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Establishing Standard Protocols for Bacterial Culture in Biological Research in Canisters (BRIC) Hardware



Figure 1

Survival of air-dried cells of S. aureus (circles) and S. epidermidis (triangles) as a function of time. Data points are averages ± standard deviations of duplicate samples.
Survival of air-dried cells of S. aureus (circles) and S. epidermidis (triangles) as a function of time. Data points are averages ± standard deviations of duplicate samples.

Figure 2

Pre-SVT growth curves of S. aureus (A) and B. subtilis (B) in 60 mm Petri plates. Data are averages + standard deviations of duplicate experiments. Growth phases are denoted: (i) lag, (ii) logarithmic, (iii) transition, and (iv) stationary. Data are plotted on the same scales for comparison.
Pre-SVT growth curves of S. aureus (A) and B. subtilis (B) in 60 mm Petri plates. Data are averages + standard deviations of duplicate experiments. Growth phases are denoted: (i) lag, (ii) logarithmic, (iii) transition, and (iv) stationary. Data are plotted on the same scales for comparison.

Figure 3

Growth of S. aureus cells in BRIC-PDFUs during SVT. Data are averages ± standard deviations of triplicate samples. Logarithmic (ii) phase is denoted. See text for details.
Growth of S. aureus cells in BRIC-PDFUs during SVT. Data are averages ± standard deviations of triplicate samples. Logarithmic (ii) phase is denoted. See text for details.

Figure 4

(A) Actuation of BRIC-23 canisters onboard the ISS by astronaut Jeffrey Williams. (B) Temperatures recorded during BRIC-23 flight for B. subtilis (HOBO-A, green line) and S. aureus (HOBO-D, red line). Time of actuation is denoted by upward arrow, and time of canister transfer to the onboard −80°C freezer is denoted by the downward arrows.
(A) Actuation of BRIC-23 canisters onboard the ISS by astronaut Jeffrey Williams. (B) Temperatures recorded during BRIC-23 flight for B. subtilis (HOBO-A, green line) and S. aureus (HOBO-D, red line). Time of actuation is denoted by upward arrow, and time of canister transfer to the onboard −80°C freezer is denoted by the downward arrows.

Schedule of activities for BRIC-23 Science Verification Test (SVT), Flight (FL), and Ground Control (GC) experiments*.

Actual or Simulated ActivityDayDateDayDateDayDate
Transfer to −80°C (B. subtilis)1504/13807/23809/21
Transfer to −80°C (S. aureus)1604/14907/24909/22
Undocking and splashdown4207/26
Arrival at KSC4607/30
Frequenza di pubblicazione:
2 volte all'anno
Argomenti della rivista:
Life Sciences, other, Materials Sciences, Physics