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Introducing the early trauma inventory self report - Short form and its qualitative and quantitative validation for the Slovenian general population

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Figure 1

Bland-Altman plots for the test-retest reliability. Each plot illustrates the agreement between time 1 and time 2 measurements and identifies possible outliers. Each participant is represented on the graph with the mean value of the two assessments (x-axis) and difference between the assessments (y-axis). Reference lines show the mean difference between time 1 and time 2 (solid line), and 95% limits of agreement for the mean difference (dotted lines).
Bland-Altman plots for the test-retest reliability. Each plot illustrates the agreement between time 1 and time 2 measurements and identifies possible outliers. Each participant is represented on the graph with the mean value of the two assessments (x-axis) and difference between the assessments (y-axis). Reference lines show the mean difference between time 1 and time 2 (solid line), and 95% limits of agreement for the mean difference (dotted lines).

Četrti del. Dogodki, povezani s spolnostjo. Pred 18. letom.

1. Ali se je kdo kdaj dotaknil vaših intimnih ali drugih delov telesa (npr. prsi, stegen, spolovil) na način, ki vas je presenetil ali vam je bil neprijeten? DA NE
2. Ali je kdaj kdo drgnil svoje spolovilo ob vas? DA NE
3. Ali ste bili kdaj prisiljeni v dotikanje druge osebe po intimnih ali zasebnih delih njihovega telesa? DA NE
4. Ali je kdo imel z vami spolni odnos proti vaši volji? DA NE
5. Ali ste bili kdaj prisiljeni imeti oralni spolni odnos proti vaši volji? DA NE
6. Ali ste bili kdaj prisiljeni poljubiti nekoga na seksualni in ne prijateljski način? DA NE

Mean ETI scores in subjects experiencing severe fear or having out-of-body experiences and subjects without such feelings and the results of the independent samples t-test.

Subscale (range) No severe fear or out of body experience (n=95) Severe fear or out of body experience (n=89) t value P
General trauma (0 - 11) 1.7 (1.5) 3.7 (2.2) -7.04 <0.001
Physical abuse (0 - 5) 2 (1.3) 2.8 (1.3) -3.84 <0.001
Emotional abuse (0 - 5) 0.6 (1.2) 2.5 (1.8) -8.49 <0.001
Sexual abuse (0 - 6) 0.2 (0.5) 1 (1.6) -4.19 <0.001

Internal consistency and test-retest reliability.

Subscale Cronbach’s α (n=184) Test - retest (n=58)
General trauma 0.64 0.84


Physical abuse 0.60 0.82


Emotional abuse 0.85 0.93


Sexual abuse 0.82 0.96


Drugi del. Fizično kaznovanje. Pred 18. letom.

1. Ali ste kdaj dobili klofuto? DA NE
2. Ali so vas kdaj opekli z vročo vodo, cigareto ali čim drugim? DA NE
3. Ali so vas kdaj tepli ali brcali? DA NE
4. Ali vas je kdaj zadel predmet, ki ga je kdo vrgel v vas? DA NE
5. Ali so vas kdaj porinili ali odrinili? DA NE

Participants’ characteristics.

n=184 (%)
Female 97 (52.7)
Male 87 (47.3)
Mean age (SD) in years 37.8 (9.2)
Elementary school 27 (14.7)
Vocational school 22 (12)
High school 51 (27.7)
University or more 84 (45.7)
Working status
Unemployed 40 (21.7)
Employed 138 (75)
Student 5 (2.7)
Retired 1 (0.5)
Controls 133 (72.3)
Patients 51 (27.7)
Drug substitution program 29 (56.9)
Overdosed 21 (41.2)
Self-injury 11 (21.6)
Suicide attempt 14 (27.4)
Mean age (SD) of 1st drug use 15.1 (3)

Če ste na katerokoli od zgornjih vprašanj odgovorili z “DA”, odgovorite na naslednji vprašanji za tisti dogodek, ki je najbolj vplival na vaše življenje. Pri odgovarjanju upoštevajte, kako ste se počutili v času dogodka.

1. Ali ste občutili hud strah, grozo ali nemoč? DA NE
2. Ali ste imeli občutek, kot da bi bili izven svojega telesa ali kot da bi bili v sanjah? DA NE

ETISR-SF additional three items scale Likert scores, mean and median – Round 1 (N=8).

Results Q1 Q2 Q3
>3 (n/8) 7 7 7
>3 (%) 87.5 87.5 87.5
Mean 4.125 4.125 4.25
Median 4 4 4.5

Frequency of traumatic events, item-to-total correlation and value of Cronbach’s alpha if item is omitted.

