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Summary comparing the variation of visitor and non-visitor answers

Do you agree with the following statements (data in %) measures
category strongly disagree somewhat disagree neither agree nor disagree somewhat agree strongly agree mean standard deviation
S1. Poland is an attractive country in terms of tourism for Russians/Ukrainians
Russians – visitors 0.0 6.8 45.2 31.5 16.4 3.58 0.85
Russians – non-visitors 3.8 4.2 40.7 32.6 18.6 3.58 0.97
Ukrainians – visitors 5.8 12.6 31.1 26.3 24.2 3.51 1.16
Ukrainians – non-visitors 9.5 9.5 31.0 34.9 15.1 3.37 1.14
S2. Poland is an attractive country in terms of tourism for tourists from other countries
Russians – visitors 0.0 11.0 41.1 30.1 17.8 3.55 0.91
Russians – non-visitors 3.0 11.4 39.8 26.3 19.5 3.48 1.03
Ukrainians – visitors 0.5 22.6 31.1 35.8 10.0 3.32 0.95
Ukrainians – non-visitors 2.4 23.0 25.4 33.3 15.9 3.37 1.08
S3. Poland is a country with modern tourist attractions
Russians – visitors 0.0 23.3 21.9 39.7 15.1 3.47 1.01
Russians – non-visitors 2.5 14.0 37.7 35.2 10.6 3.37 0.94
Ukrainians – visitors 1.1 11.6 38.4 26.3 22.6 3.58 1.00
Ukrainians – non-visitors 0.8 12.7 38.9 27.0 20.6 3.54 0.99
S4. Poland offers a high standard of tourist services
Russians – visitors 0.0 8.2 35.6 47.9 8.2 3.56 0.76
Russians – non-visitors 0.8 9.3 47.9 30.5 11.4 3.42 0.85
Ukrainians – visitors 3.2 7.9 33.2 36.8 18.9 3.61 0.99
Ukrainians – non-visitors 4.8 4.8 31.7 37.3 21.4 3.66 1.02
S5. Poland offers favourable prices for tourist services
Russians – visitors 0.0 12.3 41.1 37.0 9.6 3.44 0.83
Russians – non-visitors 5.9 8.5 44.1 30.5 11.0 3.32 0.98
Ukrainians – visitors 2.6 8.9 37.9 30.0 20.5 3.57 1.00
Ukrainians – non-visitors 4.8 10.3 35.7 26.2 23.0 3.52 1.10
S7. There are beautiful landscapes in Poland
Russians – visitors 0.0 4.1 13.7 42.5 39.7 4.18 0.82
Russians – non-visitors 0.0 4.7 20.8 29.2 45.3 4.15 0.91
Ukrainians – visitors 0.0 2.1 18.4 43.7 35.8 4.13 0.78
Ukrainians – non-visitors 0.8 1.6 19.0 38.9 39.7 4.15 0.84
S8. Poland is a country in which it is easy to travel
Russians – visitors 0.0 2.7 21.9 47.9 27.4 4.00 0.78
Russians – non-visitors 2.1 5.5 37.3 31.8 23.3 3.69 0.96
Ukrainians – visitors 0.5 3.2 37.9 32.1 26.3 3.81 0.88
Ukrainians – non-visitors 1.6 4.0 42.9 31.0 20.6 3.65 0.91
S9. There is very good tourist infrastructure in Poland
Russians – visitors 0.0 6.8 37.0 45.2 11.0 3.60 0.78
Russians – non-visitors 1.3 9.3 36.9 39.0 13.6 3.54 0.89
Ukrainians – visitors 0.0 6.3 28.9 51.1 13.7 3.72 0.78
Ukrainians – non-visitors 0.8 12.7 29.4 44.4 12.7 3.56 0.90
S10. In Poland, it is easy to find information on what to visit and where to go
Russians – visitors 0.0 2.7 38.4 47.9 11.0 3.67 0.71
Russians – non-visitors 0.0 5.1 29.7 41.5 23.7 3.84 0.84
Ukrainians – visitors 2.1 2.6 37.9 33.2 24.2 3.75 0.93
Ukrainians – non-visitors 0.8 3.2 38.9 37.3 19.8 3.72 0.85
S11. There are many cultural events in Poland
Russians – visitors 0.0 9.6 27.4 45.2 17.8 3.71 0.87
Russians – non-visitors 1.3 6.8 28.0 36.4 27.5 3.82 0.96
Ukrainians – visitors 0.5 3.2 32.6 46.3 17.4 3.77 0.79
Ukrainians – non-visitors 0.0 6.3 19.8 49.2 24.6 3.92 0.84
S12. In Poland I can spend my time any way I like
Russians – visitors 0.0 4.1 23.3 47.9 24.7 3.93 0.80
Russians – non-visitors 0.0 3.4 21.6 37.3 37.7 4.09 0.84
Ukrainians – visitors 0.0 3.2 22.6 55.8 18.4 3.89 0.73
Ukrainians – non-visitors 1.6 3.2 23.8 49.2 22.2 3.87 0.85
S13. Poland is a country where you can travel safely
Russians – visitors 0.0 12.3 26.0 42.5 19.2 3.68 0.93
Russians – non-visitors 1.7 9.7 29.7 38.6 20.3 3.66 0.97
Ukrainians – visitors 0.0 3.7 25.3 58.4 12.6 3.80 0.70
Ukrainians – non-visitors 0.0 0.8 27.0 57.1 15.1 3.73 0.92
S14. There are many important European cultural locations in Poland
Russians – visitors 0.0 2.7 15.1 53.4 28.8 4.08 0.74
Russians – non-visitors 0.8 4.7 27.5 40.7 26.3 3.87 0.89
Ukrainians – visitors 0.5 8.4 32.6 33.7 24.7 3.74 0.95
Ukrainians – non-visitors 0.0 6.3 39.7 28.6 25.4 3.87 0.66
S15. Time spent in Poland is more interesting than in many other popular places abroad
Russians – visitors 0.0 34.2 27.4 20.5 17.8 3.22 1.11
Russians – non-visitors 11.4 22.0 33.1 25.8 7.6 2.96 1.11
Ukrainians – visitors 6.8 21.1 44.2 15.8 12.1 3.05 1.06
Ukrainians – non-visitors 4.0 19.8 43.7 19.8 12.7 3.17 1.02
S16. Poland is one of the countries that I would like to get to know better
Russians – visitors 4.1 15.1 15.1 23.3 42.5 3.85 1.24
Russians – non-visitors 8.5 4.2 12.7 22.9 51.7 4.05 1.26
Ukrainians – visitors 2.6 12.6 28.4 36.8 19.5 3.58 1.02
Ukrainians – non-visitors 4.8 7.9 23.0 32.5 31.7 3.79 1.12

