À propos de cet article


Figure 1

Reasons for abstaining from breastfeeding in public
Reasons for abstaining from breastfeeding in public

Figure 2

Adaptation of places for breastfeeding in the opinion of breastfeeding women
Adaptation of places for breastfeeding in the opinion of breastfeeding women

Figure 3

Places in public places where the respondents breastfed
Places in public places where the respondents breastfed

Figure 4

Criticism of breastfeeding a child in public
Criticism of breastfeeding a child in public

Survey results

Questions and Answers N (%) *
What do you think about breastfeeding in public places (gallery, train station, park, office)?
I can 634 (90,6)
I have no opinion 38 (5,4)
I shouldn’t 28 (4,0)

Have you ever breastfed in a public place?
Yes 547 (78,9)
No ** 147 (21,1)

If Yes, how often did you breastfeed in a public place?
Occasionally 178 (30,8)
Sometimes 195 (33,8)
Often 147 (25,5)
Whenever 57 (9,9)

If Yes, was the place where you breastfed specially adapted to this purpose?
Yes 45 (7,8)
No 393 (68,0)
Partially 140 (24,2)

If Yes, did you feel comfortable in the place where you breastfed?
Yes 233 (46,9)
No 264 (53,1)

Have you ever been criticised for breastfeeding in public?
Yes 66 (10,4)
No 568 (89,6)

Did you have to breastfeed outside your home?
Yes *** 640 (91,4)
No 60 (8,6)

Frequency of breastfeeding in a public place by the surveyed women by criticism phenomenon (p = 0,073)

If Yes, how often did you breastfeed in a public place? Women criticised for public breastfeeding N (%)* Women not criticised for public breastfeeding N (%)*
Occasionally 14 (21,9) 162 (31,8)
Sometimes 23 (35,9) 172 (33,7)
Often 17 (26,6) 129 (25,3)
Whenever 10 (15,6) 47 (9,2)

Tolerance for seeing a woman breastfeeding in a public place by city size (p = 0,276)

Size of the city of residence (size of the population) Women criticised for public breastfeeding N (%)* Women not criticised for public breastfeeding N (%)*
Urban agglomeration (e.g. Warsaw, Katowice) 30 (13,2) 197 (86,8)
Large city (over 100 000) 11 (8,9) 112 (91,1)
Average city (between 20 000 – 100 000) 13 (7,2) 168 (92,8)
Small city (< 20 000) 12 (11,8) 90 (88,2)

Demographic characteristics of the surveyed women

Trait N (%) *
Age (years)
< 20 8 (1,1)
20-30 240 (34,3)
30-40 397 (56,7)
> 40 55 (7,9)

Size of the city of residence (size of the population)
Urban agglomeration (e.g. Warsaw, Katowice) 234 (33,5)
Large city (over 100 000) 134 (19,2)
Average city (between 20 000 – 100 000) 206 (29,5)
Small city (< 20 000) 124 (17,8)

Level of education
Primary education 10 (1,4)
Secondary education 138 (19,8)
Incomplete higher education 59 (8,5)
Higher education 490 (70,3)