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Don’t tell me stories – the narratives of retirement and their relation with brand associations



Figure 1

Research model.
Research model.

Results of the groups comparisons based on HSD Tukey test (a = 0.05)

Brand narrative Age BP evaluation (mean) Homogenous group

No. 1 No. 2
Group 3 (“the road trip” conservative narrative) 30–39 3.417 ***
Group 1 (“the clinic” contemporary narrative) 40–49 3.991 *** ***
Group 2 (“the cruise” progressive narrative) 40–49 4.111 *** ***
Group 1 (“the clinic” conservative narrative) 30–39 4.120 *** ***
Control group (cultural-neutral) 50–60 4.130 *** ***
Control group (cultural-neutral) 40–49 4.139 *** ***
Group 2 (“the cruise” contemporary narrative) 30–39 4.176 *** ***
Group 3 (“the road trip” progressive narrative) 50–60 4.333 *** ***
Control group (cultural-neutral) 30–39 4.398 *** ***
Group 1 (“the clinic” conservative narrative) 50–60 4.407 *** ***
Group 3 (“the road trip” progressive narrative) 40–49 4.500 ***
Group 2 (“the cruise” contemporary narrative) 50–60 4.620 ***

Cronbach's alpha for brand associations scale

Brand association scale Cronbach's alpha (for scale = 0.954)

For construct When excluded

Item 1 Item 2 Item 3
PV 0.904 0.867 0.832 0.887
BP 0.847 0.747 0.736 0.876
OA 0.937 0.900 0.909 0.917

Two-way ANOVA results for separate brand associations

Effect avPV avBP avOA

F statistics p-value F statistics p-value F statistics p-Value
Intercept 4845.244 0.000 4374.755 0.000 4223.975 0.000
Brand narrative 0.845 0.470 0.523 0.667 0.881 0.451
Age 1.030 0.358 2.470 0.086 0.343 0.710
Brand narrative × age 1.989 0.066 2.531 0.020* 2.019 0.062

Results of two-way MANOVA test

Effect Test Test value F Effect df Error df p-value
Intercept Wilks’ Lambda 0.076 1696.512 3 418 0
Hotelling's T2 12.176 1696.512 3 418 0
Brand narrative Wilks’ Lambda 0.977 1.093 9 1017.453 0.365
Hotelling's T2 0.024 1.093 9 1250 0.365
Age Wilks’ Lambda 0.98 1.422 6 836 0.202
Hotelling's T2 0.02 1.424 6 834 0.202
Brand narrative × age Wilks’ Lambda 0.941 1.417 18 1182.768 0.114
Hotelling's T2 0.061 1.418 18 1250 0.113

Dependent variables – brand associations metrics and questions for the questionnaire

Brand associations scale

Construct Symbol Item Reference
PV PV1 Brand X is good value for money Lassar et al. [1995], Aaker [1996], Netemeyer et al. [2004] in: Buil et al. [2008]
PV2 Within insurance companies I consider brand X a good buy
PV3 Considering what I would pay for brand X, I would get much more than my money's worth
BP BP1 Brand X has a personality Aaker [1996] in: Buil et al. [2008]
BP2 Brand X is interesting
BP3 I have a clear image of the type of person who would use brand X
Organizational associations OA1 I trust the company which makes brand X Aaker [1996]; Pappu et al. [2005, 2006] in: Buil et al. 2008]
OA2 I like the company which makes brand X
OA3 The company which makes brand X has credibility

Types of cultural codes of retirement

Metaphor Residual code: “the clinic” Dominant code: “the cruise” Emergent code: “the road trip”
Verbal and visual signs used in a code The end of the road, resignation, immobility, surrender A closed circuit, controlled and directed, gazing into the sunset, spectating, anchored, transcendence The open road, control, self-directed, discovery, mobility, freedom, living the dream, staying in the game.
Emotional needs To satisfy fear and apprehension Caring, security, relationship Freedom, impact, control, discovery, fun

Results of manipulation check – within group means and homogeneous groups

Narration recognized as Control groupCultural-neutral narrative (no manipulation) Group 1Narrative 1 “the clinic” (conservative) Group 2Narrative 2 “the cruise” (contemporary) Group 3Narrative 3 “the road trip” (progressive)
Conservative 3.75* 4.00* 3.375* 3.750*
Contemporary 5.06** 4.50* 4.000** 5.063**
Progressive 5.12** 4.50* 5.063** 5.250**

Correlations coefficients between items

Construct Item no. Item 1 Item 2 Item 3
PV Item 1 1.000 0.798 0.713
Item 2 0.798 1.000 0.766
Item 3 0.713 0.766 1.000
BP Item 1 1.000 0.782 0.588
Item 2 0.782 1.000 0.598
Item 3 0.588 0.598 1.000
OA Item 1 1.000 0.850 0.840
Item 2 0.850 1.000 0.819
Item 3 0.840 0.819 1.000

Tests for homogeneity of variances of stimuli groups

Brand associations Hartley's Fmax Cochran's C Barttlet's Chi-squared d-f p-value
PV 1.532 0.310 5.044 3 0.169
BP 1.541 0.293 5.179 3 0.159
OA 1.430 0.303 3.732 3 0.292

Means and SDs of brand associations constructs

Age avPVMean and SD avBPMean and SD avOAMean and SD
Control group (cultural-neutral)
30–39 4.287 0.204 4.398 0.198 4.278 0.224
40–49 4.278 0.183 4.139 0.183 4.074 0.185
50–60 4.120 0.187 4.130 0.204 3.889 0.194
Group 1 (“the clinic” conservative narrative)
30–39 4.278 0.265 4.120 0.291 4.037 0.272
40–49 3.815 0.266 3.991 0.258 3.750 0.259
50–60 4.204 0.158 4.407 0.155 4.000 0.187
Group 2 (“the cruise” contemporary narrative)
30–39 4.315 0.209 4.176 0.228 4.148 0.208
40–49 4.250 0.201 4.111 0.217 4.028 0.209
50–60 4.537 0.230 4.620 0.232 4.463 0.217
Group 3 (“the road trip” progressive narrative)
30–39 3.657 0.235 3.417 0.244 3.630 0.218
40–49 4.417 0.201 4.500 0.212 4.472 0.227
50–60 4.500 0.146 4.333 0.180 4.250 0.193