The results of verification of null hypotheses in relation to Russian and Ukrainian visitors and non-visitors

statements Russians – visitors Russians – non-visitors Ukrainians – visitors Ukrainians – non-visitors
level of significance – 0.05; H0: m = 3
cv = 2.00 cv = 1.96 cv =1.96 cv = 1.98
empirical value of Student's t-test
S1 5.75 9.18 6.01 3.59
S2 5.09 7.14 4.65 3.88
S3 3.89 6.07 7.99 6.15
S4 6.24 7.67 8.47 7.24
S5 4.46 5.06 7.84 5.34
S7 12.16 19.37 19.93 15.38
S8 10.85 10.92 12.55 8.06
S9 6.58 9.35 12.79 6.93
S10 8.04 15.31 11.13 9.59
S11 6.92 13.15 13.42 12.37
S12 9.82 19.93 16.96 11.55
S13 6.28 10.48 15.77 14.68
S14 12.40 14.98 10.75 8.95
S15 1.68 −0.53 0.68 1.92
S16 5.80 12.76 7.79 7.86

Socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents

Feature Russians Ukrainians
number of respondents percentage number of respondents percentage
Women 174 56.3 172 54.4
Men 135 43.7 144 45.6
Up to 18 years 40 12.9 61 19.3
19–40 years 173 56.0 176 55.7
41–65 years 66 21.4 41 13.0
Over 65 years 30 9.7 38 12.0
Place of residence
Village 40 12.9 87 27.5
City 170 55.0 162 51.3
Capital city of the region 99 32.1 67 21.2
Previously visited Poland
Yes 73 23.6 190 60.1
No 236 76.4 126 39.1

Cronbach's correlation coefficients and values after omitting a given statement for surveys completed by Russians and Ukrainians

Statement Russia Ukraine
Correlation coefficient* Cronbach's alpha index** Correlation coefficient* Cronbach's alpha index**
S1 Poland is an attractive country in terms of tourism for Russians/Ukrainians 0.516 0.874 0.289 0.633
S2 Poland is an attractive country in terms of tourism for tourists from other countries 0.546 0.873 0.341 0.625
S3 Poland is a country with modern tourist attractions 0.611 0.870 0.370 0.621
S4 Poland offers a high standard of tourist services 0.608 0.871 0.280 0.634
S5 Poland offers favourable prices for tourist services 0.605 0.871 0.237 0.640
S6 Poland is a country whose tourist attractions require more advertising 0.209 0.888 0.038 0.669
S7 There are beautiful landscapes in Poland 0.528 0.874 0.171 0.647
S8 Poland is a country in which it is easy to travel 0.591 0.871 0.288 0.633
S9 There is very good tourist infrastructure in Poland 0.579 0.872 0.260 0.637
S10 In Poland, it is easy to find information on what to visit and where to go 0.470 0.876 0.250 0.638
S11 There are many cultural events in Poland 0.635 0.869 0.251 0.638
S12 In Poland I can spend my time any way I like 0.506 0.875 0.388 0.623
S13 Poland is a country where you can travel safely 0.542 0.873 0.270 0.637
S14 There are many important European cultural locations in Poland 0.562 0.873 0.244 0.639
S15 Time spent in Poland is more interesting than in many other popular places abroad 0.558 0.873 0.210 0.645
S16 Poland is one of the countries that I would like to get to know better 0.471 0.878 0.319 0.628

