of companies in execution of fibre-optic infrastructure

Score Frequency Percentage
2.00 2 1.2
3.00 4 2.3
4.00 6 3.5
5.00 10 5.8
6.00 24 14.0
7.00 30 17.4
8.00 38 22.1
9.00 38 22.1
10.00 20 11.6
Total 172 100.0

Descriptive analysis of government policy from Likert scale data

Statements 1 2 3 4 5 Mean Standard deviation
Government of Kenya has implemented policy on fibre-optic infrastructure 8.1 15.1 27.9 31.4 17.4 3.348 1.172
The government implements a dig once policy in conjunction with laying new roads and widening some 16.3 19.8 30.2 27.9 5.8 2.872 1.162
There is a uniform right of way policy for fibre-optic and other infrastructures 11.6 26.7 26.7 24.4 10.5 2.953 1.183
Significant delays in execution of fibre-optic infrastructure as a result of delays in obtaining permits 2.3 5.8 12.8 24.4 54.7 4.232 1.033
Lack of coordination among multiple authorities in issuance of permits is a reason for significant delays 2.3 5.8 12.8 24.4 54.7 4.232 1.033
Introduction of utility corridors will prevent repeated digging which interfere with other underground infrastructure 2.3 1.2 7.0 30.2 59.3 4.430 0.858
Regulations by the government on fibre-optic infrastructure are not fair and should be revised 5.8 4.7 36.0 22.1 31.4 3.686 1.136
More regulations should be put in place to check on how fibre-optic infrastructure is implemented 1.2 4.7 7.0 38.4 48.8 4.290 0.876
Global standards are adopted and customised in implementation of fibre-optic infrastructure 3.5 15.1 25.6 30.2 25.6 3.593 1.127
Building code should be revised to allow for fibre-optic services in new buildings 0.0 3.5 4.7 29.1 62.8 4.511 0.745
Average 3.8147 1.0325

Performance of companies in stakeholder management

Score Frequency Percentage
2.00 6 3.5
3.00 4 2.3
4.00 4 2.3
5.00 28 16.3
6.00 30 17.4
7.00 12 7.0
8.00 38 22.1
9.00 30 17.4
10.00 20 11.6
Total 172 100.0

Model for the relationship between independent variables and intervening variable

Source SS df MS Number of observations 172

Model 192.889365 1 192.889365 F(1,170) 88.72
Residual 369.622263 170 2.17424861 Prob > F 0.000
Total 562.511628 171 3.28954168 R2 0.3429

Adjusted R2 0.3390
Root MSE 1.4745

Model with dependent variable regressed on intervening variable and independent variables – paths b and c

Source SS df MS Number of observations 172

Model 337.78105 1 168.890525 F(1,170) 129.02
Residual 221.21895 170 1.30898787 Prob > F 0.000
Total 559 171 3.26900585 R2 0.6043

Adjusted R2 0.5996
Root MSE 1.1441
Frequenza di pubblicazione:
Volume Open
Argomenti della rivista:
Engineering, Introductions and Overviews, other