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Characteristics, causality, and suicidal behavior: a qualitative study of family members with suicide history in Wonogiri, Indonesia



The causality of suicide attempts behavior.

Causality of SuicideParticipantsTotal n (%)
Depression----10 (67.0)
Self-concept disorder----11 (73.0)
Sickness-------8 (53.0)
Genetics factor--------------1 (7.0)
Joblessness, economic crisis, and unemployment--13 (87.0)
Family conditions--13 (87.0)
Causality Total453343342522355

The questions from the interview.

1.Identity and background of the subject








Religion behavior

Family background

Family type

Family income

Suicide ideation

2.Physical condition as follow

Medical record of the subject

Response of the people around the subject about the disease they have

Medicines taken by the subject

Activities obstacle of the subject

3.Personality characteristics and mental health of the subject

Problem solving behavior

Subject ability to express emotion

Subject ability to take decision

Subject difficulty to control emotion

Subject difficulty to adapt in the neighborhood

Subject suicide causality

Suicide signs of the subject

Subject suicide method



Positive and negative experiences of the subject

5.Family characteristics

Relationship among family members (parents and siblings)

Parenting toward the subject

Family social-economic condition

Subject communication in home

6.Social factors

Relationship between subject and surrounding (neighborhood, school, society)

Behavior of people around the subject that affecting the subject (teachers, friends)

Subject social behavior

People opinion toward the subject interactions behavior

Theme indentified based on the experiences of family members with suicide history.

DepressionTekanan batin (disstressed)P1: “................kayaknya adik saya kena tekanan batin.......” (it seems, my brother have been disstressed)P4: “..........sejak menganggur, anak saya seperti tertekan....” (since being unemploment, my son looked disstressedP10: “..............penyakit yang diderita membuatnya tertekan.....” (his illness make disstressed)
Depresi (depression)P3: “...............anak saya terlihat depresi.......” (my son looked depressed)P11: “...........katanya dia sedang depresi....”(he said being depression)P12: “............adik saya terlihat depresi....” (my brother looked depression)
Sedih (sad)P2: “..............beberapa hari yang lalu dia tampak sedih....” (a few days ago, he looked sad)P5: “......suami saya sedih karena menganggur....” (my husband has sad because he was unemployement)
Self concept disorderMalu (shame/shy)P5: “..........suami saya malu pada keluarga dan tetangga....” (my husband ashamed to his family and neighbour)P7: “..............anak saya pemalu...” (my son was shy)P9: “........suami saya itu pemalu....” (my husband was shy
Minder (inferior)P6: “...........anak saya dari dulu minder sama teman-temannya....” (my child has always felt inferior to his friends)P8: “..............adik saya minder karena telah bercerai.....” (my sister felt inferior because she was divorced)
Tidak percaya diri (not confident)P14: “..........anak saya tidak percaya diri karena penyakitnya.....”(my son was not confident because of his illness)P15: “....... suami saya sering merasa tidak percaya diri.......” (my husband often feels not confident)
SicknessMenderita (suffer)P4: “....anak saya menderita karena penyakit kencing manisnya....” (my son suffered from his diabetes)P6: “...........sejak terkena stroke dia terlihat menderita...” (since he had stroke, he seemed to suffer)P7: “...............anak saya menderita akibat kencing manisnya...” (my son sufferred from his diabetes)
Penyakit menahun (chronic illness)P10: “......penyakit anak saya sudah bertahun-tahun......” (my son's illness has been for years)P8: “.......penyakit adik saya sudah bertahun-tahun...” (my brother's illness has been for years)
Tidak sembuh-sembuh (not cured)P14: “ ............anak saya penyakitnya tidak sembuh-sembuh padahal sudah berobat....” (my sister does not get well when she has treated
Genetic factorKeturunan (heredity)P2: “..........bapak dulu juga meninggal gantung diri, adik saya perempuan dirawat di Rumah Sakit Jiwa karena depresi.....” (my dad died by hanging, and my sister has treated in mental hospital)
Joblesness, economicPengangguran (unemployed)P3: “....anak saya sudah mengganggur sejak 2 tahun...” (my son hes been unemployement since 2 years ago)P5: “......suami saya sedih karena menganggur....” (my husband was sad because he was unemployed)P15: “......suami saya itu nganggur...” (my husband was unemployed)
Tidak bekerja (did not work)P1: “.......adik saya tidak bekerja karena di phk pabriknya....” (my brother did not work because he left to his factory)P11: “...........anak saya tidak bekerja.....” (my son did not work)P9: “.........suami saya tidak bekerja dari tahun lalu.....” (my usband did not work since a year ago)
Tidak mempunyai penghasilan (have no income)P2: “..........adik saya tidak berpenghasilan cukup untuk keluarganya karena hanya sales...” (my sister doesn’t earn enough for her family because it's only sales)P6: “......sejak sakit suami saya tidak dapat menghidupi keluarganya....” (since my illness my husband cannot support his family)P8: “........adik saya tidak mempunyai penghasilan yang tetap karena pekerjaannya serabutan...” (my sister does not have a fixed income because of her odd jobs)
Family conditionkurang perhatian (lovelessness) Selain p6 dan p7P1: “............adik saya dari dahulu memang kurang perhatian dari orang tua....” (my younger brother from the past was indeed lacking in attention from parents)P2: “........dia merasa kurang perhatian dari keluarganya....” (he felt less attention from his family)P5: “.......suami saya kurang diperhatikan oleh keluarganya...” (my husband was not noticed by his family)
Penolakan (denial)P14: “.....anak saya pernah diputus pacarnya dua kali...” (my son was sent off twice by his girlfriend)P7: “.....anak saya pernah ditolak istrinya karena penyakitnya...” (my son was refused by his wife because of his illness)
Perceraian (divorce)P8: “..........adik saya bercerai sejak 3 tahun yang lalu....” (my sister divorced since 3 years ago)P10: “.......karena sakitnya, dia diceraikan istrinya....” (because of his illness, he divorced his wife)
Frequenza di pubblicazione:
4 volte all'anno
Argomenti della rivista:
Medicine, Assistive Professions, Nursing