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A Scientometric Study of Digital Literacy, ICT Literacy, Information Literacy, and Media Literacy



Figure 1

Clusters of co-occurring keywords.
Clusters of co-occurring keywords.

Figure 2

Clusters of co-authorships.
Clusters of co-authorships.

Figure 3

Entire and zoomed-in networks of clusters of co-cited publications. The color of the clusters demonstrates the year when the first co-citation occurred in the cluster (Chen, 2006), which is indicated in parenthesis in this figure. Yellow-green had the first co-citation in 2005, while the co-citation occurred in more recent years as the cluster's color gets closer to red-orange.
Entire and zoomed-in networks of clusters of co-cited publications. The color of the clusters demonstrates the year when the first co-citation occurred in the cluster (Chen, 2006), which is indicated in parenthesis in this figure. Yellow-green had the first co-citation in 2005, while the co-citation occurred in more recent years as the cluster's color gets closer to red-orange.

Keywords of co-occurrence.

Rank Keywords Co-occurrence
1 Information literacy 660
2 Education 468
3 Internet 447
4 Digital literacy 437
5 Media literacy 435
6 Technology 390
7 Media literacies 361
8 Digital 331
9 Students 326
10 Adolescence 297
11 Literacy 295
12 University students 274
13 Instructional strategies 263
14 Methods 246
15 Film 242
16 Early adolescence 234
17 Strategies 231
18 Music 229
19 Specific media 227
20 Popular culture 217

Frequently cited journal articles and main findings.

Articles Topic Participant Major finding
Ng (2012) Digital natives’ use of new technology and digital literacy Undergraduate students (pre-service teachers who are yet to become teachers) • Undergraduate students learned the new technology easily and used it in a meaningful way for learning.
Gawalt and Adams (2011) Chemical information literacy program Undergraduate students taking chemistry course and instructors • Chemical information literacy program was useful for instructors and students to search and read literature.
Hargittai (2010) Internet users’ skills and diversity Undergraduate students • Socioeconomic status was a critical predictor of undergraduate students’ Internet use in their daily life.
Bennett (2008) Debate on digital native Literature on digital native • Renovated education should be provided to meet the needs of digital natives
Locknar et al. (2012) Discovering Scientific Information Program (DSIP) Undergraduate students taking chemistry course • Using DSIP improved students’ library research skills.
Ferres and Piscitelli (2012) Criteria for media education or media literacy and indicators for new media competence - • Media education along with critical thinking and aesthetic thinking was suggested.
• Convergence of technological revolution and neurobiological revolution was proposed.
Claro et al. (2012) Chilean secondary school students’ ICT skills Chilean secondary school students • Students tended to utilize ICT skills as information consumers rather than information producers.
• Students’ socioeconomic aspects, daily use, accessibility, and confidence in using ICT were related to their academic performance.
Greene et al. (2014) Self-regulated learning (SRL), Epistemic Cognition (EC), and academic performance Undergraduate students • Internet-based learning enhanced students’ understanding.
• SRL and EC were related to digital learning outcomes.
Koltay (2011) Similarities and differences between media literacy, information literacy, and digital literacy - • Media literacy, information literacy, and digital literacy were compared in terms of definition and features.

Frequent author keywords.

Rank Author Keywords Occurrence
1 Media literacy 109
2 Digital literacy 90
3 Information literacy 66
4 Digital 39
5 Media education 30
6 Media 27
7 ICT 21
8 Literacy 20
9 ICT literacyMedia literaciesNew literacies 18
12 EducationInformationPedagogyTechnology 14
16 Internet 13
17 ChildrenHigher educationTeacher education 12
20 Multimodality 11

Frequently cited publications.

