

Disorders of smell and taste are a significant dysfunction of the basic life function, which is the consumption of food. A properly functioning sensory system of the oral and nasal cavity allows correct selection of foods, giving a warning signal against the consumption of potentially toxic products. It also determines taste preferences, which thus determine specific choices of food products, affecting the energy balance of the body. The formation of an unconditional reflex, such as the secretion of digestive enzymes, depends on the undisturbed process of feeling, conducting taste and olfactory stimuli [1]. Taste and smell disorders also impact the mental health of patients, including depression [2].

Dysgeusia is a qualitative disorder characterized by a distortion of taste perception [3]. Ageusia is defined as a complete loss of taste, while hypogeusia means reduced perception of taste stimuli. The mechanisms determining the above-mentioned diseases can be divided into individual groups: 1) impact of atypical substances on taste receptors, coexisting with oral cavity health problems, including mucositis or dentures usage [4]; 2) impediment of the transport of taste stimuli to the taste buds resulting from infection or significant dry mouth [5]; 3) destruction or loss of taste buds as a result of injury, invasive tumors, or burns [6]; 4) damage to the conductive pathways as a result of injury, surgery, Bell's palsy [7]; 5) diseases affecting the structures of the central nervous system, which include cancer, stroke, epilepsy [8]; 6) systemic metabolic disorders such as hypothyroidism, diabetes, liver disease, kidney disease [9]; 7) side effects of drugs [9,10]; 8) zinc deficiencies [10]. The main causes of taste disturbances are shown in Table 1 [11]. Zinc is an essential trace element that plays a role in both humans and animals. Zinc deficiency is associated with growth disorders – it is responsible, among other factors, for the processes of regeneration of taste and smell centers [12,13]. Several factors, including acute stress or inflammation, can trigger fluctuations in serum zinc concentrations [14]. It has been proven to play a significant role in cells with a short renewal time, including taste bud cells [15,16]. It is thought that zinc is important in the treatment of idiopathic taste disorder as a significant part of this process [17]. Our study aims to present the role of zinc deficiency on the occurrence of taste disorders in selected medical aspects.

Main causes of dysgeusia [11]

Disease Local: tooth decay, periodontal disease, candidosis, erythema migrans, fissure tongue, glossitis, dermatoses, denture defects
Systemic diseases: stroke, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, depression, diabetes mellitus types 1 and type 2, hypothyroidism/hyperthyroidism, chronic kidney disease, acute and chronic liver disease, cirrhosis, Sjögren's syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, gastroesophageal reflux disease, hiatus hernia, inflammatory bowel diseases, AIDS

Physiological atrophy of the oral epithelium, increased degrees of atrophy and fibrosis of the salivary glands, reduction of taste buds

Nutritional deficiencies Deficiencies of: iron, folic acid, vitamin B12, zinc

Iatrogenic medicines, chemotherapy, radiotherapy

Allergies food and additives allergy
Materials and method

The study analysed articles available in PubMed database. The MeSH terms used to search the database were: Taste Disorders, Zinc, Diabetes Mellitus, Drug Therapy, Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy, Aged, Halitosis. The paper was prepared in consideration of original research papers and reviews. Articles explaining the effects of specific medical therapies on the ability to sense taste were analyzed. The literature review also included the mechanism of action of zinc in the body and potential defects of this mechanism leading to the development of taste disorders. The study assessed papers describing the effects of zinc on humans and animals. Despite the many variables that qualified articles for review, the Pubmed database contains a small amount of research on this topic.

Zinc homeostasis

It has been proven that the absorption of zinc taken orally is 25–66%. The absorption process takes place in the small intestine and especially in two of its sections: the jejunum and the ileum. Zinc is present in all tissues and body fluids, including blood cells, pancreas, retina, prostate, kidneys, lungs, skin, liver, brain, gastrointestinal tract, choroid of the eye and heart, as well as muscles and bones, where the highest content was recorded [18,19]. Zinc transport occurs in serum due to the presence of proteins such as albumin (57%), α2-globulin (40%), transferrin and amino acids (3%). The content of zinc in serum is less than 2% of its total content. The vast majority, as much as 95%, of the total content is intracellular zinc found, among other sites, in the cytosol and organelles such as nuclei and vesicles [20]. There are studies stating that there are cellular mechanisms that condition the right amount of zinc and prevent its excessive accumulation [18]. Zinc is imported into the cell by 14 protein members belonging to a family of zinc importers (ZIP- Zrt- and Irt-like proteins), while the export takes place thanks to the presence of 10 protein members belonging to the zinc exporter family (ZnT). ZIP and ZnT are also responsible for regulating the presence of zinc in the Golgi apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum, and mitochondria. Intracellular zinc homeostasis is caused by metallothioneins (MTs)—constituting a zinc cell buffer due to the ability to bind to 7 zinc ions each [21]. Associated with the cell membrane are zincosomes in the form of vesicles that have the ability to absorb zinc and release it when needed [18].

