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Toxicity of Insecticides with Different Modes of Action to Apis Mellifera Larvae (Hymenoptera, Apidae)



Comparison between the larval observed mortality (OM %) and corrected mortality (CM %) for each tested concentration (Conc μg/larva) of lambda-cyhalothrin using a probit analysis

Dose × 1000 (μg/larva) Log (Dose) (X) No of larva treated (n) No of larva bees Observed mortality (%) Corrected mortality (%) Empirical Probit (Y) Expected probit
0.28 1.447 60 14 23.33 11.53 −1.198 −1.521
0.55 1.740 60 18 30.00 19.23 −0.869 −0.581
0.85 1.929 60 35 58.33 51.92 0.048 0.024
1.10 2.041 60 40 66.66 61.53 0.293 0.383
1.50 2.176 60 46 76.66 73.07 0.615 0.815
1.70 2.230 60 57 95.00 94.23 1.574 0.989
0.00 0.00 60 8 13.33 - - -

Comparison between the larval observed mortality (OM %) and corrected mortality (CM %) for each tested concentration (Conc μg/larva) of fipronil using a probit analysis

Dose × 1000 (μg/larva) Log (Dose) (X) No of larvae treated (n) No of dead larvae Observed mortality (%) Corrected mortality (%) Empirical Probit (Y) Expected probit
0.005 0.699 60 12 20.00 18.64 −0.891 −0.958
0.01 1.000 60 22 36.66 35.59 −0.369 −0.395
0.18 1.255 60 29 48.33 47.45 −0.064 0.082
0.22 1.342 60 36 60.00 59.32 0.236 0.245
0.30 1.477 60 40 66.66 66.09 0.415 0.497
0.38 1.580 60 49 81.66 81.35 0.891 0.689
0.00 0.00 60 1 1.66 - - -

Insecticides and doses evaluated

Serial No. Insecticide Doses (Adult) Oral toxicity Source
1 Fipronil (96.7% Purity)

0.005 μg, 0.01 μg

0.18 μg, 0.22 μg

0.30 μg, 0.38 μg

2 Lambda-cyhalothrin (96.7% Purity)

0.28 μg, 0.55 μg

0.85 μg, 1.10 μg

1.50 μg, 1.70 μg

Frequenza di pubblicazione:
2 volte all'anno
Argomenti della rivista:
Life Sciences, Zoology, other