Subscale (range) Mean (SD) Item-to-Total Correlation Cronbach’s α (minus item)
General trauma
Natural disaster 10% (31) 0.13 0.64
Serious accident 22% (41) 0.26 0.62
Serious personal injury 27% (45) 0.33 0.61
Serious injury/illness of parent 33% (47) 0.33 0.61
Separation of parents 22% (41) 0.24 0.62
Serious illness/injury of sibling 10% (31) 0.17 0.63
Serious injury of friend 41% (49) 0.29 0.62
Witnessing violence 37% (48) 0.49 0.57
Family mental illness 23% (42) 0.41 0.59
Alcoholic parents 28% (45) 0.34 0.60
See someone murdered 9% (29) 0.14 0.64
Physical abuse
Slapped in the face 81% (39) 0.27 0.58
Burned with a cigarette 13% (34) 0.11 0.64
Punched or kicked 39% (49) 0.48 0.46
Hit with a thrown object 40% (49) 0.45 0.48
Pushed or shoved 67% (47) 0.44 0.49
Emotional abuse
Often put down or ridiculed 27% (45) 0.67 0.82
Often ignored or made to feel you didn’t count 39% (49) 0.65 0.82
Often told you are no good 26% (44) 0.65 0.82
Most of the time treated in cold or uncaring way 26% (44) 0.74 0.80
Parents fail to understand your needs 35% (48) 0.62 0.83
Sexual abuse
Touched on intimate parts in a way that was uncomfortable 24% (43) 0.52 0.85
Someone rubbing their genitals against you 8% (27) 0.62 0.79
Forced to touch someone’s intimate parts 8% (27) 0.67 0.78
Someone had genital sex with you against your will 7% (25) 0.71 0.77
Forced to perform oral sex 5% (23) 0.69 0.78
Forced to kiss someone in sexual way 5% (22) 0.53 0.81

ETISR-SF part four – Sexual abuse scale Likert scores, mean and median – Round 1 (N=8).

Results Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6
>3 (n/8) 5 8 8 8 2 7
>3 (%) 62.5 100 100 100 25 87.5
Mean 3.875 4.25 4.37 4.5 2.875 4.25
Median 4 4 4 4.5 2.5 4

Prvi del. Splošne travme. Pred 18. letom.

1. Ali ste bili kdaj izpostavljeni življenjsko nevarni naravni nesreči? DA NE
2. Ali ste bili kdaj udeleženi v hudi nesreči? DA NE
3. Ali ste kdaj imeli hudo telesno poškodbo ali bolezen? DA NE
4. Ali ste kdaj doživeli smrt ali hudo bolezen starša ali skrbnika? DA NE
5. Ali so se vaši starši razšli ali ločili? DA NE
6. Ali ste kdaj doživeli smrt ali hudo poškodbo brata ali sestre? DA NE
7. Ali ste kdaj doživeli smrt ali hudo poškodbo prijatelja? DA NE
8. Ali ste bili kdaj priča nasilju nad drugimi, vključno z družinskimi člani? DA NE
9. Ali je kdo v vaši družini imel duševno motnjo ali doživel “živčni zlom”? DA NE
10. Ali so imeli vaši starši ali skrbniki težave z alkoholom ali drogami? DA NE
11. Ali ste kdaj videli nekoga umorjenega? DA NE

ETISR-SF part one – General trauma scale Likert scores, mean and median – Round 1 (N=8).

Results Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11
>3 (n/8) 8 7 8 8 1 8 8 6 6 7 3
>3 (%) 100 87.5 100 100 12.5 100 100 75 75 87.5 37.5
Mean 4.25 4 4.37 4.37 2.875 4.25 4.25 4 4 4 3
Median 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 3

ETISR-SF part two – Physical abuse scale Likert scores, mean and median – Round 1 (N=8).

Results Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5
>3 (n/8) 8 7 6 1 6
>3 (%) 100 87.5 75 12.5
Mean 4.625 4.25 3 2.875 75 4.25
Median 5 4 3 3 4.5

Mean and median: ETISR-SF – general trauma Q5, Q11, physical abuse Q4, emotional abuse Q3 and sexual abuse Q5 – Round 2 (N=8).

Results GT – Q5 GT – Q11 PA– Q4 EA – Q3 SA - Q5
Mean 4.25 4.5 4 4 4.625
Median 4 4.5 4 4 5

Mean ETI scores in healthy subjects (controls) and patients and results of an independent samples t-test.

Subscale (range) Controls (n=133) Patients (n=51) t value P
General trauma (0 - 11) 2.2 (1.9) 3.7 (2.2) -4.66 < 0.001
Physical abuse (0 - 5) 2.2 (1.4) 2.8 (1.3) -2.88 0.005
Emotional abuse (0 - 5) 1.1 (1.6) 2.6 (1.9) -5.09 < 0.001
Sexual abuse (0 - 6) 0.4 (0.8) 1.1 (1.9) -2.6 0.012

ETISR-SF part three – Emotional abuse scale Likert scores, mean and median – Round 1 (N=8).

Results Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5
>3 (n/8) 8 2 1 5 8
>3 (%) 100 25 12.5 62.5 100
Mean 4.25 3 2.75 3.75 4.625
Median 4 3 3 4 5

Tretji del. Čustvena zloraba. Pred 18. letom.

1. Ali so vas pogosto poniževali ali zasmehovali? DA NE
2. Ali so vas pogosto ignorirali ali pa ste se počutili neupoštevane? DA NE
3. Ali so vam pogosto govorili, da niste za nič? DA NE
4. Ali so pogosto z vami ravnali na hladen, neskrben način ali ste se počutili neljubljene? DA NE
5. Ali vaši starši ali skrbniki pogosto niso uspeli razumeti vas ali vaših potreb? DA NE
4 fois par an
Sujets de la revue:
Medicine, Clinical Medicine, Hygiene and Environmental Medicine