The role of zinc in disorders of taste perception in the course of diabetes

Taste disorder is a common complaint reported by patients with diabetes type I [22,23,24] and type II [25,26]. It has been shown that one of the potential factors responsible for the occurrence of taste disturbances is zinc deficiency [12,27,28]. Patients with type II diabetes have lower concentrations of zinc in their serum compared to healthy people [29,30].

Matsugasumi et al. concluded that the ability to taste sour or bitter was significantly associated with serum zinc concentration in patients with type 2 diabetes and taste disturbances. It has been proven that serum zinc levels in patients with type 2 diabetes improved as a result of an educational program lasting 2 weeks. Continuing, both taste ability (for sour and bitter taste) and glycemic control were significantly related to serum zinc concentrations. It was proven that the improvement in glycemic control after 2 weeks of hospitalization was accompanied by an improvement in serum zinc concentration and in taste perception. However, no direct causal relationship between taste sharpness and serum zinc concentration has been demonstrated [31]. Chang et al. claimed that the ability of taste buds to perceive sour taste is selectively dependent on the sensitivity of genetically identified cells to zinc ions [32]. However, the research of Uchida et al. confirms that the transient receptor potential associated with bitter taste [33] is regulated by zinc ions[34].

The role of zinc in disorders of taste perception as a result of radiotherapy and chemotherapy of head and neck cancers

One of the most common side effects in patients with head and neck cancers treated with an external beam of radiotherapy as the only form of therapy or in combination with chemotherapy is dysgeusia [35]. Changes in taste and tongue pain caused by radiation therapy usually begin to improve between three weeks and two months after the end of treatment. Improvement can take a year. The taste potential may not fully return to its pre-treatment state, especially if the salivary glands are damaged [36]. Radiation therapy and chemotherapy, by affecting the taste buds of the tongue and the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, can cause taste disorders. Additional factors that may contribute to the change in taste are the bitter taste of chemotherapy, low oral hygiene, infections, and mucositis [37].

The Mossman and Henkin study, in which patients with taste disturbances have been treated by zinc supplementation after completing radiation therapy to the head and neck, showed that the threshold for detecting and recognizing taste was lowered [38].

Chi et al. showed that zinc-based therapy resulted in a reduced incidence of radiotherapy-induced dysgeusia. However, dysgeusia zinc treatment after radiotherapy had minimal therapeutic effect [39]. The consequence of chemoradiotherapy of head and neck cancers may be a decrease in the importance of zinc in the process of taste perception. This can be explained by the mechanism of combining sulfhydryl groups of some chemotherapeutic agents with zinc and its chelation. As a result, there is a reduced amount of zinc and direct destruction of the DNA of progenitor cells of taste buds [40,41,42,43]. This suggests that zinc has a protective potential against the improper consequences of radiotherapy occurring in taste bud cells, thereby reducing the incidence of radiotherapy-induced dysgeusia [39].

Tian et al. conducted a systematic search of three databases and included five double-blind randomized controlled trials that included a total of 352 patients undergoing chemotherapy taking either zinc sulfate or placebo. In a meta-analysis, they assessed the effect of zinc intake on the occurrence, onset, and severity of oral mucositis. Zinc intake has been shown to have no significant effect on the occurrence, onset, or worsening of mucositis caused by chemotherapy [44].

The role of zinc in disorders of taste perception in old age

A characteristic issue in the context of the occurrence of taste disturbances is that the highest frequency of this disorder is among the older age group. With age, the percentage of people complaining of disorders in the proper perception of taste stimuli increases [45,46].

Serum zinc levels in patients with taste disturbances were quantified to demonstrate an association between zinc deficiency and age. The mean-minimum serum zinc concentration in older adults did not differ significantly from the other age groups (< 49 years of age and 50 to 64 years). However, zinc concentrations below 69 mg/dl were observed in 33% of the elderly—a much higher percentage than for those aged 49 years or younger. This result suggests that zinc deficiency may be an important factor in dysgeusia in older adults [47].

In the study conducted by Heckmann et al. patients with idiopathic taste disorder were examined. The zinc gluconate group (140 mg/day, equivalent to 20 mg/day of the element) consisted of 26 people aged 41–82 years; the average age was 61.1 years. The control group included 24 people receiving placebo (age range 47–78 years; average age 61.0 years). The therapy lasted 3 months. As a result of zinc therapy, there was a significant improvement in taste perception [48].

Stewart-Knox et al. assessed taste acuity among healthy, older people. It consisted of patients being treated with elemental zinc (15 mg or 30 mg as zinc gluconate) or placebo for six months. In the results, the ability to feel salty taste was significantly higher in the group taking zinc in the amount of 30 mg. However, the sensory threshold for salty tastes may be age-related. There were no differences in the perception of sweet, sour, or bitter taste among the patients studied. There were also no differences in taste in patients treated with zinc 15 mg [49].