Rank References Citation
1 Jenkins, H. (2009). Confronting the challenges of participatory culture. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. 19
2 Jenkins, H. (2006a). Confronting the challenges of participatory culture. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. 17
3 Knobel, M., & Lankshear, C. (2006). A new literacies sampler. NY: Peter Lang. 14
4 Ng, W. (2012). Can we teach digital natives digital literacy?. Computers & Education, 59(3), 1065–1078. 13
5 Jenkins, H. (2006b). Convergence culture: Where old and new media collide. New York, NY: NYU Press. 11
Fraillon, J., Schulz, W., & Ainley, J. (2013). International computer and information literacy study. Amsterdam, the Netherlands: IEA
Gawalt, E., & Adams, B. (2011). A chemical information literacy program for first-year students. Journal of Chemical Education, 88(4), 402–407.
8 Hargittai, E. (2010). Digital na(t)ives? Variation in Internet skills and uses among members of the net generation. Sociological Inquiry, 80(1), 92–113. 10
Buckingham, D. (2003). Media education: Literacy, learning and contemporary culture. Cambridge, UK: Polity.
Bennett, S. (2008). The ‘digital natives’ debate: A critical review of the evidence. British Journal of Educational Technology, 39(5), 775–786.
Coiro, J.. Knobel, M., Lankshear, C., & Leu, D. (2008). Handbook of research on new literacies. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis Group.
Kress, G. (2003). Literacy in the new media age. New York, NY: Routledge.
13 Hobbs, R. (2010). Digital and media literacy: A plan of action. Washington, D. C.: The Aspen Institute. 9
Binkley, R., Erstad, O., Herman, J., Raizen, S., Ripley, M., Miller-Ricci, M., & Rumble, M. (2012). Defining twenty-first century skills. In P., Griffin, B., McGaw, & E., Care (Eds.), Assessment and teaching of 21st century skills (pp. 17–66). Dordrecht, Germany: Springer Science+Business Media B. V.
15 Fraillon, J., Ainley, J., Schulz, W., Friedman, T., & Gebhardt, E. (2013). Preparing for life in a digital age. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14222-7 8
Locknar, A., Mitchell, R., Rankin, J., & Sadoway, D. (2012). Integration of information literacy components into a large first-year lecture-based chemistry course. Journal of Chemical Education, 89, 487–491.
Ferres, J., & Piscitelli, A. (2012). Media competence. Articulated proposal of dimensions and indicators. Comunicar, 19(38), 75–81.
Ito, M., Baumer, S., Bittani, M., Boyd, D., Cody, R., Herr-Stephenson, B......, Tripp, L. (2010). Hang out, messing around, and geeking out: Kids living and learning with new media. Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press.
Claro, M., Preiss, D., Martin, E., Jara, I., Hinostroza, J., Valenzuela, S......, Nussbaum, M. (2012). Assessment of 21st century ICT skills in Chile: Test design and results from high school level students. Computers & Education, 59(3), 1042–1053.
Greene, J. A., Yu, S. B., & Copeland, D. Z. (2014). Measuring critical components of digital literacy and their relationships with learning. Computers & Education, 76, 55–69.
Koltay, T. (2011). The media and the literacies: media literacy, information literacy, digital literacy. Media, Culture & Society, 33(2), 211–221.

Frequent topic keywords.

Rank Topic Keywords Occurrence
1 Education 88
2 Students 59
3 Technology 58
4 Literacy 44
5 Skills 36
6 Information literacy 35
7 Knowledge 30
8 Internet 26
9 Curriculum 25
10 Information 24
11 Web 23
12 Children 22
13 Science 21
14 AttitudesMedia literacyModelOnline 19
18 Adolescents 18
19 BehaviorBeliefsInstruction 16

Journals in which articles on digital literacy were published the most.

Rank Journals Occurrence
1 Comunicar 108
2 Computers and Education 59
3 Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy 38
4 Journal of Chemical Education 27
5 Learning Media and Technology 25
6 Literacy 17
7 British Journal of Educational TechnologyEducational Technology and Society 14
9 Nurse Education Today 12
10 English Teaching: Practice and CritiqueReading Teacher 11
12 Journal of Computer Assisted Learning Language and Education 10
14 Internet and Higher Education Technology, Pedagogy, and Education 8
16 Asia-Pacific Education ResearcherCultura y EducaciónETR&D-Educational Technology Research and DevelopmentEurasia Journal of Mathematics Science and Technology EducationHealth Education ResearchJournal of Literacy ResearchJournal of School Health 7

Clusters of co-cited publications.

