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Nanoparticles and magnetic field as novel elicitors improve seed germination and early growth of Mediterranean cypress



Figure 1.

The used nanoparticles’ images: A – nanochitosan, B – nanochitin and C – nanocellulose (photos by the manufacturer, Nano Novin polymer company, The average diameters at in at particular applied voltages are 35 ± 10, 24 ± 9 and 32 ± 8 respectively. (SEM: scanning electron microscopic)
The used nanoparticles’ images: A – nanochitosan, B – nanochitin and C – nanocellulose (photos by the manufacturer, Nano Novin polymer company, The average diameters at in at particular applied voltages are 35 ± 10, 24 ± 9 and 32 ± 8 respectively. (SEM: scanning electron microscopic)

Figure 2.

The effect of nanopriming on (a) germination percentage, (b) germination rate, (c) length of radicle, (d) length of the stem and (e) fresh weight of the stem. Different letters above the bars indicate statistically significant difference.
The effect of nanopriming on (a) germination percentage, (b) germination rate, (c) length of radicle, (d) length of the stem and (e) fresh weight of the stem. Different letters above the bars indicate statistically significant difference.

Figure 3.

The effects of magnetopriming on (a) germination percentage, (b) the number of leaves, (c) leaf area, (d) length of the radicle, (e) length of the stem, (f) fresh weight of the radicle and (g) fresh weight of the stem. Different letters above the bars indicate statistically significant difference.
The effects of magnetopriming on (a) germination percentage, (b) the number of leaves, (c) leaf area, (d) length of the radicle, (e) length of the stem, (f) fresh weight of the radicle and (g) fresh weight of the stem. Different letters above the bars indicate statistically significant difference.

Average comparison of nano treatments, magnetic field and time on Mediterranean cypress seed germination characteristics

Source of variation Germination percentage Germination rate
1 2 3
Cellul-N 53.3abc 10.6abcdef
CTS-N 45.3abcdef 8.2cdefg
CT-N 46.6abcdef 8.4bcdefg
20 mT + 1 min 50.6abcd 8.1cdefg
20 mT + 10 min 41.3bcdef 7g
20 mT + 20 min 45.3abcdef 7.78efg
30 mT + 1 min 44bcdef 8.3bcdefg
30 mT + 10 min 48abcde 8.32bcdefg
30 mT + 20 min 53.3abc 11.2abcd
40 mT + 1 min 49.3abcd 8defg
40 mT + 10 min 47.6abcde 8.9abcdefg
40 mT + 20 min 60a 10.93abcdef
CT-N + 20 mT + 1 min 46.6abcdef 9.94abcdefg
CT-N + 20 mT + 10 min 56ab 9.84abcdefg
CT-N + 20 mT + 20 min 52abc 9.58abcdefg
CT-N + 30 mT + 1 min 42.6bcdef 12a
CT-N + 30 mT + 10 min 33.3de 10.1abcdefg
CT-N + 30 mT + 20 min 33.3de 8.3bcdefg
CT-N + 40 mT + 1 min 44bcdef 9.8abcdefg
CT-N + 30 mT + 10 min 48abcde 10.6abcdef
CT-N + 30 mT + 20 min 44bcdef 8.65bcdefg
Cellul-N + 20 mT + 1 min 32f 7.16g
Cellul-N + 20 mT + 10 min 56ab 11.4abc
Cellul-N + 20 mT + 20 min 49.3abcd 11.25abcd
Cellul-N + 30 mT + 1 min 40cdef 9.46abcdefg
Cellul-N + 30 mT + 10 min 50.6abcd 9.86abcdefg
Cellul-N + 30 mT + 20 min 38.6cdef 8.69bcdefg
Cellul-N + 40 mT + 1 min 50.6abcd 10.9abcdef
Cellul-N + 40 mT + 10 min 38.6cdef 8.49bcdefg
Cellul-N + 40 mT + 20 min 44bcdef 8.64bcdefg
CTS-N + 20 mT + 1 min 42.6bcdef 8.93abcdefg
CTS-N + 20 mT + 10 min 45.3abcdef 11.54ab
CTS-N + 20 mT + 20 min 48abcde 11abcde
CTS-N + 30 mT + 1 min 49.3abcd 8.08bcdef
CTS-N + 30 mT + 10 min 48abcde 7.65def
CTS-N + 30 mT + 20 min 36def 9.3abcdefg
CTS-N + 40 mT + 1 min 50.6abcd 8.4abcdefg
CTS-N + 40 mT + 10 min 52abc 9.76abcdefg
CTS-N + 40 mT + 20 min 45.3abcdef 8.7bcdefg
Ctr 42.6bcdef 7.8efg

Average comparison of nano treatments, magnetic field and time on the vegetative characteristics of Mediterranean cypress seedlings

