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Adaptive block size selection in a hybrid image compression algorithm employing the DCT and SVD




The utilization of image compression techniques is of great significance in the process of lowering the file size of digital photos, with the primary objective of preserving the visual quality of the image. Images play a crucial role in a multitude of applications by facilitating efficient storage, transport, and sharing processes [1,2,3,4]. Some prominent image compression techniques, as depicted in Figure 1, are explained as follows:

Lossless Compression: After compression and decompression, lossless compression techniques retain all original image data. They are appropriate for applications where pixel precision is essential, such as medical imaging and text documents. Examples of popular algorithms includes run-length encoding (RLE), arithmetic coding, and Huffman coding [1,2,3].

Vector Quantization: In vector quantization, identical image elements are grouped and represented by a single codebook entry. This approach is incorporated into image compression standards such as Video Coding Experts Group (VCEG) and Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) [2,3,4].

Transform Coding: Using mathematical transformations, transform coding techniques convert pixel values into frequency- or spatial-domain coefficients. The coefficients are quantized and encoded afterward. In addition to the discrete cosine transform (DCT), examples of wave-let-based compression include the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) used in JPEG2000 and embedded zerotrees of wavelets (EZW). JPEG2000 is Joint Photographic Experts Group image compression standard developed from 1997 to 2000. This standard is also a coding system that is based on the DCT combined with the wavelet-based method. This standard further supports spatial random access while capturing varying degrees of the region of interest [1,2,3,4].

Predictive Coding: Predictive coding takes advantage of the correlation between adjacent pixels. It predicts pixel values based on neighboring values and only encodes prediction errors. Examples of predictive coding include differential pulse code modulation (DPCM) and adaptive differential pulse code modulation (ADPCM) [1,2,3,4].

Hybrid Techniques: Hybrid compression techniques integrate numerous compression techniques to maximize their benefits. For example, the hybrid algorithm using the DCT and singular value decomposition (SVD) with adaptive block size selection incorporates the benefits of frequency-based and decomposition-based techniques [1,2,3,4].

Content-Adaptive Compression: These techniques modify the compression procedure in accordance with the image content. They dynamically adjust parameters to optimize image compression for distinct image regions. In varying image contexts, content-adaptive compression techniques improve compression efficiency while preserving image quality [1,2,3,4].

Figure 1:

Image compression techniques.

The image compression techniques accommodate diverse compression ratio and image quality requirements. The technique chosen depends on the application and the trade-off between compression efficacy and audio quality. Lossy compression is essential for obtaining high compression ratios in multimedia applications. Lossless compression is essential for preserving data integrity.

Background and need for hybrid approach

Image compression is essential to numerous fields, such as telecommunications, digital storage, and multimedia applications. Traditional compression techniques, such as DCT and SVD, have demonstrated their effectiveness, but they have limitations. The DCT excels at representing spatial frequency components of images, whereas SVD excels at extracting singular values from matrices. However, these techniques operate independently and may not optimize image compression in every region. The proposed hybrid algorithm is a response to the imperative need for a more versatile and effective compression approach. By incorporating the benefits of the DCT and SVD, the algorithm attempts to take advantage of their complementary characteristics, thereby ensuring a well-rounded compression strategy. This integration does not merely combine the techniques in a linear fashion; rather, it introduces a novel interaction governed by an adaptive block size selection mechanism. The algorithm’s introduction of adaptive block size selection is an innovation. Traditional compression techniques use fixed block sizes and disregard the varying characteristics of various image regions. The adaptive approach takes into account the inherent diversity of image content by selecting optimal block sizes dynamically based on local attributes. Intricately textured and jagged regions may require smaller blocks, whereas smoother regions may profit from larger blocks. This dynamic approach ensures that the algorithm adapts its compression to the particular needs of each region, thereby enhancing the overall compression efficiency. The algorithm relies on the judicious hybridization of the DCT and SVD, capitalizing on their unique properties to improve compression [5, 6]. Each block is subjected to the DCT, and the coefficients with the highest significance are retained based on a predetermined threshold. Simultaneously, SVD is performed, with the algorithm conserving essential singular values while quantizing others. The most important innovation here is the cohesion between these two techniques, orchestrated by the results of adaptive block size selection. This enables the algorithm to exploit the DCT’s proficiency in capturing spatial frequency components and SVD’s proficiency in matrix decomposition in a fashion optimized for each block’s properties.

Problem statement and article contribution

The exponential development of digital images across multiple domains has emphasized the need for efficient image compression approaches. This study presents a novel approach for picture compression, which combines the advantages of the DCT and SVD. The proposed approach also features a unique adaptive block size selection mechanism. The motivation for this study stems from the imperative to reconcile the disparity between compression efficiency and image quality. The DCT and SVD are well-recognized methodologies, each possessing distinct advantages [7]. However, they function autonomously and may not adequately tackle the intricacies of modern picture material optimally. Furthermore, conventional approaches that utilize set block sizes are limited in their ability to adjust to the diverse nature of pictures. The inspiration for the suggested hybrid algorithm is from the aspiration to overcome these limitations and offer a solution that is adaptable and versatile.

Problem statement

The difficulty lies in attaining significant compression ratios while maintaining image quality.

Conventional approaches, while demonstrating efficacy, often prove inadequate in addressing the multifaceted and complex attributes of modern picture material.

There exists a necessity for an innovative methodology that not only accommodates diverse picture areas but also integrates known compression strategies to provide ideal outcomes.

Article contribution

The rationale behind the development of this approach is also derived from practical implementations in real-world scenarios. Efficient image compression is crucial in several fields, including medical imaging, remote sensing, and multimedia communication, as it serves to minimize storage requirements and transmission bandwidth. The hybrid technique presented in this study aims to enhance compression efficiency and maintain picture quality by employing adaptive block size selection and a synergistic combination of the DCT and SVD. The motivation for this study stems from the possibility of achieving significant compression ratios while maintaining image quality at a level that is imperceptible to human observers. Moreover, the escalating need for real-time image processing necessitates the use of algorithms that exhibit swift execution speeds. The motivation for this hybrid approach also stems from its ability to offer effective compression for applications that necessitate real-time processing [8]. Furthermore, this study stems from the desire to push the boundaries of image compression through the development of a hybrid algorithm that effectively combines conventional approaches with the intricacies of modern images. This study aims to design an algorithm that achieves both high compression ratios and adaptive picture content while also providing real-time efficiency. This approach holds significant potential for various applications.

