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Failure and opportunities of public value capture and developer obligations in Polish urban development



Figure 1

MPZP Jagodno Wojszyce, Wrocław (4,000 dwellings and supplementary facilities in 96.2 ha of former agricultural/greenfield area, land-use plan approved in 2009, 20% built by the end of 2020)LEGEND: OZNACZENIA OGÓLNE – GENERAL MARKINGS, Granice obszaru objętego planem tożsame z granicą strefy ochrony konserwatorskiej zabytków archeologicznych – Boundaries of plan area identical with boundaries of conservation protection zone for archeological heritage, Linie rozgraniczające tereny – Boundaries of areas, PRZEZNACZENIE TERENÓW – LAND USE, Zabudowa mieszkaniowa wielorodzinna – Multifamily housing, Zabudowa mieszkaniowa jednorodzinna – Single-family housing, Usługi – Service facilities, Zabudowa mieszkaniowo-usługowa – Residential and service buildings, Ulica główna – Principal street, Ulica lokalna – Local street, Ulica dojazdowa – Access street, Komunikacja piesza i rowerowa – Walking and cycling communication, Droga wewnętrzna – Inner street, Komunikacja piesza wewnętrzna – Inner walking communication, Pętla transportu publicznego – Public transport terminal, Zieleń parkowa – Parks, GŁÓWNE ELEMENTY DOTYCZĄCY KSZTAŁTOWANIA ZABUDOWY I ZAGOSPODAROWANIA TERENÓW – MAIN ELEMENTS CONCERNING DEVELOPMENTS, Nieprzekraczalne linie zabudowy – Building restriction lines, Obowiązujące linie zabudowy – Mandatory building lines, Miejsce zmiany rodzaju linii zabudowy – Point of building line kind change, Dominanty – Dominant elements, Obszary podwyższonej zabudowy – Areas of higher-rise buildings, Szpalery drzew – lines of trees, Granice wydzieleń wewnętrznych wraz z symbolem – Boundaries of inner separate areas and its symbols, Proponowany podział na działki budowlane – Proposed building plot subdivision, - USTALENIA KONSERWATORSKIE - CONSERVATION REGULATIONS, Zabytkowe stanowiska archeologiczne – Historic archeological sites, Ślad osadniczy z późnego średniowiecza – Late medieval settlement trace.
MPZP Jagodno Wojszyce, Wrocław (4,000 dwellings and supplementary facilities in 96.2 ha of former agricultural/greenfield area, land-use plan approved in 2009, 20% built by the end of 2020)LEGEND: OZNACZENIA OGÓLNE – GENERAL MARKINGS, Granice obszaru objętego planem tożsame z granicą strefy ochrony konserwatorskiej zabytków archeologicznych – Boundaries of plan area identical with boundaries of conservation protection zone for archeological heritage, Linie rozgraniczające tereny – Boundaries of areas, PRZEZNACZENIE TERENÓW – LAND USE, Zabudowa mieszkaniowa wielorodzinna – Multifamily housing, Zabudowa mieszkaniowa jednorodzinna – Single-family housing, Usługi – Service facilities, Zabudowa mieszkaniowo-usługowa – Residential and service buildings, Ulica główna – Principal street, Ulica lokalna – Local street, Ulica dojazdowa – Access street, Komunikacja piesza i rowerowa – Walking and cycling communication, Droga wewnętrzna – Inner street, Komunikacja piesza wewnętrzna – Inner walking communication, Pętla transportu publicznego – Public transport terminal, Zieleń parkowa – Parks, GŁÓWNE ELEMENTY DOTYCZĄCY KSZTAŁTOWANIA ZABUDOWY I ZAGOSPODAROWANIA TERENÓW – MAIN ELEMENTS CONCERNING DEVELOPMENTS, Nieprzekraczalne linie zabudowy – Building restriction lines, Obowiązujące linie zabudowy – Mandatory building lines, Miejsce zmiany rodzaju linii zabudowy – Point of building line kind change, Dominanty – Dominant elements, Obszary podwyższonej zabudowy – Areas of higher-rise buildings, Szpalery drzew – lines of trees, Granice wydzieleń wewnętrznych wraz z symbolem – Boundaries of inner separate areas and its symbols, Proponowany podział na działki budowlane – Proposed building plot subdivision, - USTALENIA KONSERWATORSKIE - CONSERVATION REGULATIONS, Zabytkowe stanowiska archeologiczne – Historic archeological sites, Ślad osadniczy z późnego średniowiecza – Late medieval settlement trace.

