À propos de cet article


Figure 1

Matrix categories of the Danish golden triangle.Note: Own elaboration, based on Madsen (1999).
Matrix categories of the Danish golden triangle.Note: Own elaboration, based on Madsen (1999).

Figure 2

EU-28 performance over 2005–2015 in the golden triangle drivers.
EU-28 performance over 2005–2015 in the golden triangle drivers.

Figure 3

Golden Triangle underlying the linear regression models.Source: Own elaboration.
Golden Triangle underlying the linear regression models.Source: Own elaboration.

Explained variables included in the econometric analysis

Social outcomes (dependent variables)
Y1Early leavers from edu- cation and trainingPercentage of the population between 18 and 24-year-old with at most secondary education who were not in further education or training during the last 4 weeks preceding the survey in 2015Social Scoreboard for the European Pillar of Social
Y2Gender gapDifference between the employment rates of men and women of working age in 2015Rights (https:// composite-­
Y3Income inequalityThe ratio of total income received by the 20% of the population with the highest income over the income received by the 20% of the population with the lowest levels of income in 2015indicators.jrc. ec.europa.eu/ social-scoreboard/)
Y4At risk of poverty or social exclusion (AROPE)Percentage of the population who is either at risk of poverty or social exclusion (severely deprived or living in a household with low work intensity in 2015
Y5Young people not in ed- ucation, employment, or training (NEET)Percentage of young people aged between 15- and 24-year-old who are neither working nor studying or doing a training job in 2015
Y6Unemployment rateUnemployed people as a percentage of the labor force in 2015

Results of the OLS regression over the period 2008–2015

Social outcomes
FlexicurityFlexibilityExternal numericalF1,20080.0040.039−0.006−0.035*−0.023−0.061*
SecurityEmployment securityS5,2008−0.048−0.0090.023*0.0670.0010.0773
Income securityS6,20080.055**−0.018−0.013−0.063*−0.014−0.046
Control variablesL20080.553***0.843***1.159***1.021***1.056***0.695***
Diagnostic checking
Adjusted R20.910.880.860.870.830.83
HeterocedasticityB-P-G test0.65 (0.74)0.99 (0.47)1.329 (0.29)0.537 (0.84)0.546 (0.79)1.399 (0.26)
White test0.753 (0.66)0.62 (0.75)1.330 (0.29)0.449 (0.90)0.595 (0.75)0.939 (0.52)
AutocorrelationLM test0.008 (0.93)0.41 (0.53)0.007 (0.94)0.013 (0.91)0.653 (0.43)0.005 (0.94)
L-B test0.012 (0.91)0.51 (0.48)0.008 (0.93)0.018 (0.89)0.630 (0.43)0.008 (0.93)
Normality (Jarque–Beratest)0.581 (0.75)0.43 (0.81)0.830 (0.66)4.437 (0.11)0.802 (0.67)1.680 (0.43)
Model specification (RamseyReset0.113 (0.91)0.42 (0.68)0.914 (0.37)0.217 (0.83)1.110 (0.28)1.940* (0.07)

Indicators by security category and driver

Category and driverIndicatorsDirection
Job security
S.1. EPL and tenureEPL regular contracts (FRCA_01_r)+
EPL temporary contracts (FRCA_01_t)+
Job tenure in years—Job duration (FRCA_20)+
S.2. Transitions andTransition from temporary to permanent—3-year average (FRCA_04)+
self-employmentTransitions by contract—Pay level (FRCA_06)+
Diversity and reason for contractual and working arrangements— self-employed (FRCA_14)
S.3 Involuntary part-time and temporary jobsDiversity and reason for contractual and working arrangements—Involuntary part-time (FRCA_12)
Diversity and reason for contractual and working arrangements—Involuntary temporary (FRCA_11)
Employment security
S.4. Human capital—lower educationEarly leavers from education and training (TSDSC410)
Percentage of the population having completed at least secondary education (TPS00065)+
At least upper secondary educational attainment, age group 20–24 by sex (TPS00186) +
S.5. Human capital—LLL (age 25–64) (CLLL_01)
higher education, LLL,Public spending on human resources (CLLL_02)+
and ALMP (S´5)Educational attainment—% aged 30–34 with tertiary educational attainment (CLLL_07)+
Expenditure on ALMP as % GDP (ALMP_05)+
Activation—LMP participants per 100 persons wanting to work (ALMP_06)+
Expenditure on ALMP per person in labor service (ALMP_04)+
LTU 1 (% active population) (ALMP_01)
Income security
S.6. Social securityPLMP expenditure on support per person in labor reserve (MSS_02)+
supportExpenditure on PLMP as % GDP (MSS_03)+
PLMP participants % of U (MSS_04)+
Net replacement rate after 6 months (MSS_07)+
Net replacement rate after 5 years (MSS_08)+
S.7. In-work povertyAt risk of poverty rate max secondary education (TSDSC420)
In work at risk of poverty (TSDSC320)
At risk of poverty without dependent children no low-work intensity (TESSI122)
At risk of poverty with dependent children no low-work intensity (ILC_PEES02)
Inactivity trap (WLB_03)+
Work–life balance/combination security
S.8. Childcare,Childcare (WLB_02)+
parenthood, andEmployment impact of parenthood (WLB_04)
inactivityLack of care for children and other dependents—the main reason for inactivity (WLB_07)
S.9. Part-time and low wageLack of care for children and other dependents—the main reason for part-time (WLB_06)
Low wage trap (MSS_06)

EMCO variables grouped by flexibility drivers—pairwise correlations.

