

Interdigitated array microelectrodes consisting of a gold film embedded on a glass surface. EBiS measurements were performed on a 1 μL DNA drop.
Interdigitated array microelectrodes consisting of a gold film embedded on a glass surface. EBiS measurements were performed on a 1 μL DNA drop.


Electrophoresis assay for DNA extraction from twenty biological samples. The heterogeneity of fluorescence is evident in the lanes. Molecular weights in the witness lane (left side) are in Kpb.
Electrophoresis assay for DNA extraction from twenty biological samples. The heterogeneity of fluorescence is evident in the lanes. Molecular weights in the witness lane (left side) are in Kpb.


The EBiS of the DNA samples are portrayed in magnitude and phase. The values are expressed as the mean and standard error of measurements taken in triplicate. The spectra for the reference and miliQ water, included in the graph, were used as clean vehicles for DNA absorbance and EBiS measurements, respectively.
The EBiS of the DNA samples are portrayed in magnitude and phase. The values are expressed as the mean and standard error of measurements taken in triplicate. The spectra for the reference and miliQ water, included in the graph, were used as clean vehicles for DNA absorbance and EBiS measurements, respectively.


Dispersion diagrams of DNA concentration vs bioimpedance with a phase at 5.24 MHz. All DNA values (A) and DNA values below 100 ng/μL (B).
Dispersion diagrams of DNA concentration vs bioimpedance with a phase at 5.24 MHz. All DNA values (A) and DNA values below 100 ng/μL (B).

DNA was quantified by absorbance at 260 nm. The mean value and the corresponding standard error is listed for each measurement (made in triplicate).

Sample Mean (ng/μL) Std err
1 322.08 12.52
2 74.85 2.61
3 62.94 5.73
4 197.45 6.42
5 196.24 2.08
6 30.09 4.29
7 177.69 6.71
8 41.41 0.66
9 59.73 1.81
10 32.06 0.55
11 30.46 1.97
12 99.48 5.88
13 19.68 1.61
14 46.48 2.70
15 34.23 1.10
16 16.40 0.04
17 48.77 0.63
18 15.41 0.68
19 13.73 1.57
20 19.21 0.88