Source of variation Length of the stem Collar diameter Fresh weight of the radicle Fresh weight of the stem Radicle dry weight Stem dry weight Number of leaves Leaf area Length of the radicle
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Cellul-N 65a 3.56abc 0.166efg 0.353cdefgh 0.025ef 0.069fghi 166.6ghijkl 2783.3fghijkl 64.15cdef
CTS-N 61a 3.83ab 0.186def 0.37cdefg 0.033ef 0.063hijk 168ghijk 2912efghijkl 63.8cdef
CT-N 60.3a 3.41abc 0.103fgh 0.256hi 0.026ef 0.065ghij 157.3ghijkl 2193.3ijkl 64cdef
20 mT + 1 min 34.5fghij 3.65abc 0.053h 0.236i 0.011f 0.035mn 127.3jklm 2037.3jkl 24kl
20 mT + 10 min 34.16hij 3.84ab 0.076gh 0.246hi 0.007f 0.036lmn 119.6lm 2057.3jkl 28.16kl
20 mT + 20 min 35.3efghij 4.08a 0.073gh 0.276fghi 0.014f 0.043klmn 196cdefgh 3822abcdefgh 30.3ghijkl
30 mT + 1 min 36.1efghij 3.97ab 0.076gh 0.25hi 0.0327ef 0.041klmn 172.6ghijk 3005.3defghijkl 29.3kl
30 mT + 10 min 34.3ghij 3.56abc 0.073gh 0.236i 0.009f 0.047jklmn 188efghi 3276cdefghijk 28.5kl
30 mT + 20 min 38.3cdefghi 3.67abc 0.12fgh 0.28fghi 0.034ef 0.06hijk 215.6bcdefg 4628abc 57.5efgh
40 mT + 1 min 35.3efghij 3.71abc 0.12fgh 0.306defghi 0.022ef 0.055ijklm 143ijklm 2763.3fghijkl 43.16ghijkl
40 mT + 10 min 36.16efghij 3.43abc 0.123fgh 0.306defghi 0.025ef 0.057hijkl 163.6ghijkl 3384bcdefghij 50.5fghi
40 mT + 20 min 38.6cdefghi 3.26abc 0.093fgh 0.296efghi 0.020ef 0.056ijklm 175fghij 3146.6defghijkl 43.3ghijkl
CT-N + 20 mT + 1 min 39.5cdefgh 3.86ab 0.166efg 0.4cde 0.042cdef 0.074fghi 156.3ghijkl 2810.6fghijkl 40hijkl
CT-N + 20 mT + 10 min 40.3cdefgh 3.56abc 0.12fh 0.38cdef 0.022ef 0.07fghi 148.6ghijkl 2875.3efghi 35.8igkjll
CT-N + 20 mT + 20 min 41cdefgh 3.6abc 0.163efg 0.393cde 0.034ef 0.077fghi 175fghij 3500abcdefghi 43ghijkl
CT-N + 30 mT + 1 min 30.5ij 2.96c 0.11fgh 0.263ghi 0.027ef 0.031n 100.3m 1962kl 28.8kl
CT-N + 30 mT + 10 min 35.5efghij 3.29abc 0.11fgh 0.316defghi 0.032ef 0.062hijk 126.6jklm 1849.3l 39.8hijkl
CT-N + 30 mT + 20 min 35.5efghij 2.95c 0.17efg 0.373cdefg 0.035def 0.069fghi 173.6ghij 3332bcdefghijk 50.6fghi
CT-N + 40 mT + 1 min 40.6cdefgh 3.34abc 0.16efg 0.416cde 0.035def 0.079fghi 224abcde 3730abcdefgh 49.8fghij
CT-N + 30 mT + 10 min 41.1bcdefg 3.51abc 0.183def 0.416de 0.03ef 0.069fghi 235.3abcde 4073.3abcdefg 50.6fghi
CT-N + 30 mT + 20 min 42.8bcdefg 3.71abc 0.16efg 0.41cde 0.026ef 0.072fghi 222abcde 3523.3abcdefghi 42.5hijkl
Cellul-N + 20 mT + 1 min 45bcd 3.72abc 0.366c 0.6a 0.063abcde 0.113bc 223abcde 4138.6abcdef 62.3cdefg
Cellul-N + 20 mT + 10 min 43bcdef 3.52abc 0.58a 0.596a 0.102a 0.131ab 249.3ab 4800.6a 87.6ab
Cellul-N + 20 mT + 20 min 46.5bc 3.9ab 0.463a 0.633a 0.082abc 0.134a 265a 4610abc 76.3abcd
Cellul-N + 30 mT + 1 min 43.8bcde 3.85ab 0.443bc 0.55ab 0.077abcd 0.126ab 237.6abcd 4127.3abcdef 91.8a
Cellul-N + 30 mT + 10 min 45.8bcd 3.71ab 0.386bc 0.616a 0.085ab 0.117abc 242.6abc 4544abc 80.1abcd
Cellul-N + 30 mT + 20 min 43bcdef 3.83ab 0.266d 0.556ab 0.062abcde 0.102cd 241abcd 4680.6ab 52efghi
Cellul-N + 40 mT + 1 min 40.3cdefgh 3.4abc 0.373bc 0.543ab 0.064abcde 0.099cde 225.6abcde 4356.6abcd 71.6bcde
Cellul-N + 40 mT + 10 min 41.8bcdefgh 3.65abc 0.19def 0.456bc 0.04def 0.086defg 193.6defg 3649abcdefgh 47.1fghijk
Cellul-N + 40 mT + 20 min 41.8bcdefgh 3.91ab 0.233de 0.466bc 0.0513bcdef 0.089def 189efghi 3532.6abcdefgh 59defgh
CTS-N + 20 mT + 1 min 39.5cdefgh 3.86ab 0.166efg 0.4cde 0.042cdef 0.074fghi 155ghijkl 2784fghijkl 41.1hijkl
CTS-N + 20 mT + 10 min 37.6defghi 3.35abc 0.12fh 0.38cdef 0.082abc 0.07fghi 138.6jklm 2675.3ghijkl 35ijkl
CTS-N + 20 mT + 20 min 38.6cdefghi 3.5abc 0.156efg 0.393cde 0.033ef 0.076fghi 164ghijkl 3280cdefghijk 40.5kl
CTS-N + 30 mT + 1 min 29j 2.96c 0.079gh 0.263ghi 0.014f 0.043klmn 101.3m 1982kl 30.3ghijkl
CTS-N + 30 mT + 10 min 35.8efghij 3.29abc 0.11fgh 0.316defghi 0.032ef 0.062hijk 125klm 2428hijkl 41.1hijkl
CTS-N + 30 mT + 20 min 35.5efghij 2.95c 0.17efg 0.373cdeefg 0.035def 0.069fghi 173.6ghij 3332bcdefghijk 51.6fghi
CTS-N + 40 mT + 1 min 40.6cdefgh 3.39abc 0.16efg 0.416cde 0.035def 0.076fghi 224abcde 3730abcdefgh 50.8fghi
CTS-N + 40 mT + 10 min 41cdefgh 3.51abc 0.183def 0.416cde 0.03ef 0.069fghi 235.3abcde 4073.3abcdefg 47.1fghijk
CTS-N + 40 mT + 20 min 43bcdef 3.71abc 0.16efg 0.41e 0.026ef 0.072fghi 220.6abcef 4246.6abcde 41.6hijkl
Ctr 49.3b 3.14bc 0.146efg 0.31defghi 0.027ef 0.058hijk 158.6ghijkl 2538.6hijkl 50.3fghi

