
Fig. 1.

Research framework
Research framework

Fig. 2.

Color samples with accompanying information
Color samples with accompanying information

Fig. 3.

Texture samples with accompanying information
Texture samples with accompanying information

Fig. 4.

Essential oils and liquids dripped onto textiles
Essential oils and liquids dripped onto textiles

Fig. 5.

Experimental setup
Experimental setup

Fig. 6.

Five clusters of ratings of sample color
Note. Attr = ratings for the attractive-unattractive semantic differential. Int = ratings for the interesting-boring semantic differential. 1 = Black. 2 = Sulphur Spring. 3 = Caramel Café. 4 = Desert Sage. 5 = Pink Yarrow. 6 = Blazing Yellow
Five clusters of ratings of sample color Note. Attr = ratings for the attractive-unattractive semantic differential. Int = ratings for the interesting-boring semantic differential. 1 = Black. 2 = Sulphur Spring. 3 = Caramel Café. 4 = Desert Sage. 5 = Pink Yarrow. 6 = Blazing Yellow

Fig. 7.

Two clusters of texture attribute ratings
Note. Attr = ratings for the attractive-unattractive semantic differential. Sens = ratings for the insensitive-sensitive semantic differential. 1 = cloqué jacquard, 2 = knitted rib, 3 = suede leather, 4 = canvas, 5 = crochet, 6 = boiled wool
Two clusters of texture attribute ratings Note. Attr = ratings for the attractive-unattractive semantic differential. Sens = ratings for the insensitive-sensitive semantic differential. 1 = cloqué jacquard, 2 = knitted rib, 3 = suede leather, 4 = canvas, 5 = crochet, 6 = boiled wool

Fig. 8.

Six clusters of scent attribute ratings
Note. Attr = ratings for the attractive-unattractive semantic differential. Lux = ratings for the luxurious-cheap semantic differential. 1 = lemon essential oil. 2 = white tobacco e-liquid. 3 = Himalayan cedar. 4 = liquid ammonia. 5 = ether. 6 = geranium bourbon essential oil
Six clusters of scent attribute ratings Note. Attr = ratings for the attractive-unattractive semantic differential. Lux = ratings for the luxurious-cheap semantic differential. 1 = lemon essential oil. 2 = white tobacco e-liquid. 3 = Himalayan cedar. 4 = liquid ammonia. 5 = ether. 6 = geranium bourbon essential oil

Fig. 9.

Two clusters of sound attribute ratings
Note. Attr = ratings for the attractive-unattractive semantic differential. Calm = ratings for the calming-disturbing semantic differential. 1 = cloqué jacquard, 2 = knitted rib, 3 = suede leather, 4 = canvas, 5 = crochet, 6 = boiled wool
Two clusters of sound attribute ratings Note. Attr = ratings for the attractive-unattractive semantic differential. Calm = ratings for the calming-disturbing semantic differential. 1 = cloqué jacquard, 2 = knitted rib, 3 = suede leather, 4 = canvas, 5 = crochet, 6 = boiled wool

Distribution of adjectives in previous scientific articles and study areas

Semantic differential Study
Boring-Interesting Habyba et al. [42], Lokman et al. [43], Fischl G. [44]
Cheap-Luxurious Habyba et al. [42], Lokman et al. [43]
Disturbing-Calm Habyba et al. [42], Lokman et al. [43], Fischl G. [44], Janssens J. [45], Evensen et al. [46],
Insensitive-Sensitive Lokman et al. [43]
Unattractive-Attractive Lokman et al. [43], Santos M. [47]

Mean values (M) and standard deviation (SD) of ratings for texture samples

Unattractive-Attractive Insensitive-Sensitive Frequencies of choices
Sample M SD M SD Most attractive Most unattractive Most insensitive Most sensitive
1 - Cloqué jacquard 5.2 1.4 5.0 1.4 5 4 0 8
2 - Knitted rib 6.1 0.9 5.8 1.1 24 0 0 21
3 - Suede leather 5.3 2.0 4.9 1.7 18 5 7 15
4 - Canvas 4.0 1.9 3.9 1.7 3 9 6 6
5 - Crochet 3.7 2.0 3.0 1.9 3 22 32 2
6 - Boiled wool 3.5 1.6 3.9 1.6 1 14 9 2

Mean values (M) and standard deviation (SD) of ratings for scented textile samples

Unattractive-Attractive Cheap-Luxurious Frequencies of choices
Sample M SD M SD Most attractive Most unattractive Most luxurious Cheapest
1 - Lemon essential oil 5.6 1.3 5.0 1.4 28 2 20 3
2 - White tobacco e-liquid 3.5 1.9 3.2 1.7 7 8 5 12
3 - Himalayan cedar 2.5 1.6 2.8 1.8 4 9 6 10
4 - Liquid ammonia 1.9 1.2 2.3 1.4 1 32 2 17
5 - Ether 4.0 1.9 3.6 1.7 10 2 9 7
6 - Geranium bourbon es.oil 3.6 1.7 3.7 1.6 4 1 12 5

Mean values (M) and standard deviation (SD) of ratings for audio samples

Unattractive-Attractive Disturbing-Calming Frequencies of choices
Sample M SD M SD Most attractive Most unattractive Most calming Most disturbing
Audio recording 1 - cloqué jacquard 4.4 1.6 4.4 1.7 9 1 11 1
Audio recording 2 – canvas 4.0 1.5 4.1 1.5 9 1 8 1
Audio recording 3 – suede leather 5.3 1.5 5.6 1.5 20 3 18 2
Audio recording 4 – crochet 2.2 1.4 1.9 1.0 2 22 2 18
Audio recording 5 – knitted rib 4.3 1.7 4.3 1.7 14 2 15 3
Audio recording 6 – boiled wool 2.5 1.5 2.0 1.3 0 25 0 29

Mean values (M) and standard deviation (SD) of ratings for color samples, and the number of participants selecting a specific sample as having the highest attribute value

Unattractive-Attractive Boring-Interesting Frequencies of choices
Sample M SD M SD Most attractive Most unattractive Most interesting Most boring
1 - Black 4.6 1.8 3.6 2.1 5 8 0 21
2 - Sulphur Spring 4.3 1.7 5.3 1.5 4 10 11 4
3 - Caramel Cafe 3.8 1.6 3.4 1.5 3 20 2 16
4 - Desert Sage 5.3 1.6 4.7 1.5 17 5 9 8
5 - Pink Yarrow 5.8 1.4 6.1 1.0 19 4 20 2
6 - Blazing Yellow 4.5 1.8 5.2 1.4 6 7 12 3