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Communication Task Difficulty in Investment Risk Profiling: A Linguistic Perspective

   | 19 mar 2024


Financial Planner Question 1 ‘stem’
FP1 Question one it’s asking what experience have you had with investing in bonds and managed funds and shares which rise and fall in value over time? Is it:
FP2 The first question is what experience have you had with investing in shares, bonds and managed funds which rise and fall in value over time?
FP3 Question one. What experience have you had with investing in shares, bonds and managed funds [which rise and fall in value over time] personally?
FP4 So question one. What experience have you had with investing in shares, bonds and managed funds which rise and fall in value over time?
FP5 So [question one] what experience do you have of investing in shares, bonds and managed funds [which rise and fall in value over time]?

Overview of Five Client Profiles

Financial Planner Client Gender Age Income p.a. $ Super balance $ Duration of consultation (mins/secs) Duration of risk profiling portion (mins/secs)
1 A F 56 24,000 117,000 18.10 7.35
2 B F 42 31,000 27,000 32.55 5.50
3 C F 20 N/A 5,000 43.10 16.00
4 D F 31 N/A 27,000 33.45 9.45
5 E M 59 35,000 37,000 16.30 4.30

A Never invested You’ve never invested Never invested You’ve never invested [None*] Never invested. Okay.
B Held investments once or twice You’ve held investments once or twice Held investments once or twice You’ve held investments once or twice -
C []A regular investor or saver; or I’m a regular investor and saver; and I’m a regular investor and a saver You’re a regular investor and saver; or -
D You are actively involved in the market[] I’m actively involved in the markets I’m actively involved in the markets You’re actively involved in the markets -

Investment risk profile questionnaire

Question 1: What experience have you had with investing in shares, bonds and managed funds which rise and fall in value over time?
A Never invested
B Held investments once or twice
C I’m a regular investor and saver
D I’m actively involved in the markets
Question 2: How would you rate your knowledge of investing?
A Excellent
B Fairly good
C Basic, I know a little bit
D I don’t know anything about investing
Question 3: Inflation can erode the buying power of your investments over time. How important to you is it to ensure your investments are protected from inflation?
A Not at all
B Somewhat important
C Very important
D Critical
Question 4: Investing requires choices about the level of return relative to risks. Which of the following investment options would you feel most comfortable with?
A An average return of 6% per annum and little or no chance of a negative year
B Average returns of 7 to 8% per annum and a chance of one negative year in a 10-year period
C Average returns of 9 to10% per annum and a chance of two negative years in a 10-year period
D Average returns greater than 10% per annum and a chance of three or more negative years in 10
Question 5: How would you feel and react if your investments fell in value by 15% this year?
A Distressed. You’d seek to sell the investment and get your remaining money back
B Concerned. You’d look at what other options you may now have
C Relaxed, as you’re prepared to wait for markets and investments to rebound
D Excited, as this may present new buying opportunities
Question 6: A risk-free rate of 4% might be appealing but it wouldn’t be much good if your goals required a 10% return. Which of the following statements best represents your views?
A Achieving my financial goal is paramount. I would put at risk all I have to achieve my goals
B I would feel happier keeping what I have rather than achieving my goals
C I would risk a small amount of what I have to achieve my goals
D I would risk a large amount of what I have to achieve my goals
Question 7: If you are investing for retirement, please select the following answer which best describes your situation.
A I have more than 20 years to retirement
B I have five to 20 years until I retire
C I’m within five years from retirement
D I have already retired
Question 8: Which of the following timeframes best suits your financial objectives or retirement horizon?
A Less than one year
B One to three years
C Three to seven years
D Greater than seven years

Question 1: None.
Question 2: Never considered.
Question 3: Oh, I’d say ‘critical’
Question 4: The last one.
Question 5: Uhm, B.
Question 6: Uhm, I’d go on a sort of 50/50 there.