Organization of the article

This article’s contributions comprise a novel hybrid algorithm that combines DCT, SVD, and adaptive block size selection. Its novel aspect is the way these parts work together dynamically to enhance compression performance while keeping image quality constant. The outline of the article is as follows: In Section II, we take a closer look at the process and break down the algorithm’s steps. The experimental design, datasets, and measurements of success are described in Section III. The results are analyzed critically and compared to current state-of-the-art models in Section IV. Section V discusses the algorithm’s broader implications and potential future enhancements. Section VI concludes by summarizing the significance and contributions of the algorithm. The proposed hybrid algorithm heralds a new era in image compression by redefining the paradigms of efficiency and quality preservation. By combining well-established techniques with innovative adaptability, it positions itself as a formidable competitor among image compression algorithms.

Related work

In recent years, significant progress has been made in the domain of image compression as researchers continuously strive to develop effective algorithms that may minimize storage demands and transmission bandwidth, all the while ensuring the preservation of picture quality during reconstruction. The use of hybrid image compression approaches that include the DCT-SVD approaches, alongside adaptive block size selection, has garnered significant interest in recent years [9, 10]. Since there is a need to optimize data storage, transport, and processing, efficient picture compression techniques have been at the forefront of study for decades. The innovative hybrid approach proposed in this article, which combines DCT-SVD with adaptive block size selection, is the result of the investigation into the field of image compression.

Rippel and Bourdev [11] use generative adversarial networks (GANs) to their full potential for content-adaptive picture reduction. The compression algorithm adjusts to picture areas by using a conditional GAN, emphasizing important aspects while removing unneeded information. The approach shows promise in overcoming the problem of changeable picture content by attaining large compression ratios while keeping perceptually important elements. Gan et al. [12] offer a hybrid approach that incorporates dynamic block partitioning, convolutional neural networks, and DCT. DCT-CNN hybridization makes use of both CNN’s capacity to detect intricate patterns and DCT’s frequency-domain transformation. The algorithm’s flexibility is further strengthened by the dynamic block partitioning, which leads to effective compression and better quality. Liu et al. investigate the merging of the wavelet transform with deep residual networks with an emphasis on medical imaging. Deep residual networks are used to condense the multiresolution analysis that the wavelet transform provides. Through effective compression and the preservation of essential diagnostic information, this dual strategy responds to the particular requirements of medical imaging [13]. Jifara et al. [14] present a progressive compression approach using hierarchical attention processes. The process finds significant characteristics at various scales, making it easier to preserve vital information during compression in a priority order. As a consequence, visual quality is maintained even during the initial phases of decoding, thanks to the progressive compression technique. Zamir et al. [15] propose a revolutionary reinforcement learning-based technique to contextual compression. The program considers contextual connections inside pictures to discover the best compression strategies. Utilizing contextual data, the compression process adjusts dynamically, improving perceived quality and efficiency. He et al. [16] demonstrate that end-to-end learnt picture compression is achieved using transformers, which are well-known for their performance in natural language processing. The architecture that the authors suggest uses a transformer-based paradigm to decode pictures once they have been encoded into sequences.

This innovative use of transformers demonstrates how they may reshape the field of picture compression. Bai et al. fill the gap between compression and denoising by using variational autoencoders (VAEs). Denoising and compression are jointly optimized to provide effective representation while reducing compression-related artifacts. Even at high compression ratios, the VAE-based technique shows promise in retaining picture quality [17]. In image compression highlight the field’s quick development, which has been fueled by the fusion of machine learning, neural networks, and innovative designs. These developments are the result of a deliberate effort to overcome the difficulties brought about by a variety of picture contents, various quality standards, and the need for effective storage and transmission. As shown by the articles under review, approaches such as adaptive deep learning, content-adaptive compression, hybrid models, and creative architectural decisions pave the way for image compression solutions that address contemporary image complexity while aiming for the best possible balance between compression efficiency and visual fidelity. The summary of recent work for dataset used, adopted methodology, techniques used, advantages, disadvantages, and solutions are presented in Table 1.

Summary of recent work on image compression

Ref. No. Dataset used Adopted methodology Techniques used Advantages Disadvantages Solutions
[18] Kodak dataset Adaptive block size selection and DCT-SVD hybrid DCT, SVD, and adaptive processing High compression and good quality Complexity in hybridization Adaptive hybridization
[19] UCID dataset Wavelet transform Wavelet transform Multiresolution representation Limited to certain images Improved wavelet selection
[20] CALTECH dataset Huffman coding Huffman coding No quality loss Limited compression ratio Enhanced entropy coding
[21] ImageNet dataset DCT-based compression Discrete cosine transform Established standard Lossy compression Improved quantization
[22] Custom dataset Iterated function system Fractal encoding Good compression Iteration limits Adaptive fractal generation
[23] MNIST dataset DCT-DWT hybrid DCT and DWT Multifrequency representation High computational cost Improved parallel processing
[24] COCO dataset Singular value decomposition Singular value decomposition Noise robustness Singular value truncation Adaptive truncation threshold
[25] CIFAR-10 dataset Neural network-based approach Neural networks Adaptive learning Training complexity Improved model architecture
[26] ImageNet dataset Contextual analysis Contextual processing Improved quality Complexity Efficient context modeling
[27] Medical images Adaptive block size selection and transform coding DCT and Huffman coding Lossless compression Limited to medical images Improved coding strategies
[28] Custom dataset Vector quantization Vector quantization High compression ratios Information loss Enhanced vector codebooks
[29] COCO dataset Adaptive processing based on content DCT and adaptive strategies Improved quality and efficient compression Complexity in content analysis Enhanced adaptive strategies
[30] ImageNet dataset Pyramid-based compression Pyramid transform Multiresolution representation Complexity Optimized pyramid levels
[31] Kodak dataset Progressive compression approach DCT and SVD Stepwise quality enhancement Progressive transmission complexity Improved transmission order
[32] CALTECH dataset Block-based processing and Huffman coding Block processing and Huffman coding Balanced quality compression Block artifacts Enhanced block processing
[33] ImageNet dataset Simultaneous compression and encryption DCT and encryption techniques Secure compression Increased complexity Improved encryption algorithms
[34] Custom dataset Arithmetic coding Arithmetic coding High compression and lossless compression Complexity Enhanced probability modeling
[35] CIFAR-10 dataset DCT–neural network hybrid DCT and neural networks Adaptive compression and improved quality Training complexity Enhanced training strategies
[36] COCO dataset Wavelet transform Wavelet transform Multifrequency representation Complexity Enhanced transform selection
[37] Custom dataset Contextual Huffman coding Contextual analysis and Huffman coding Improved compression Complexity Enhanced context modeling
[38] ImageNet dataset Multiresolution encoding Discrete wavelet transform Progressive quality and multiresolution Complexity Adaptive wavelet selection

DCT, discrete cosine transform; DWT, discrete wavelet transform; SVD, singular value decomposition.

Research gaps in the existing literature

The existing literature presents a wide range of image compression techniques, spanning from conventional approaches such as DCT and Huffman coding to more sophisticated approaches that use neural networks, wavelet transformations, and contextual analysis. Each approach presents distinct advantages and may be appropriate for varying use scenarios. Nevertheless, the DCT-SVD hybrid image compression technique incorporates the advantageous feature of adaptive block size selection. This hybrid approach leverages the advantages of both the DCT and SVD. Specifically, it combines the DCT’s ability to efficiently encode spatial frequencies with SVD’s robust matrix decomposition technique. The algorithm’s adaptation to different picture areas is further improved by the use of adaptive block size selection, which effectively optimizes compression efficiency. In contrast to several conventional approaches, our suggested methodology aims to achieve a harmonious equilibrium between compression efficacy and the preservation of picture quality. The utilization of the DCT-SVD hybrid technique, under the guidance of adaptive processing, helps attain significant compression ratios while simultaneously minimizing the loss of perceptual information. The comprehensive methodology employed in our hybrid algorithm makes it a formidable solution, offering superior compression efficiency and enhanced image quality when compared to singular approaches. The selected hybrid methodology exemplifies a cohesive integration of well-established methodologies, facilitating a proficient balance between the efficacy of compression and the quality of images.

The combination of DCT-SVD and adaptive block size selection effectively mitigates the constraints inherent in each individual approach, thus establishing a very viable solution for picture compression in many application domains. A hybrid that incorporates both spatial frequency components and matrix decomposition is achieved by combining the DCT and SVD. SVD emphasizes matrix interactions, whereas DCT focuses on collecting picture structures. The hybrid algorithm can better represent complex visual material, thanks to its dual strategy. Furthermore, a major flaw in many current approaches is fixed by the adaptive block size selection process. For many picture areas, fixed block sizes may not be the best option. This approach optimizes compression for various areas of the picture by tailoring compression processing to local variables. The suggested hybrid approach offers a possible path forward for picture compression. Although the DCT and SVD are well-known approaches, the addition of adaptive block size selection gives a new perspective. This hybridization is justified by the complementarity of the DCT and SVD as well as the flexibility provided by the choice of block size.

The suggested approach seeks to strike a compromise between compression effectiveness and image quality by smoothly combining these components. This section shows the development of image compression approaches, displaying a variety of strategies that have influenced the industry. Every approach, from traditional ones such as DCT and Huffman coding to cutting-edge ones such as fractal compression and content-adaptive schemes, helps us comprehend the trade-offs involved in compression. From this rich genealogy, the proposed hybrid approach, which combines the DCT and SVD with adaptive block size selection, arises. It aims to overcome obstacles and establish new benchmarks for effective image compression while maintaining picture quality. This hybrid approach is positioned as a viable candidate in the search for the best picture compression techniques, thanks to the incorporation of tried-and-true techniques and the use of creative adaptations.

Proposed methodology

A thorough and systematic approach is necessary to provide correct evaluation and dependable findings in the experimental validation of the proposed hybrid image compression algorithm, which integrates the DCT-SVD technique with adaptive block size selection.

Experimental setup

This subsection presents the adopted experimental setup for the evaluation of the proposed algorithm, which includes hardware configuration, software environment, and datasets.

Hardware configuration and software environment

A CPU with eight cores and 16 threads, operating at a base clock frequency of 3.8 GHz (with the ability to turbo up to 5.1 GHz), was chosen. The selection of this option guarantees the implementation of an effective parallel processing approach for the intricate matrix operations that are integral to the approach. The Corsair Vengeance LPX memory kit consists of two 16 GB modules, resulting in a total capacity of 32 GB. The DDR4-3200 is a type of computer memory module that operates at a clock. To address the memory requirements of the algorithm, a decision was made to utilize 32 GB of DDR4 RAM operating at a frequency of 3,200 MHz. The memory capacity offered is sufficient for the storage and manipulation of photographs of diverse dimensions. A 1 TB NVMe SSD was utilized to provide rapid read and write operations in the context of processing, compressing, and decompressing picture data.

The study involved the execution and assessment of the suggested hybrid image compression technique, which integrates the DCT-SVD technique with adaptive block size selection. These tasks were conducted inside a meticulously selected software environment. Python programming, a highly adaptable and extensively utilized programming language, serves as the fundamental framework for algorithm creation and experimentation. OpenCV is an open-source computer vision toolkit that has been utilized for many image-related operations, including picture loading, preprocessing, and visualization. The image manipulation features of OpenCV have enhanced the efficiency of data preparation and display. The experimenting process occurred within integrated development environments (IDEs) that aided the development, debugging, and analysis of code. The major IDEs employed in this study were Jupyter Notebook and PyCharm. These IDEs provided real-time code execution, interactive visualizations, and efficient project management capabilities.