Analysis of variance for the effect of nano treatments, magnetic field and time on the germination traits and characteristics of Mediterranean cypress seeds and seedlings

Source of variation Degree of freedom Germination percentage Germination speed Number of leaves Leaf area Length of the radicle Length of the stem
Nano 3 0.889ns 8.6** 46.6** 33** 49.2** 55.6**
Magnetic 2 3.18* 1.54ns 22.3** 6.4** 0.03ns 8.7**
Time 2 1.39ns 0.78ns 3.6* 2.96ns 0.05ns 1.7ns
Nano × magnetic 6 1.8ns 1.07ns 20* 6.09** 3.9* 5.3**
Nano + magnetic × time 6 0.58ns 1.38ns 0.97ns 0.94ns 1.83ns 0.35ns
Magnetic × time 4 2.46ns 2.34ns 3.2* 1.7ns 1.53ns 1.02ns
Nano × magnetic × time 12 1.26ns 1.37ns 1.35ns 0.7ns 4.08** 0.41ns
Source of variation collar diameter fresh weight of radicle fresh weight of the stem radicle dry weight stem dry weight
Nano 5.76** 130.07** 85.3** 20.7** 118.4**
Magnetic 2.14ns 7.64** 5.2** 3.6* 10.5**
Time 0.127ns 0.17ns 0.45ns 0.7ns 1.01ns
Nano × magnetic 2.28ns 11.05** 5.7** 1.56ns 8.9**
Nano + magnetic × time 0.15ns 2.34* 0.32ns 0.61ns 0.96ns
Magnetic × time 0.95ns 1.46ns 1.6ns 0.94ns 2.3ns
Nano × magnetic × time 0.18ns 5.01** 0.65ns 0.92ns 2.48*
Frequenza di pubblicazione:
4 volte all'anno
Argomenti della rivista:
Life Sciences, Plant Science, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine