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Phytoplankton dynamics in relation to physicochemical conditions in large, stratified Lake Charzykowskie (Northern Poland)



Figure 1

Lake Charzykowskie – the map and the numbers of sampling sites
Lake Charzykowskie – the map and the numbers of sampling sites

Figure 2

Percentage contribution of taxonomic groups to the total biomass of phytoplankton in Lake Charzykowskie in 2014 (a) and 2015 (b)
Percentage contribution of taxonomic groups to the total biomass of phytoplankton in Lake Charzykowskie in 2014 (a) and 2015 (b)

Figure 3

Changes in the biomass (mg l-1) and chlorophyll a concentration (µg l-1) in the phytoplankton of Lake Charzykowskie in 2014 (a) and 2015 (b); biomass – bar, chlorophyll a – line
Changes in the biomass (mg l-1) and chlorophyll a concentration (µg l-1) in the phytoplankton of Lake Charzykowskie in 2014 (a) and 2015 (b); biomass – bar, chlorophyll a – line

Figure 4

Ordination plot of canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) for the biomass of phytoplankton groups and environmental parameters in Lake Charzykowskie in 2014-2015. The first axis accounts for 31.221% of the total data variance, the second axis – for 14.130%.
Ordination plot of canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) for the biomass of phytoplankton groups and environmental parameters in Lake Charzykowskie in 2014-2015. The first axis accounts for 31.221% of the total data variance, the second axis – for 14.130%.

Selected physicochemical parameters of water in Lake Charzykowskie in 2014-2015

parameter 2014 2015
mean range ±SD mean range ±SD
Secchi depth (m) 2.8 1.9-5.5 1.2 2.4 1.7-4.1 0.7
Dissolved oxygen (mg l-1) 8.3 4.8-10.6 2.1 9.3 7.5-11.4 1.2
Water temperature (°C) 20.0 15.4-25.0 3.6 18.4 15.0-21.3 2.7
pH 8.0 6.7-8.5 0.6 7.9 6.8-8.5 0.6
Electrolytic conductivity (µS cm-1) 329 317-348 9.3 332 302-357 14.9
Chlorophyll a (µg l-1) 25.41 2.27-78.32 21.80 12.44 2.9-21.31 5.26
TP (mg l-1) 0.101 0.015-0.300 0.10 0.149 0.045-0.496 0.12
TN (mg l-1) 3.45 1.65-5.25 1.2 3.49 0.33-8.73 2.07

Statistically significant values of Pearson correlation between environmental parameters and phytoplankton biomass (p≤0.05, bold p≤ 0.001)

WT SD EC pH DO N-NH4 N-NO2 N-NO3 TN P-PO4 Chl a Dino Eugl
SD -0.5113
EC 0.4992
pH 0.6326 -0.5742
DO 0.5258
N-NH4 0.6409 -0.4101 0.5970
N-NO2 0.5213 0.6334
N-NO3 -0.4384 -0.5323
TN -0.4358
P-PO, 0.3837
Chl a 0.4079 0.5159
Cyano -0.5017 0.3930 -0.5295 -0.5646 0.3757
Crypto 1-0.4153
Dino 0.7098 -0.4801 0.4615
Eugl 0.4925
Chryso 0.5305 0.7463
Bacill -0.3932
Chloro 0.5316 0.6312
B phyto 0.6959 -0.6359 -0.3842 0.4268 0.4338 0.8959

Structural changes in phytoplankton of Lake Charzykowskie in 1947-2015

Date of studies Authors Chl a (µg l-1) Biomass (µg l-1) Dominants and subdominants Strategy FGs Traits of phytoplankton Trophic status
1947(Cabejszek 1950) 0.72 Aulacoseira granulataAphanizomenon HosaquaeMicrocystis aeruginosa RSS PH1LM diatomaceous and cyanobacterial β-mesotrophy
1954-1955(Solski 1962) 4.5-73.5 ?eutrophy
1968(Szulkowska-Wojaczek 1978) 2.44 Fragilaria crotonensisMicrocystis aeruginosa R P cyanobacterial and diatomaceous eutrophy
1976(Szulkowska-Wojaczek 1978) 1.26 Microcystis aeruginosa Oscillatoria n.det. S LM cyanobacterial bloom eutrophy
1987-1990(Wiśniewska 1994) 1.33-90.8 0.5-43.4 Aulacoseira granulataCyclotella sp. div.Microcystis aeruginosaAphanizomenon flos-aquae RCRSS P-LMH1 diatomaceous and cyanobacterial bloom hypertrophy
1999(Wiśniewska 2000) 4.2-28.3 0.06-10.4 Fragilaria crotonensisCeratium hirundinellaAphanizomenon flos-aquaeMicrocystis aeruginosa RSSS PLMH1LM diatoms, dinoflagellates, cyanobacteria eutrophy
2004(Wiśniewska 2005) 8.3-49.4 1.8-107.4 Asterionella formosaFragilaria crotonensisCeratium hirundinellaAulacoseira granulataMicrocystis aeruginosa RRSRS CPLMHPLM diatoms, dinoflagellates, cyanobacteria hypertrophy
2008(Luścińska & Wiśniewska 2012) 1.1-11.0 Stephanodiscus neoastrea, S. alpinusAulacoseira islandicaCeratium hirundinellaAphanothece minutissima CCSCS CPLML diatoms and dinoflagellates meso-eutrophy
2009(Luścińska & Wiśniewska 2012) 3.3-7.6 Plagioselmis sp.Microcystis wesenbergiiCeratium hirundinella CSS X2LMLM cryptophytes, cryptophytes, dinoflagellates meso-eutrophy
2014(Wiśniewska & Dembowska this article) 2.27-78.32 0.3-37.82 Stephanodiscus neoastrea, S. alpinusAulacoseira islandicaCeratium hirundinella CSS CPLM diatoms and dinoflagellates meso-eutrophy
2015 (Wiśniewska & Dembowska this article) 2.9-21.31 0.5-11.3 Plagioselmis sp.Microcystis wesenbergiiCeratium hirundinellaFragilaria crotonensis CSSR X2LMLMP cryptophytes, cyanobacteria, dinoflagellates meso-eutrophy

Main functional groups in Lake Charzykowskie and representative species in each group (after Reynolds et al. 2002; Padisák et al. 2009) FG Representative species

FG Representative species Physiological characteristics
B Aulacoseira islandica Stephanodiscus neoastraea Mixed, mesotrophic small- and medium-sized lakes, sensitive to the onset of stratification, adapted to low light, sensitive to pH increase, Si depletion, stratification
C Asterionella formosa Mixed, eutrophic small- and medium-sized lakes with species sensitive to the onset of stratification, sensitive to Si depletion
o Fragilaria crotonensis Aulacoseira granulata A. granulata var. angustissima Staurastrum gracile S. chaetoceras Staurastrum sp. Eutrophic epilimnia, tolerant of carbon dioxide depletion, more eutrophic waters, sensitive to Si depletion, stratification
LM Microcystis sp. Ceratium hirundinella C. furcoides Summer epilimnia in eutrophic lakes, low light and very low C tolerant, sensitive to mixing and poor stratification
H2 Gloeotrichia echinulata Anabaena lemmermanii Oligo-mesotrophic, deep, stratified lakes, with good light conditions, tolerant to low nitrogen, sensitive to mixing, poor light
HI Aphanizomenon spp. Dolichospermum spiroides Eutrophic, both stratified and shallow lakes with low nitrogen and low carbon, sensitive to mixing, poor light and low phosphorus
X2 Plagioselmis Shallow, clear, mixed layers in meso-eutrophic lakes, tolerance to stratification, sensitive to mixing and filter-feeding grazers, reduced grazing leads to high relative biomass
G Eudorina Volvox Nutrient-rich conditions in stagnant water columns, small eutrophic lakes and very stable phases in larger river-fed basins and storage reservoirs
K (L)? Aphanothece Aphanocapsa Aphanothece and Aphanocapsa colonies are often found late summer in epilimnion of oligotrophic, deep lakes
Frequenza di pubblicazione:
4 volte all'anno
Argomenti della rivista:
Chemistry, other, Geosciences, Life Sciences