The proposed hybrid image compression algorithm, which combines the DCT and SVD, was tested using published datasets, and it is presented in Table 2. These datasets were carefully selected to provide a thorough evaluation of the algorithm’s performance.

Kodak Lossless True Color Image Suite

: It is a software package developed by Kodak that is designed to handle and process high-quality images with little loss of color information. The dataset consisted of 24 photos of natural sceneries with varying resolutions, so simulating a wide range of complexity found in real-world imaging.

Lena image

: Lena image, which possesses dimensions of 512 × 512 pixels, has been widely recognized as an iconic reference for evaluation purposes.

Berkeley Segmentation Dataset (BSDS)

: This is a widely used dataset in the field of computer vision for evaluating image segmentation algorithms. This dataset, including 200 pictures of natural sceneries, was specifically curated for the purpose of evaluating image segmentation techniques. It presents a range of issues stemming from the intricate nature of its content.


: ImageNet, which consists of a comprehensive assortment of 1,000 photos including a wide range of categories and complexity, enabled a comprehensive evaluation of the algorithm’s efficacy in several scenarios.

Dataset used for experimentation

Dataset name Number of images Image types Resolution Content complexity
Kodak Lossless True Color Image Suite 24 Natural sceneries Varied Moderate
Lena image 1 Portrait 512 × 512 Moderate
BSDS 200 Natural sceneries Varied High
ImageNet 1000 Various Varied High

BSDS, Berkeley segmentation dataset.

The incorporation of these datasets enabled a comprehensive evaluation of the algorithm’s capacity in relation to various levels of content intricacies, resolutions, and image categories, enhancing our comprehension of its viability in practical contexts.

Adopted methodology

The novel methodology employed for the hybrid image compression algorithm uses the DCT-SVD technique, along with an adaptive block size selection strategy, consisting of multiple stages. The primary objective of this comprehensive technique is to achieve optimal compression efficiency while simultaneously maintaining the integrity of image quality. The adopted methodology of the proposed hybrid algorithm is depicted in Figure 2 and explained in the following paragraph. The key steps of the adopted methodology are image preprocessing, adaptive block size selection, DCT compression, SVD compression, entropy encoding, decompression, and postprocessing.

Image Preprocessing: The initial step involves the loading of the input image and subsequently translating it into an RGB system. The image is partitioned into discrete, non-overlapping pieces, serving as the foundation for future computational operations.

Adaptive block size reduction: Adaptive block size selection is a crucial step in this methodology. The algorithm evaluates the content complexity of each block by considering texture and edge information. The algorithm dynamically determines an appropriate block size for each block based on its analysis. Complex regions receive smaller blocks, whereas straightforward regions receive larger blocks.

DCT compression: For each block, the spatial-domain information is transformed into the frequency-domain information using a 2D DCT. The DCT coefficients are quantized using a quantization matrix that prioritizes the preservation of perceptually significant data.

SVD compression: The DCT-compressed units are subjected to SVD compression. For effective compression, the singular values are analyzed to determine the number of significant singular values to retain. The remaining singular values are eliminated or cut off.

Entropy encoding: Using the Huffman coding technique, the quantized DCT coefficients and retained SVD singular values are entropy-encoded to efficiently represent compressed data.

Decompression: The procedure is reversed during decompression. Through SVD and DCT operations, entropy-decoded data are inversely transformed. Adaptive block size selection, based on the content of the decompressed image, restores the original block arrangement.

Postprocessing: The decompressed image is reconstructed by combining the decompressed segments. Filtering and refining techniques are utilized to mitigate any artifacts introduced during compression and decompression.

Figure 2:

Adopted methodology for image compression. DCT, discrete cosine transform; SVD, singular value decomposition.

The key features of the adopted methodology are hybrid approach, adaptive block size selection, quality preservation, and versatility.

Hybrid approach: The hybrid approach involves the integration of the DCT and SVD techniques, using their respective advantages in frequency- and spatial-domain transformations. This combination aims to achieve the most efficient compression.

Adaptive block size selection: The adaptive block size technique is a dynamic approach that distributes resources based on the content of a picture. This strategy improves compression efficiency and maintains the integrity of small features.

Quality preservation: Quality preservation is achieved by using the SVD step, which incorporates adaptive singular value selection. This process guarantees the retention of crucial picture information, hence preserves the perceived quality of the image.

Versatility: The approach has a high degree of adaptability, capable of handling a wide range of picture kinds and complexity, hence rendering it well-suited for a multitude of real-world applications.

The methodology being offered presents a comprehensive approach to image compression through the integration of the DCT and SVD, alongside the incorporation of adaptive block size selection. The integration of these algorithms achieves an ideal equilibrium between compression efficiency and the preservation of picture quality, hence showcasing its potential use in many sectors that heavily rely on images.

Proposed hybrid image compression algorithm

The proposed hybrid image compression algorithm employing the DCT and SVD with adaptive block size selection is depicted in Figure 3. The detailed description of the proposed algorithm is described in the following paragraph.

Figure 3:

Working flow of the proposed hybrid algorithm. DCT, discrete cosine transform; SVD, singular value decomposition.

Block partitioning

In this step, the input image is divided into segments of differing sizes that do not overlap. The smaller block sizes (e.g., 4 × 4 or 8 × 8) are used to capture local variations and finer details, while larger block sizes (16 × 16 or 32 × 32) are used to take advantage of spatial redundancies and gentler regions. The input image is divided into non-overlapping blocks of varying sizes by using Eq. 1: Iblocks=B1,B2,,BN {I_{{\rm{blocks}}}} = \left\{ {{B_1},{B_2}, \ldots ,{B_{\rm{N}}}} \right\}

Adaptive block size selection

In the next step, the local image characteristics of each block are analyzed, including texture complexity, edge content, and contrast. The appropriate block size that effectively represents the content of this region is determined based on these characteristics. A viable metric for adaptive block size selection could be derived from the variance of pixel intensities, the magnitude of gradients, or other spatial characteristics. For each block Bi, the optimal block size Si is determined based on local image characteristics by using Eq. 2: Si=adaptiveBlockSizeSelectionBi {S_i} = {\rm{adaptiveBlockSizeSelection}}\left( {{B_i}} \right)

DCT compression

The DCT is implemented on each block. The DCT is utilized to convert the picture data from the spatial domain to the frequency domain. This conversion yields a collection of DCT coefficients for each block. The proposed approach involves selectively preserving the most significant DCT coefficients while quantizing and deleting the less-significant values. The adjustment of the coefficient quantization threshold is contingent upon the block size and attributes derived from the adaptive block size selection process. The DCT is applied to each block by using Eq. 3: DCTi=DCTBi {\rm{DC}}{{\rm{T}}_i} = {\rm{DCT}}\left( {{B_i}} \right)

The most important DCT coefficients are selected, and the remaining coefficients are quantized by using Eq. 4: DCTcompressed,i=quantizeDCTi,thresholdSi {\rm{DC}}{{\rm{T}}_{{\rm{compressed}},i}} = {\rm{quantize }}\left( {{\rm{DC}}{{\rm{T}}_i},{\rm{ threshold}}\left( {{S_i}} \right)} \right)

SVD compression

SVD is then performed on each individual block. SVD is a mathematical technique that decomposes a block matrix into its constituent singular values and singular vectors. Similar to the DCT, this process involves preserving just the crucial singular values while quantizing and eliminating the less significant values. The adjustment of the quantization factor is contingent upon the block size and the local attributes derived from adaptive block size selection. In this step, SVD is performed on each block by using Eq. 5: Ui,Σi,Vi=SVDBi {U_i},{\Sigma _i},{V_i} = {\rm{SVD}}\left( {{B_i}} \right)

The next step is selecting the most essential singular values and quantifying the remainder by using Eq. 6: Σcompressed,i=quantizeΣi,thresholdSi {\Sigma _{{\rm{compressed,}}i}} = {\rm{ quantize}}\left( {{\Sigma _i}{\rm{,threshold}}\left( {{S_i}} \right)} \right)

Hybrid combination

The compressed DCT-SVD coefficients are combined in a hybrid fashion. A weighting system that may be utilized to modify the influence of each approach is developed, taking into account the attributes of the block as identified during the adaptive block size selection stage. For instance, blocks characterized by sharp edges or a high degree of texture complexity may have a greater preference for the DCT, whereas blocks including smoother sections may exhibit a stronger inclination toward SVD. The hybrid combination seeks to use the complementing benefits of both the DCT and SVD. In this step, the compressed DCT and SVD coefficients are combined using a mechanism for weighting based on block characteristics by using Eq. 7: Hi=hybridCombineDCTcompressed,i,Σcompressed,i,weightSi {H_i} = {\rm{hybridCombine}}\left( {{\rm{DC}}{{\rm{T}}_{{\rm{compressed}},i}}{\rm{, }}{\Sigma _{{\rm{compressed}},i}}{\rm{, weight}}\left( {{S_i}} \right)} \right)

Quantization and entropy coding

The hybrid coefficients are subjected to quantization to achieve a further reduction in data size while minimizing the impact on image quality. Entropy coding techniques, such as Huffman or arithmetic coding, are used to effectively encode the quantized coefficients for the purpose of transmission or storage. In this step, the hybrid coefficients are quantized by using Eq. 8: Hquantized,i=quantizeHi,quantizationFactor(Si) {H_{{\rm{quantized}},i}}\;\; = {\rm{quantize}}\left( {{H_i},{\rm{quantizationFactor}}({S_i})} \right)

In the next step, the quantized coefficients are encoded using entropy coding by using Eq. 9: Hencoded,i=entropyCodingHquantized,i {H_{{\rm{encoded}},i}}\; = \;{\rm{entropyCoding}}\left( {{H_{{\rm{quantized}},i}}} \right)

Inverse transform and reconstruction

The process of reconstructing the compressed image involves decoding the hybrid coefficients. The inverse DCT-SVD transformations are employed to derive the estimated blocks. The adaptive block size selection technique is employed to effectively merge the blocks and restore the compressed picture in its entirety. In the next step, the compressed block are reconstructed based on the encoded coefficients by using Eq. 10: Breconstructed,i=inverseHybridCombineHencoded,i {B_{{\rm{reconstructed}},i}}\;\; = {\rm{\;inverseHybridCombine}}\left( {{H_{{\rm{encoded}},i}}} \right)

In the next step, the compressed image are obtained by combining the reconstructed blocks by using Eq. 11: Icompressed=combineBlocksBreconstructed,1,Breconstructed,2,,Breconstructed,N {I_{{\rm{compressed}}}} = {\rm{combineBlocks}}\left( {{B_{{\rm{reconstructed}},1}},{B_{{\rm{reconstructed}},2}}, \ldots ,{B_{{\rm{reconstructed}},N}}} \right)

Output compressed image

At last, a compressed image is produced by combining the reconstructed segments. The proposed hybrid algorithm combines DCT and SVD techniques with adaptive block size selection, enabling higher compression ratios while maintaining superior image quality compared to conventional DCT-and SVD-based approaches. Adaptive block size selection ensures that the algorithm intelligently modifies the compression trade-off based on the local characteristics of the image, resulting in a more efficient and aesthetically appealing compression outcome.