The role of zinc in taste disorders in the course of oral halitosis

Halitosis, defined as an unpleasant smell from the oral cavity, may co-occur together with taste disorders in the course of periodontitis and xerostomia. The main cause of halitosis is the bacterial metabolism of amino acids [50]. Volatile sulfur compounds such as hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan, and dimethyl sulfide formed as a result of bacteria are responsible for the formation of unpleasant odor from the mouth. Large amounts of hydrogen sulfide and methyl mercaptan as a result of the processing of cysteine, methionine, or serum proteins are produced by anaerobic bacteria such as Porphyromonas gingivalis, Treponema denticola, Prevotella intermedia, Fusobacterium nucleatum, and Eubacterium [51,52].

In a study conducted by Suzuki et al., the ability of zinc ions to directly bind to hydrogen sulfide gas was compared to other metal ions. Nine metal chlorides and six metal acetates were tested. The minimum concentration needed to inhibit hydrogen sulfide oxidation was determined using the serial dilution method. The inhibitory effect of zinc ions on the growth of six strains of oral bacteria related to volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) and three strains unrelated to VSC production were also investigated. It was proved that aqueous zinc solutions inhibited the volatilization of hydrogen sulfide almost completely. In contrast, the effect of zinc ions on the growth of bacteria in the mouth was strain dependent [53].


The consequence of reduced zinc content is its abnormal amount in the epithelial cells of the tongue, which may be the result of a reduced ability of cells to renew after the destructive effects of pathological factors [54,55]. Zinc is part of the enzyme carbonic anhydrase VI, which is a component of the parotid gland-gustin protein [56]. The effect of zinc deficiency is its reduced amount in the salivary glands [57,58]. The consequence of such parameters is a reduced activity of carbonic anhydrase 6 (gustin) as a result of two processes. Zinc has been shown to affect the synthesis/secretion of carbonic anhydrase 6 (gustin) by directly affecting the gene controlling gustin/CA VI [59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66]. The second mechanism is related to the metabolic availability of zinc [17].

In a study conducted by Komai et al., 20 male rats at 4 weeks of age were divided into four groups, which were fed: zinc-deficient food (Zn-Def), a low-zinc diet (Low-Zn), sufficient free access zinc (Zn-Suf), and pairs (Pair-fed). Enzyme histochemistry in taste bud cells showed lower carbonic anhydrase activity in the tongue epithelium and submandibular salivary gland in zinc-deficient, low-zinc rats than in those fed in pairs and with sufficient zinc. This was done in a manner almost dependent on the zinc content of the diet [67]. It is suggested that taste disturbances associated with zinc deficiency may result from malfunction of taste buds [66,68].

Zinc is involved in the process of taste also by affecting neuronal processes. It modulates the binding of amino acids to neurotransmitter receptors. It is indispensable for the production of proteins necessary for the functioning of GABA and inhibits N-methyl-D-aspartate modulator of synaptic transmission in the centers of the nervous system [69]. It also plays a role in the regulation and decarboxylase of glutamic acid in the brain [70]. It has been shown that zinc modulates GABAB binding in the rat brain [71]. Zinc also induces chelation of nerve endings of the central nervous system and modulation of synaptic transmission [72].

As evidenced in the Suzuki et al. study, zinc ions inhibit unpleasant odors from the mouth as a result of two mechanisms: direct binding to hydrogen sulfide gas and inhibiting the growth of VSC-producing oral bacteria [53]. This suggests that zinc ions may also have an impact on the elimination of taste disorders associated with the occurrence of halitosis. However, research in this direction is necessary.


There are many etiological factors conditioning the disturbed sense of taste. An interesting pathogenetic issue seems to be zinc homeostasis. Changes in the concentration of this element in the body are an important factor affecting taste disturbances. The causes of these disorders resulting from changes in the zinc economy in the body have been confirmed in the above studies. It has also been proven that supplementation of zinc can have a significant impact on improving taste functions. Due to the complex molecular mechanisms and the multiple effects of zinc on the body, it is not possible to clearly indicate the prevailing pathomechanism in the development of taste disorders. In addition, it is impossible to say what daily dose of zinc, and what length of supplementation, is necessary to treat or prevent the development of taste disorders. However, further research is needed to better understand the role of zinc in the mechanisms of taste disturbances. It is also worth emphasizing the importance of the use of topical zinc preparations in halitosis, which coexists with diseases that also have an etiology in the formation of taste disorders.

Frequenza di pubblicazione:
Volume Open
Argomenti della rivista:
Life Sciences, Molecular Biology, Microbiology and Virology, Medicine, Basic Medical Science, Immunology