À propos de cet article


Figure 1

A study flowchart of patient recruitment and response.
(ANGST – Evaluating anxiety in elective coronary angiography study; ECA – elective coronary angiography)
A study flowchart of patient recruitment and response. (ANGST – Evaluating anxiety in elective coronary angiography study; ECA – elective coronary angiography)

Figure 2

Summary of results of confirmatory factor analysis of the Slovenian version of the Cardiac Depression Scale.
Summary of results of confirmatory factor analysis of the Slovenian version of the Cardiac Depression Scale.

Figure 3

Scatterplot showing the distribution of the Slovenian Cardiac Depression Scale after elective coronary angiography scores (ECA) vs. the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale-20 scores and the Spielberger State Anxiety Inventory scores.
Scatterplot showing the distribution of the Slovenian Cardiac Depression Scale after elective coronary angiography scores (ECA) vs. the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale-20 scores and the Spielberger State Anxiety Inventory scores.

Summary of results of factor analysis of the Slovenian version of the Cardiac Depression Scale after the extraction of six factors and oblimin rotation (factor loadings >0.30 and those <-0.30 are in boldface).

Item no Item no Factor 1 Anhedonia Factor 2 Sleep Factor 3 Mood Factor 4 Suicidal Ideation Factor 5 Cognition Factor 6 Fear
4 I get pleasure from life at present 0.632 -0.099 -0.023 -0.046 0.017 0.028
12 I feel in good spirits 0.521 -0.012 0.136 -0.068 0.159 -0.212
19 I gain just as much pleasure from my leisure activities as I used to 0.716 -0.076 0.018 0.081 0.116 -0.046
1 I have dropped many of my interests and activities 0.413 0.066 0.17 -0.002 -0.017 0.197
16 I get hardly anything done 0.417 0.059 0.022 -0.223 0.022 0.262
3 I can’t be bothered doing anything much 0.204 0.078 0.217 -0.035 0.149 0.036
6 I may not recover completely 0.443 -0.099 0.021 -0.192 -0.026 0.16
8 I am not the person I used to be 0.36 -0.174 0.275 -0.051 0.036 0.11
7 My sleep is restless and disturbed 0.108 -0.721 0.171 0.015 0.018 -0.033
9 I wake up in the early hours of the morning and cannot get back to sleep 0 -0.782 0.072 -0.034 -0.009 0.015
21 I become tearful more easily than before 0.088 -0.004 0.48 -0.098 -0.042 -0.033
22 I seem to get more easily irritated by others than before -0.082 -0.118 0.827 0.04 0.003 0.027
24 I lose my temper more easily nowadays -0.043 -0.037 0.765 -0.059 0.098 0.03
25 I feel frustrated 0.03 -0.062 0.684 0.028 0.084 0.06
10 I feel like I am living on borrowed time 0.275 -0.212 -0.06 -0.414 0.043 0.21
11 Dying is the best solution for me 0.007 0.049 0.107 -0.755 -0.011 -0.053
14 There is only misery in the future for me 0.027 -0.182 0.042 -0.6 0.149 0.047
2 My concentration is as good as it ever was 0.044 -0.046 0.018 0.059 0.649 0.05
15 My mind is as fast and alert as always -0.028 0.072 0.045 -0.184 0.704 0.03
20 My memory is as good as it always was -0.039 -0.023 0.007 0.079 0.795 -0.027
23 I feel independent and in control of my life 0.278 0.084 -0.033 -0.213 0.349 0.008
5 I am concerned about the uncertainty of my health 0.219 -0.189 0.1 0.186 0.112 0.416
13 The possibility of sudden death worries me -0.058 -0.166 -0.052 -0.097 0.051 0.465
17 My problems are not yet over 0.196 -0.11 0.044 -0.192 0.128 0.395
18 Things which I regret about my life are bothering me 0.01 -0.07 0.172 -0.229 0.017 0.333
26 I am concerned about my capacity for sexual activity 0.028 0.105 0.11 0.055 0.026 0.367
Cronbach’s alpha 0.84 0.82 0.76 0.82 0.76 0.66

Characteristics of samples. Sample 1 comprises all patients included in the validation study, while Sample 2 comprises patients that meet the criteria for estimation of stability over time and concurrent validity study.

Variables Sample 1 (n=272) Sample 2 (n=184)
Male 192 (71%) 131 (71%)
Medical diagnosis
Coronary artery disease 7 (3%) 6 (3%)
Dysrhythmias 31 (11%) 23 (12.5%)
Valvular heart disease 14 (5%) 9 (5%)
Heart failure 14 (5%) 12 (6.5%)
Two or more heart diagnoses 206 (76%) 134 (73%)
ECA outcome
Normal coronary arteries 160 (59%) 111 (60%)
PCI 70 (26%) 49 (27%)
CABG 42 (15%) 24 (13%)

Goodness-of-fit measures for the confirmatory factor analyses of the Cardiac Depression Scale (N=272).

Model Χ2 (df) RMSEA (90% CI) CFI TLI SRMR
Baseline model (Hare and Davis, 1996) 494.84 (291) 0.051 (0.043–0.058) 0.991 0.990 0.060
6-factor model, 2 dimensions 475.19 (268) 0.053 (0.045–0.061) 0.991 0.990 0.059
6-factor model, 1 dimension 487.25 (269) 0.055 (0.047–0.062) 0.990 0.989 0.060
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Sujets de la revue:
Medicine, Clinical Medicine, Hygiene and Environmental Medicine