Algorithm 1

Step 1: Image preprocessing

After loading the input image and converting it to the RGB color space, divide the image into N × N non-overlapping blocks. The image is divided into blocks, and an adaptive block size is chosen according to the content complexity of each block. Ip=Preprocess(Ir) {I_p} = \;{\rm{Preprocess}}({I_r}) where Ip is the processed image and Ir is the raw image. IpRGBx,y=Rx,y,Gx,y,Bx,y {I_{p{\rm{RGB}}}}\left( {\;x,y} \right)\; = \left( {R\left( {\;x,y} \right),G\left( {\;x,y} \right),B\left( {\;x,y} \right)} \right)

Step 2: Adaptive block size selection

Calculate a complexity metric for each block, taking texture and edge information into account. Then use a reduced block size (e.g., N/2 × N/2) if the complexity metric is high; otherwise, use a larger block size (2N × 2N).

Step 3: DCT compression

The DCT transforms information from the spatial domain to the frequency domain. Quantization of DCT coefficients reduces storage capacity. Each object undergoes a 2D DCT transformation Fu,v=12NCuCvx=0N1y=0N1fx,ycos2x+1uπ2Ncos2y+1vπ2N \matrix{{F\left( {u,v} \right) = {1 \over {\sqrt {2N} }}C\left( u \right)C\left( v \right)\sum\nolimits_{x = 0}^{N - 1} {\sum\nolimits_{y = 0}^{N - 1} {f\left( {x,y} \right)} } } \hfill \cr {\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\cos \left( {{{\left( {2x + 1} \right)u\pi } \over {2N}}} \right)\cos \left( {{{\left( {2y + 1} \right)v\pi } \over {2N}}} \right)} \hfill \cr }

Quantify the DCT coefficients using the matrix of quantization Q Qu,v=Fu,vQu,v {Q_{u,v}} = {{F\left( {u,v} \right)} \over {Q\left( {u,v} \right)}}

Step 4: SVD compression

Quantified DCT coefficients are subjected to SVD, and the number of significant singular values is determined. Data are reduced when singular values are truncated. Apply SVD to the matrix of quantized DCT coefficients. Q=UΣVT Q = U\Sigma {V^T}

Analyze the singular values in Σ to determine the number of significant singular values to retain, truncate the remaining singular values. Σ=RetaintopksingularvaluesfromΣ \Sigma ' = {\rm{Retain}}\;{\rm{top}}\;k\;{\rm{singular}}\;{\rm{values}}\;{\rm{from}}\;\Sigma

Step 5: Entropy encoding

Entropy encoding represents the reduced data for storage in an efficient manner. On the retained singular values and quantized DCT coefficients, perform entropy encoding using Huffman coding. L=i=1npiIi L = \sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^n {{p_i} \cdot {I_i}} where L is the typical length of the Huffman code, n is the number of characters, pi probability that the ith symbol, and li is the extent of the ith symbol’s code.

Step 6: Decompression

Decompression is the reversal of compression. Entropy-decoding the compressed data and reconstructing the image using inverse DCT and SVD operations. Entropy decoding of compressed data yields retained singular values and quantized DCT coefficients. Then rebuild the SVD-compressed matrix. Q=UΣVT Q' = U\Sigma '{V^T}

Quantize in reverse the DCT coefficients F(u,v)=Qu,vQ(u,v) F(u,v\;) = \;Q_{u,v}^\prime \cdot Q\;(u,v\;) Utilize inverse 2D DCT to acquire the decompressed block

Step 7: Postprocessing

In this step, the entire decompressed image is reconstructed by combining the decompressed segments and then utilize filtering and blurring to reduce compression artifacts. Postprocessing techniques further improve image quality by removing compression-induced artifacts.

This algorithm optimizes compression efficacy by striking a balance between DCT’s frequency-domain transformation and SVD’s spatial-domain transformation. Adaptive block size selection optimizes resource allocation, while the dynamic retention of singular values preserves significant image details. This exhaustive approach demonstrates its potential for a variety of image compression applications.

Result and analysis

In this section, we provide the evaluation parameter outcomes of the proposed hybrid image compression algorithm’s performance. The compression ratio, peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), structural similarity index (SSIM), and compression image difference (CID) are the indices that we used to present the findings of the performance assessment of our proposed hybrid image compression algorithm. These measures provide some insight into the trade-off between the efficiency of image compression and the quality of the image.

Compression ratio

The compression ratio quantifies the degree of compression applied to the original image. The calculation involves determining the ratio between the dimensions of the original image and the dimensions of the compressed image. The compression ratio is determined by dividing the original image size by the compressed image size. Table 3 displays the compression ratios attained for several image datasets using the DCT-SVD hybrid technique. The graphical representation of the compression ratio is provided in Figure 4, which compares the existing image compression techniques such as JPEG, JPEG2000, and pure DCT-based compression with the proposed hybrid DCT-SVD hybrid technique.

Figure 4:

Comparative analysis of compression ratios attained for several image datasets. DCT, discrete cosine transform; SVD, singular value decomposition

Compression ratios attained for several image datasets using the DCT-SVD hybrid technique

Dataset Compression ratio
Kodak Lossless True Color Image Suite 58.34
Lena image 63.12
BSDS 55.76
ImageNet 57.89

BSDS, Berkeley segmentation dataset; DCT, discrete cosine transform; SVD, singular value decomposition.

The outcomes given in Table 3 reveal that the objective of our proposed technique is to obtain compression ratios that are comparable to other algorithms while simultaneously preserving image quality at a high level.

Validation of compression ratios

The assessment of the efficacy of the suggested hybrid image compression method heavily relies on the evaluation of the compression ratio, which is considered a vital measure. The hybrid algorithm exhibited compression ratios that were comparable to those achieved by current state-of-the-art methodologies, as indicated in Figure 4. The results reveal that the methodology used in our study effectively employed the DCT-SVD techniques for achieving image size reduction while maintaining crucial image characteristics.


The PSNR is a commonly used statistic in image processing to assess the fidelity of a reconstructed image by quantifying the disparity between the original and compressed images. Greater PSNR levels are indicative of superior image quality. The PSNR is a commonly used measure in the field of image processing to assess the fidelity of a reconstructed image. It does this by quantifying the disparity between the original image and its compressed counterpart. A higher PSNR is indicative of superior image quality. The PSNR is computed using Eq. 12: PSNR=10logMAX2552MSE {\rm{PSNR}} = 10\;\log \;{{{{\left( {{\rm{MAX}}\left( {255} \right)} \right)}^2}} \over {{\rm{MSE}}}} where the variable MAX represents the maximum pixel value in an 8-bit grayscale image, which is typically 255. The mean squared error (MSE) represents the average squared difference between the original and reconstructed images. Table 4 presents the PSNR values acquired for several image datasets using the technique described in this article.

PSNR values attained for several image datasets using the DCT-SVD hybrid technique

Dataset PSNR (dB)
Kodak Lossless True Color Image Suite 38.21
Lena image 39.08
BSDS 36.75
ImageNet 37.52

BSDS, Berkeley segmentation dataset; DCT, discrete cosine transform; PSNR, peak signal-to-noise ratio; SVD, singular value decomposition.

To evaluate the efficacy of the DCT-SVD hybrid compression algorithm, a comparative analysis was conducted, whereby existing image compression techniques such as JPEG, JPEG2000, and pure DCT-based compression were considered for comparison. Figure 5 depicts the PSNR values attained by each technique in relation to different test image datasets.

Figure 5:

Comparative analysis of PSNR values attained. BSDS, Berkeley segmentation dataset; DCT, discrete cosine transform; PSNR, peak signal-to-noise ratio; SVD, singular value decomposition.

Validation of PSNR values

According to the findings shown in Figure 5, the hybrid algorithm that was developed regularly demonstrated superior performance compared to other approaches. This was evident via its ability to achieve higher PSNR values, indicating a more effective preservation of image quality. The PSNR values obtained for the reconstructed images were consistently high when evaluated on several test images.

This suggests that the suggested technique successfully minimized the loss of information throughout the compression process. The DCT-SVD phases effectively collaborated to preserve the image quality while simultaneously minimizing the data size.


The evaluation of a compression algorithm’s performance is equally reliant on the assessment of visual quality. The SSIM is a perceptual measure used for evaluating the degree of structural similarity between the original and compressed images. The SSIM is a metric that quantifies the similarity between two images. It produces values within the range of −1 to 1, where larger values correspond to a higher degree of similarity between the images. Table 5 presents the SSIM values acquired for several image datasets using the technique proposed in this study.

SSIM values obtained for several image datasets using the DCT-SVD hybrid technique

Dataset SSIM
Kodak Lossless True Color Image Suite 0.93
Lena image 0.94
BSDS 0.89
ImageNet 0.92

BSDS, Berkeley segmentation dataset; DCT, discrete cosine transform; SSIM, structural similarity index; SVD, singular value decomposition.

Validation of the SSIM

Figure 6 depicts a visual comparison of the original image, the image compressed using the hybrid approach, and the image compressed using an alternative technique.

Figure 6:

Visual comparison of original and compressed images for different techniques. DCT, discrete cosine transform; SVD, singular value decomposition.

The SSIM values provided further evidence of the algorithm’s capacity to maintain the image structure and visual quality. As shown in Figure 6, the hybrid DCT-SVD technique showed superior performance compared to conventional compression approaches in terms of preserving structural similarities. Our method repeatedly demonstrated superior performance compared to existing approaches, as shown by higher PSNR and SSIM values. The use of hybrid techniques in our approach allowed attaining superior image quality while maintaining comparable compression ratios.

Compression image difference (CID)

The perceptually justified measure known as CID is used to quantify the visual disparity between the original images and the images that have undergone compression. The consideration of the properties of the human visual system (HVS) is included in this approach, resulting in a more precise depiction of perceived image quality than conventional measurements. Table 6 presents PSNR values acquired for several image datasets using the proposed technique. Figure 7 depicts compression image difference (CID) values attained by each technique in relation to different test image datasets.

Figure 7:

Comparative analysis of CIDs attained for several image datasets. DCT, discrete cosine transform; SVD, singular value decomposition.

CIDs obtained for several image datasets using the DCT-SVD hybrid technique

Dataset CID
Kodak lossless true color image suite 0.86
Lena image 0.82
BSDS 0.89
ImageNet 0.87

BSDS, Berkeley segmentation dataset; DCT, discrete cosine transform; SVD, singular value decomposition.

Validation of CID values

Table 6 depicts that the obtained CID values for our proposed hybrid image compression algorithm indicate its capability to preserve perceptual image quality. The use of DCT-SVD techniques within the hybrid framework plays a significant role in maintaining the visual accuracy of the compressed images, as shown by the reduced values of the compression image distortion (CID) scores. Figure 7 reveals that our proposed approach exhibits significant benefits in terms of CID values when compared to state-of-the-art image compression algorithms. The lower values of the CID scores demonstrate the effectiveness of our hybrid strategy in reducing visual disparities between the original and compressed images, hence improving the overall perceptual quality. The findings of our experimental study demonstrate the effectiveness of the hybrid image compression algorithm that utilizes the DCT-SVD technique in attaining a harmonious trade-off between compression efficiency and image fidelity.

The algorithm’s capacity to maintain elevated PSNR and SSIM values while simultaneously attaining comparable compression ratios demonstrates it as an advanced image compression methodology in contrast to prevailing state-of-the-art approaches. The integration of the DCT-SVD technique into a hybrid framework presents a prospective avenue for forthcoming investigations in the field of image compression.

Advantages of the hybrid DCT-SVD approach

One advantage of using a hybrid approach is that it combines the strengths of many methods or strategies, resulting in a more comprehensive and effective solution. The use of a hybrid approach in the suggested method leverages the advantageous characteristics of both the DCT and SVD approaches. The DCT is an effective method for representing spatial frequency information, but SVD is adept at capturing global correlations and redundancies. The hybridization process results in enhanced compression performance, as seen by the increased compression ratios, PSNR values, and visual quality.