Cluster Cluster topic (Co-cited publications, mean year of co-citations) Major co-cited publications
0 Digital literacy (55, 2007)

Jenkins, H. (2006b). Convergence culture: Where old and new media collide. New York, NY: NYU Press.

Bennett, S. (2008). The ‘digital natives’ debate: A critical review of the evidence. British Journal of Educational Technology, 39(5), 775–786.

Coiro, J.. Knobel, M., Lankshear, C., & Leu, D. (2008). Handbook of research on new literacies. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis Group.

Lankshear, C., & Knobel, M. (2006). New literacies. Everyday practices and classroom learning (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Open University Press.

Kress, G. (2003). Literacy in the new media age. New York, NY: Routledge.

1 ICT literacy (42, 2012)

Fraillon, J., Schulz, W., & Ainley, J. (2013). International computer and information literacy study. Amsterdam, the Netherlands: IEA

Fraillon, J., Ainley, J., Schulz, W., Friedman, T., & Gebhardt, E. (2013). Preparing for life in a digital age. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14222-7

Binkley, R., Erstad, O., Herman, J., Raizen, S., Ripley, M., Miller-Ricci, M., & Rumble, M. (2012). Defining twenty-first century skills. In P., Griffin, B., McGaw, & E., Care (Eds.), Assessment and teaching of 21st century skills (pp. 17–66). Dordrecht, Germany: Springer Science+Business Media B.V.

2 Epistemic perspective (37, 2010)

Barzilai, S., & Zohar, A. (2012). Epistemic thinking in action: Evaluating and integrating online sources. Cognition and Instruction, 30(1), 39–85.

3 Exploratory study (32, 2013)

Ng, W. (2012). Can we teach digital natives digital literacy?. Computers & Education, 59(3), 1065–1078.

Greene, J. A., Yu, S. B., & Copeland, D. Z. (2014). Measuring critical components of digital literacy and their relationships with learning. Computers & Education, 76, 55–69.

4 Performance test (25, 2008)

Hargittai, E. (2010). Digital na(t)ives? Variation in Internet skills and uses among members of the net generation. Sociological Inquiry, 80(1), 92–113.

5 Integrating chemical information instruction (24, 2012)

Gawalt, E., & Adams, B. (2011). A chemical information literacy program for first-year students. Journal of Chemical Education, 88(4), 402–407.

Locknar, A., Mitchell, R., Rankin, J., & Sadoway, D. (2012). Integration of information literacy components into a large first-year lecture-based chemistry course. Journal of Chemical Education, 89, 487–491.

6 Cigarette smoking (19, 2005)

Primack et al. (2006). Association of cigarette smoking and media literacyabout smoking among adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health, 39(4), 465–472.

7 ICT literacy (18, 2006)

Ferres, J., & Piscitelli, A. (2012). Media competence. Articulated proposal of dimensions and indicators. Comunicar, 19(38), 75–81.

8 Neil Postmans view (16, 2010)

Jenkins, H. (2009). Confronting the challenges of participatory culture. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.

9 School-performance feedback use (15, 2006)

Schildkamp, K., Visscher, A., & Luyten, H. (2009). The effects of the use of a school self-evaluation instrument. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 20(1), 69–88.

10 Online forum (12, 2009)

Ito, M., Baumer, S., Bittani, M., Boyd, D., Cody, R., Herr-Stephenson, B......, Tripp, L. (2010). Hang out, messing around, and geeking out: Kids living and learning with new media. Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press.

14 Professional practice (9, 2007)

Hermans, R., Tondeur, J., van Braak, J., & Valcke, M. (2008). The impact of primary school teachers’ educational beliefs on the classroom use of computers. Computers & Education, 51(4), 1499–1509.

17 Regarding media (6, 2006)

Livingstone, S. (2004). Media literacy and the challenges of new information and communication technologies. Communication Review, 7(1), 3–14.

Co-occurring keywords in Clusters.

Cluster 1 (78 co-occurring keywords)

Achievement Adult learning Age Attitudes
Behavior Beliefs Challenges Classroom
Community Competence Computer Computer literacy
Computer self-efficacy Computer use Computer-mediated communication Constructionism
Context Design Digital competence Digital divide
Digital literacy Digital media Digital natives Divide
E-learning Education Elementary education Environment
Environments Evidence-based practice Family Framework
Gender Gender differences Gender-differences Higher education
Higher-education Home ICT ICT literacy
Impact Improving classroom teaching Informal learning Information
Information literacy Instruction Integration Internet skills
Internet use Learning Lifelong learning Media in education
Metaanalysis Model Natives Online
Pedagogical issues Perceptions Performance Perspective
Preservice teachers Program Satisfaction School
School-students Secondary education Seeking Self-efficacy
Social capital Social networks Students Teachers
Teaching/learning strategies Technology University Validation
Validity Web

Cluster 2 (43 co-occurring keywords)

Adolescents Advertising Association Audiences
Behaviors Children Cigarette-smoking Citizenship
Civic engagement Collaborative learning Competences Consumption
Critical media literacy Critical thinking Democracy Digital literacy practices
Empowerment Exposure Facebook Initiation
Intervention Literacy Media Media competence
Media education Media literacy New media Participation
Prevention Programs Risk Schools
Smoking Social media Social networking Teacher training
Technologies Television Tobacco Tobacco use
Web 2.0 Youth United-states

Cluster 3 (30 co-occurring keywords)

Adolescence Adult Audience Case study
Childhood College Critical analysis Critical literacy
Critical pedagogy Digital Early adolescence Ethnography
Film Information and communication technologies Informational text Instructional technology
Libraries Literacies Music New literacies
Popular culture Qualitative Reading strategies Research methodology
Sociocultural Specific media Teaching strategies Texts
Theoretical perspectives Visual literacy

Cluster 4 (19 co-occurring keywords)

Early adolescence Adolescence College Adult
Adolescent Materials Content literacy Domain knowledge
Engagement Identity Information literacy Instructional strategies
Media literacies Methods Motivation Professional development
Teacher education University students Writing

Cluster 5 (18 co-occurring keywords)

Chemical information Courses Chemoinformatics Curriculum Communication First-year undergraduate/general Communication/writing Inquiry-based/discovery learning
Internet/web-based learning Learn Organic chemistry Problem solving/decision making
Science Scifinder scholar Second-year undergraduate Skills
Student-centered learning Upper-division undergraduate

Cluster 6 (12 co-occurring keywords)

Contexts Language Policy Culture Literacy practices Reading English Multiliteracies Singapore Issues Pedagogy Multimodality

Cluster 7 (12 co-occurring keywords)

Assessment Inquiry Prior knowledge Comprehension Internet Readers Credibility Knowledge Strategies Epistemological beliefs Personal epistemology Text

Authors who produced research articles with other authors.

Rank Co-authors Frequency
1 Valcke, M. 16
Claro, M.
San Martin, E
4 Kiili, C. 14
Leu, D. J.
6 Clark, A. 13
Jara, I.
Preiss, D. D.
Valenzuela, S.
10 Primack, B. A. 12
Chen, C. H.
12 Lin, T. B. 11
Dagenais, D.
Toohey, K.
Chang, K. E.
Chang, T. Y.
Hu, K. W.
Huang, C. J.
Huang, K. L.
Huang, T. H.
Liao, J. J.
Liu, M. C.
Luo, Y. C.
Shen, H. Y.
Sung, Y. T.
Leppanen, P. H. T.
Frequenza di pubblicazione:
4 volte all'anno
Argomenti della rivista:
Computer Sciences, Information Technology, Project Management, Databases and Data Mining