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Maso International – Journal of Food Science and Technology is a journal of the University of Veterinary Sciences in Brno, under the Faculty of Veterinary Hygiene and Ecology in the Czech Republic. This journal was launched by the Faculty of Veterinary Hygiene and Ecology in 2011 on the base of its maternal Czech version – journal Maso. One open volume is published yearly with at least 20 science research articles and reviews. The Authors from all countries with novel manuscripts are welcomed to submit their work in the field of food science and technology (including also issues concerning food economic and ecological problems) to our Journal.

The authors bear full responsibility for the contents of their contribution. The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject manuscripts that are not in the scope of the journal, or do not meet the requirements for publication.

The articles are submitted, and a peer review process is conducted by at least two international reviewers. The process of peer review is double-blinded, fast, fair, constructive, and the quality of accepted manuscripts is improved by them.

Why subscribe and read

Maso International – Journal of Food Science and Technology is a premier source of high-quality articles that have valuable information about a broad number of food issues, since authors are coming from worldwide countries. All articles are published in English language and all articles are open access. Open access is the guarantee that published articles will achieve the biggest possible citation scores.

Why submit

10 years of tradition in publishing scientific articles in all areas of food science.

Peer review is fast, fair, constructive, and improving the quality of submitted manuscripts.

Language-correction services for manuscripts submitted in English language are provided by English native speaker. The manuscripts submitted in Czech and Slovak languages are translated for free to English language.


Sciendo archives the contents of this journal in Portico - digital long-term preservation service of scholarly books, journals and collections.


Policy The editorial board is participating in a growing community of Similarity Check System's users in order to ensure that the content published is original and trustworthy. Similarity Check is a medium that allows for comprehensive manuscripts screening, aimed to eliminate plagiarism and provide a high standard and quality peer-review process.