Computational complexity

Computational complexity refers to the study of the resources required to solve a computational problem. While the hybrid approach demonstrates enhanced compression outcomes, it is crucial to take into account its computational intricacy. It is necessary to compare the processing time of the combined DCT-SVD compression technique with that of the separate techniques to ascertain its practical usefulness.

Application contexts

The algorithm’s notable performance renders it highly suitable for applications that prioritize the preservation of image quality, such as medical imaging and archive systems. The attraction of the technology is further enhanced by its compliance with current compression standards and its adaptability in processing different sorts of images. Thus, the use of the hybrid image compression technique including DCT-SVD technique demonstrates notable efficacy in compression, while concurrently preserving high-quality image representation. The aforementioned findings underscore the capacity of this methodology to surpass current compression techniques, making it a very promising strategy for a wide range of practical applications.


The findings and examination of the suggested hybrid image compression algorithm, which combines the DCT-SVD technique with adaptive block size selection, offer significant knowledge regarding its effectiveness. These results emphasize its advantages and identify potential areas for enhancement. The hybrid image compression algorithm integrates the DCT-SVD techniques together with adaptive block size selection. This approach has substantial implications for diverse domains and applications in image processing and beyond. Furthermore, there exist other potential routes for future improvements and optimizations that have the potential to boost the algorithm’s performance and broaden its applicability.

Broader implications

Multimedia Applications: Efficient image compression plays a crucial role in multimedia applications, including but not limited to digital photography, video streaming, and content distribution. The approach under consideration demonstrates the capacity to effectively accomplish both large compression ratios and the preservation of picture quality, thus establishing itself as a viable tool for enriching multimedia experiences.

Medical Imaging: Medical imaging plays a crucial role in the accurate identification of medical conditions, necessitating the imposition of rigorous quality standards on the acquired pictures. The algorithm possesses significant potential in terms of preserving crucial features during the compression of pictures, which has the capacity to bring about a transformative impact on medical image archiving, transmission, and analysis. Consequently, this advancement can enhance the delivery of healthcare services.

Remote Sensing: Remote sensing encompasses several applications, including the use of satellite pictures and aerial photography, which result in the generation of extensive datasets. The compression capabilities of the algorithm play a vital role in minimizing expenses associated with data transmission and storage, all the while ensuring the preservation of the integrity of the acquired information.

Artificial Intelligence: Within the context of the current era of artificial intelligence, where the utilization of extensive datasets has significant importance, the implementation of effective picture compression techniques plays a crucial role in enhancing the efficiency of both training and deployment procedures. The integration of the algorithm’s adaptability into artificial intelligence systems has the potential to enhance the effective management of data.

Potential future enhancements

Fine-Tuned Adaptive Strategies: Further enhancement of the process for selecting block sizes adaptively has the potential to result in increased adaptability. The utilization of sophisticated image analysis approaches, such as semantic segmentation, has the potential to provide more accurate division of images based on their semantic content.

Machine Learning-Guided Hybridization: The use of machine learning approaches to adaptively modify the weighting of DCT-SVD coefficients during the process of hybridization has the potential to enhance the performance of the algorithm by taking into account the unique characteristics of the picture material.

Hardware Implementation: The optimization of the approach for hardware implementation has the potential to enable real-time applications, particularly in situations where instantaneous compression is critical, such as in video streaming and real-time surveillance.

Context Awareness: The use of context awareness techniques, such as the analysis of the spatial connection between pictures in a sequence, has the potential to boost the flexibility and compression efficiency of the algorithm.

Lossless Variants: The existing approach primarily emphasizes lossy compression, but there is potential to expand its scope by using its principles to build lossless compression variations. This expansion would enhance its suitability for situations that demand uncompromised data integrity at the pixel level.

Security Applications: The potential of algorithms in security applications may be investigated by exploring their effectiveness in ensuring secure picture transmission using techniques such as watermarking, encryption, or steganography. This exploration has the potential to create new opportunities for safeguarding image data and facilitating secure communication.

The proposed hybrid image compression technique represents a significant advancement in the field of image compression. Moreover, it has the potential to revolutionize other fields that heavily rely on effective management of picture data. The capacity to effectively balance compression efficiency and preserve picture quality holds significance in several fields, including multimedia, medical imaging, remote sensing, and artificial intelligence. With the ongoing progress in research and technology, it is anticipated that forthcoming advancements may significantly boost the capability of algorithms, leading to a transformative impact on the processing, storage, and transmission of pictures across many applications.


The novel hybrid image compression approach that effectively combines the DCT-SVD techniques while including adaptive block size selection has exhibited noteworthy quantitative accomplishments. The technique obtained noteworthy compression ratios of up to 60%, signifying its efficacy in diminishing data size for the purposes of storage and transmission. Concurrently, the aforementioned technology maintains high picture quality by achieving a PSNR exceeding 35 dB. This demonstrates its efficacy in preserving crucial image features during the compression process. The algorithm’s superiority is demonstrated through a comparison examination, whereby it constantly exhibits better performance than existing approaches in terms of both compression efficiency and quality measures. The adaptability of this phenomenon allows for its use in several disciplines, resulting in significant contributions. In the field of multimedia, data utilization is enhanced while preserving the integrity of images. In the domain of medical imaging, it guarantees accurate diagnosis by ensuring that compression-induced distortion (CID) remains below 1%. Additionally, in the realm of remote sensing, it effectively manages large amounts of data, hence decreasing expenses. The flexibility of algorithms plays a crucial role in facilitating future advancements as technology continues to grow. The possibility for achieving larger quantitative successes becomes clear through the refinement of adaptive techniques, exploration of machine learning-driven alterations, and experimentation with lossless versions. The hybrid image compression algorithm has been empirically tested, leading to a significant transformation in image compression methodologies and making a lasting impact on the effective handling of digital images in contemporary times.

Frequenza di pubblicazione:
Volume Open
Argomenti della rivista:
Engineering, Introductions and Overviews, other