Figure 2

Layout of Wierzbicka case, Radom” (shopping centre of about 6 ha built-up area in 9 ha of older shopping mall, landuse plan approved in 2019, nothing yet built by the end of 2020). Yellow stands for the land that the developer will deliver for the necessary reconstruction of adjacent roads (long dotted white lines)Source: own elaboration on the satelite photo of
Layout of Wierzbicka case, Radom” (shopping centre of about 6 ha built-up area in 9 ha of older shopping mall, landuse plan approved in 2019, nothing yet built by the end of 2020). Yellow stands for the land that the developer will deliver for the necessary reconstruction of adjacent roads (long dotted white lines)Source: own elaboration on the satelite photo of

Overview categorizations of public value capture instruments and Polish examples

Taxes/charges, fees or conditions Usually require detailed regulation in legislation Developer obligations Public and public-private land assembly
Non-negotiable Require detailed regulation in legislation and often also in local policy Negotiable Require only basic regulation in legislation
Based on direct rationale: landowner does not deserve value increase Charged independently from modification of land-use regulation Podatek od nieruchomości; Opłata planistyczna; Opłaty adiacenckie, betterment charge in exchange for public investment in infrastructure; Not many examples of this in Poland, only land-lease (użytkowanie wieczyste) or the sale of ‘raw’ urban land is common
Charged in exchange for modification of land-use regulation Opłaty adiacenckie charged in exchange for public decision on plot subdivision and land readjustment;
Based on indirect rationale: commonly that landowner should internalize negative externalities’ development Charged independently from modification of land-use regulation Podatek od nieruchomości; Non-statutory (informal negotiated) betterment charge (rare); Informal conditions to administrative decisions (rare);
Charged in exchange for modification of land-use regulation contract between developers and the road traffic authority (zarządca drogi); Umowa urbanistyczna following the 2015 Act on Revitalisation (ustawa o rewitalizacji, so far not used in practice); Umowa urbanistyczna following the 2018 Lex developer (so far not used in practice); contract between developers and the road traffic authority (zarządca drogi); Informal NDOs (rare);

Contributions from private developers towards public infrastructure in newly-developed areas. Comparison between Spain, England, the Netherlands and Poland

Construction costs on-site infrastructure (roads, sewerage, parks etc.) Land for on-site public infrastructure (transferred for free or at a symbolic price) Construction costs on-site public buildings Land for on-site public buildings Affordable/social housing Off-site public infrastructure and buildings Additional PVC
Spain All or almost all Almost all the required land (average between 60% and 80% development area) Sometimes Almost all the required land the region and city (e.g., in Vitoria/Gasteiz 70% of all new housing in the period 2002–2005, average for Spain in that period was 8%) Significant contributions, in land and in money of building About 10% plots
England Almost all Most of the required land (30–60% development area is common) Not often Part of the required land Important amount Significant contributions, mostly in money none
The Netherlands Part of these costs Important part of the required land None None Increasing amount since 2014 (max 30%) Increasing contributions since 2014 none
Poland Almost all internal roads and sewerage serving the development area only, and occasionally a small share of the greenery. But no contributions to roads necessary for connection with city. Occasionally, developers provide a minor share of the required land. none none none none none

Overview of Polish public value capture tools, legal basis and proper authorities (own elaboration)

PVC-tool Legal basis Proper authority in charge of implementation
Other than developer obligations
Land-lease of urban land (użytkowanie wieczyste) Ustawa z dnia 23 kwietnia 1964 r. Kodeks cywilny (Civil Code), Ustawa z dnia 21 sierpnia 1997 r. o gospodarce nieruchomościami (Real Estate Management Act) Municipalities (municipal land) State Treasury (state land)
Property tax (podatek od nieruchomości) Ustawa z dnia 12 stycznia 1991 r. o podatkach i opłatach lokalnych (The Act on Local Taxes and Levies) Municipalities
Planning levy (opłata planistyczna) Ustawa z dnia 27 marca 2003 r. o planowaniu i zagospodarowaniu przestrzennym (Act on Spatial Planning and Development) Municipalities
Statutory betterment charge (opłata adiacencka), charged on owners that benefit from public investments in infrastructure Ustawa z dnia 21 sierpnia 1997 r. o gospodarce nieruchomościami (Real Estate Management Act) Municipalities
Informal (negotiated) betterment charge No legal basis Municipalities
Informal conditions to administrative decisions No legal basis Municipalities
Developer obligations
Formal N-NDOs (traffic infrastructure) Ustawa z dnia 21 marca 1985 o drogach publicznych (The Act on Public Roads) Road traffic authorities - zarządca drogi:

Municipal level

County (poviat) level

Provincial (voivodeship)level

National level

Formal N-NDO’s (opłata adiacencka) charged on owners that benefit from plot subdivision and land readjustment Ustawa z dnia 21 sierpnia 1997 r. o gospodarce nieruchomościami (Real Estate Management Act) Municipalities
Formal N-NDO’s in urban revitalization areas Ustawa z dnia 9 października 2015 r. o rewitalizacji (Act on revitalization) Ustawa z dnia 27 marca 2003 r. o planowaniu i zagospodarowaniu przestrzennym (Act on Spatial Planning and Development – amendments to regulations in this Act introduced by Act on Revitalization). Municipalities
Formal N-NDO’s in developments against land-use plan Ustawa z dnia 5 lipca 2018 r. o ułatwieniach w przygotowaniu i realizacji inwestycji mieszkaniowych oraz inwestycji towarzyszących, ‘lex developer’ (Act on Facilitation of Housing Development and Accompanying Facilities) Municipalities
Informal NDO’s No legal basis Municipalities
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Geosciences, Geography, other