Results of the null hypotheses verification in reference to Russians and Ukrainians

Statement Russians Ukrainians
level of significance − 0.05; m = 3, cv = 1.96
Empirical value of t-test
S1 10.85 6.93
S2 8.71 6.06
S3 7.26 10.10
S4 9.70 11.16
S5 6.46 9.42
S7 22.92 25.17
S8 14.38 14.77
S9 11.37 14.02
S10 17.20 14.68
S11 14.94 18.19
S12 22.04 20.29
S13 12.28 21.46
S14 18.82 14.00
S15 0.36 1.72
S16 14.05 11.02

Summary comparing the variation of Russian and Ukrainian answers

Do you agree with the following statements (data in %) measures
category strongly disagree somewhat disagree neither agree nor disagree somewhat agree strongly agree mean standard deviation
S1. Poland is an attractive country in terms of tourism for Russians/Ukrainians
Russians 2.9 4.9 41.7 32.4 18.1 3.58 0.94
Ukrainians 7.3 11.4 31.0 29.7 20.6 3.45 1.15
S2. Poland is an attractive country in terms of tourism for tourists from other countries
Russians 2.3 11.3 40.1 27.2 19.1 3.50 1.00
Ukrainians 1.3 22.8 28.8 34.8 12.3 3.34 1.00
S3. Poland is a country with modern tourist attractions
Russians 1.9 16.2 34.0 36.2 11.7 3.39 0.96
Ukrainians 0.9 12.0 38.6 26.6 21.8 3.56 0.99
S4. Poland offers a high standard of tourist services
Russians 0.6 9.1 45.0 34.6 10.7 3.46 0.83
Ukrainians 3.8 6.6 32.6 37.0 19.9 3.63 1.00
S5. Poland offers favourable prices for tourist services
Russians 4.5 9.4 43.4 32.0 10.7 3.35 0.95
Ukrainians 3.5 9.5 37.0 28.5 21.5 3.55 1.04
S7. There are beautiful landscapes in Poland
Russians 0.0 4.5 19.1 32.4 44.0 4.16 0.89
Ukrainians 0.3 1.9 18.7 41.8 37.3 4.14 0.80
S8. Poland is a country in which it is easy to travel
Russians 1.6 4.9 33.7 35.6 24.3 3.76 0.93
Ukrainians 0.9 3.5 39.9 31.6 24.1 3.74 0.89
S9. There is very good tourist infrastructure in Poland
Russians 1.0 8.7 36.9 40.5 12.9 3.56 0.86
Ukrainians 0.3 8.9 29.1 48.4 13.3 3.66 0.83
S10. In Poland, it is easy to find information on what to visit and where to go
Russians 0.0 4.5 31.7 43.0 20.7 3.80 0.82
Ukrainians 1.6 2.8 38.3 34.8 22.5 3.74 0.89
S11. There are many cultural events in Poland
Russians 1.0 7.4 27.8 38.5 25.2 3.80 0.94
Ukrainians 0.3 4.4 27.5 47.5 20.3 3.83 0.81
S12. In Poland I can spend my time any way I like
Russians 0.0 3.6 22.0 39.8 34.6 4.06 0.84
Ukrainians 0.6 3.2 23.1 53.2 19.9 3.89 0.78
S13. Poland is a country where you can travel safely
Russians 1.3 10.4 28.8 39.5 20.1 3.67 0.95
Ukrainians 0.0 2.5 25.9 57.9 13.6 3.83 0.68
S14. There are many important European cultural locations in Poland
Russians 0.6 4.2 24.6 43.7 26.9 3.92 0.86
Ukrainians 0.3 7.6 35.4 31.6 25.0 3.73 0.93
S15. Time spent in Poland is more interesting than in many other popular places abroad
Russians 8.7 24.9 31.7 24.6 10.0 3.02 1.12
Ukrainians 5.7 20.6 44.0 17.4 12.3 3.10 1.05
S16. Poland is one of the countries that I would like to get to know better
Russians 7.4 6.8 13.3 23.0 49.5 4.00 1.25
Ukrainians 3.5 10.8 26.3 35.1 24.4 3.66 1.07
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