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Characterizing structure of cross-disciplinary impact of global disciplines: A perspective of the Hierarchy of Science

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Figure 1.

Research framework.
Research framework.

Figure 2.

Distribution of number of publications over the years and the 19 disciplines (b).
Distribution of number of publications over the years and the 19 disciplines (b).

Figure 3.

Structure of a discipline’s cross-disciplinary impact. Different icons represent different disciplines that cite the focal discipline. The size indicates the magnitude of the impact.
Structure of a discipline’s cross-disciplinary impact. Different icons represent different disciplines that cite the focal discipline. The size indicates the magnitude of the impact.

Figure 4.

Mutual citation heat map for 0-level disciplines.
Mutual citation heat map for 0-level disciplines.

Figure 5.

Proportion (%) of high, normal, and low cross-disciplinary impact publications in the 19 0-level disciplines.
Proportion (%) of high, normal, and low cross-disciplinary impact publications in the 19 0-level disciplines.

Figure 6.

Rank of the variety of cross-disciplinary impact for 0-level disciplines. The darker the color of the cell, the higher the variety of cross-disciplinary impact.
Rank of the variety of cross-disciplinary impact for 0-level disciplines. The darker the color of the cell, the higher the variety of cross-disciplinary impact.

Figure 7.

The four groups of the 0-level disciplines partitioned by the disparity and balance of cross-disciplinary impact.
The four groups of the 0-level disciplines partitioned by the disparity and balance of cross-disciplinary impact.

Figure 8.

Impact relationship map among disciplines at different layers. The five disciplines are arranged by HOS from left to right. The nodes indicate disciplines, and the line between disciplines indicates the crossdisciplinary impact, i.e., the number of citations.
Impact relationship map among disciplines at different layers. The five disciplines are arranged by HOS from left to right. The nodes indicate disciplines, and the line between disciplines indicates the crossdisciplinary impact, i.e., the number of citations.

Figure 9.

Distribution of bibliometric features for the 19 0-level disciplines. The disciplines in each group are listed by a decreasing order of cross-disciplinary impact.
Distribution of bibliometric features for the 19 0-level disciplines. The disciplines in each group are listed by a decreasing order of cross-disciplinary impact.

Figure 10.

The hardness related bibliometric features of the 5 disciplines over years.
The hardness related bibliometric features of the 5 disciplines over years.

Descriptive statistics of the bibliometric features of the 19 0-level disciplines.

Category Variable Mean Std Min Max
Hardness Number of authors 6.566 10.756 1 97
Number of references 78.101 79.820 1 8,724
Number of cited disciplines 5.216 2.059 1 19
Citation distribution 1.980 0.329 0 2.964
Price index 0.022 0.023 0 1
Citation dynamic First citation year 1.339 1.509 0 5
First citation count 4.990 29.901 1 7,848
First peak year 2.132 2.068 0 5
First peak Citation count 10.001 33.349 1 7,848

Regression results for the structure of cross-disciplinary impact, as well as the balance and disparity of cross-disciplinary impact.

Variable Model 1 - variety Model 2 - balance Model 3 - disparity
B Sig. B Sig. B Sig. VIF
Number of authors -0.006 0.745 0.016 0.411 0.026 0.411 1.935
Number of references 1.700 0.000*** 1.170 0.001*** -1.113 0.001*** 5.672
Number of cited disciplines 2.405 0.000*** 1.992 0.000*** -1.005 0.000*** 4.315
Citation distribution 12.722 0.001*** 7.770 0.000*** -2.160 0.000*** 4.778
Price index 23.584 0.001*** 1.013 0.900 7..713 0.900 3.954
First citation year 1.909 0.371 -0.482 0.577 0.244 0.577 2.047
First citation count -0.016 0.769 0.049 0.368 -0.460 0.368 3.126
First peak year -0.353 0.214 -0.066 0.774 -0.095 0.774 2.372
First peak citation count -0.004 0.912 -0.069 0.026 0.610 0.026 3.579
Observations 291 291 291
Intercept 29.3 12.4 -3.93
R2 0.784 0.509 0.473

Result of robust check for the structure of cross-disciplinary impact.

Variable Model 4 - variety Model 5 - balance Model 6 - disparity
B Sig. B Sig. B Sig.
Number of authors -0.011 0.708 0.015 0.392 0.027 0.337
Number of references 1.577 0.000*** 1.453 0.000*** -1.08 0.000***
Number of cited disciplines 2.418 0.000*** 1.987 0.000*** -0.912 0.000***
Citation distribution 12.174 0.000*** 7.81 0.001*** -2.35 0.000***
Price index 24.548 0.001*** 1.128 0.889 8.727 0.814
First citation year 1.416 0.483 -0.467 0.571 0.361 0.557
First citation count -0.065 0.796 0.047 0.366 -0.024 0.459
First peak year -0.347 0.236 -0.061 0.768 -0.084 0.762
First peak citation count -0.017 0.816 -0.0703 0.025 0.563 0.121
Observations 291 291 291
Intercept 27.625 10.975 -3.615
R2 0.786 0.522 0.470

The selected bibliometric indicators of publications.

Aspect Variable Definition Key refs.
Hardness Number of authors xauthor The number of authors who wrote the publication. (Zuckerman & Merton, 1973)
Number of references xreference The number of references listed in the publication. (Skilton, 2006)
Number of cited disciplines xdiscipline The number of disciplines corresponding to the references in the publication. (Leydesdorff & Probst, 2010)
Citation distribution xdistribution The Shannon entropy of disciplines corresponding to the references in the publication. (Leydesdorff & Probst, 2010)
Price index xprice The ratio of citation counts of papers published for no more than five years to total citation counts. (Price, 1970)
Price= citationn<5 citationn0${\rm{Price}} = {{{\rm{citatio}}{{\rm{n}}_{n 5}}} \over {{\rm{citatio}}{{\rm{n}}_{n \ge 0}}}}$
Citation dynamic First citation year xfirst_year The year between the publication of the paper and its first citation. (Min et al., 2018)
First citation count xfirst_count Citation counts in the year of its first citation. (Min et al., 2018)
First peak year xpeak_year The year between the publication of the paper and the first citation peak. (Min et al., 2021)
First peak citation count xpeak_count Citation counts in the first citation peak. (Min et al., 2021)