EMCO variables grouped by security drivers—pairwise correlations.

Flexibility and security matrix: categories and drivers

Flexicurity componentsCategoriesDrivers
FlexibilityExternal numerical flexibilityEmployment protection legislation (EPL) and tenure
Job seekers
Public expenditure
Family and labor supply
Low-wage supply
Internal numerical flexibilityWorking time
Functional flexibilityHuman capital—lower education
Human capital—higher education, LLL, and ALMP
Wage flexibilityCompetitive pay and labor cost
SecurityJob securityEPL and tenure
Transitions and self-employment
Involuntary part-time and temporary jobs
Employment securityHuman capital—lower education
Human capital—higher education, LLL, and ALMP Social security support
Income securitySocial security support
In-work poverty
Work–life balanceChildcare, parenthood, and inactivity
Part-time and low wage

Indicators by flexibility category and driver

Category and driverIndicatorsDirection
External numerical flexibility
F.1. EPL and tenure (F´1)EPL regular contracts (FRCA_01_r)
EPL temporary contracts (FRCA_01_t)
Job tenure in years—Job duration (FRCA_20)
F.2. Job seekersUnemployment rate (ALMP_02)+
Involuntary working on a temporary job (FRCA_11)+
Involuntary working part-time (FRCA_12)+
Diversity and reason for contractual and working arrangements—+
self-employed (FRCA_14)
F.3. Public expenditureNet replacement rate after 6 months (MSS_07)
PLMP expenditure on support per person in labor reserve (MSS_02)
Expenditure on PLMP as % GDP (MSS_03)
PLMP participants % of U (MSS_04)
F.4. TrapsUnemployment trap (MSS_05)
Low wage trap (MSS_06)
Inactivity trap (WLB_03)1
F.5. Family and laborEmployment impact of parenthood (WLB_04)
supplyLack of care for children and other dependents—Main reason for inactivity
F.6. Low-wage supplyIn-work at-risk-of-poverty (TSDSC320)+
At-risk-of-poverty without dependent children no low-work intensity+
A t-risk-of-poverty with dependent children no low-work intensity (ILC_PEES02)+
Net replacement rate after 5 years (MSS_08)
F.7 TransitionsTransition from temporary to permanent—3-year average (FRCA_04)
Transition in labor status and pay levels—Same or higher qualification level+
Internal numerical flexibility
Working time<No EMCO indicator>
Functional flexibility
F.8. Human capital—Percentage of the population having completed at least secondary
lower educationeducation (TPS00065)
At least upper secondary educational attainment, age group 20–24 by sex+
F.9. Human capital—LLL (age 25–64) (CLLL_01)+
higher education, LLL, and ALMPPublic spending on human resources (CLLL_02) Educational attainment—% aged 30–34 with tertiary educational attain-+ +
ment (CLLL_07)
Expenditure on ALMP per person in labor service (ALMP_04)+
Expenditure on ALMP as % GDP (ALMP_05)+
Activation—LMP participants per 100 persons wanting to work (ALMP_06)+
Wage flexibility
F.10. Competitive payTransitions by contract—Pay level (FRCA_06)
and labor cost

Independent variables included in the econometric analysis

Flexicurity measures and controls (explanatory variables)
FlexicurityXFlexibilityF1External nu- merical flexibil-The aggregated value of the driver “EPL and tenure” in 2008Own elaboration
ity in the labor
S5EmploymentThe aggregated value of the driver
SecuritysecurityHuman Capital—higher education, LLL, and ALMP” in 2008
S6Income securityThe aggregated value of the driver
Social security support” in 2008
ControlCLLagged depen- dent variableValue of the dependent variable in 2008Social Scoreboard for the European Pillar of Social
ln(GDP)GDP per capitaNatural logarithm of GDP per capita inEurostat
νGDPEconomicThe annual average growth rate of GDP
growthper capita over the period 2008–2015
OutliersDCountry dummiesDummy for each country detected as outlier according to the DFFIT1 analysisOwn elaboration

Security drivers—PCA and Cronbach’s α results

Group 1# FRCA_01_r FRCA_01_t FRCA_20
SS loadings1.6730.7570.570
Proportion Var0.5580.2520.190
Cumulative Var0.5580.8101.000
Proportion explained0.5580.2520.190
Cumulative proportion0.5580.8101.000
Cronbach’s α: 0.61
Group 2# FRCA_04 FRCA_06 FRCA_14
SS loadings1.6410.7460.613
Proportion Var0.5470.2490.204
Cumulative Var0.5470.7961.000
Proportion explained0.5470.2490.204
Cumulative proportion0.5470.7961.000
Cronbach’s α: 0.58
Group 4# JQ_10 JQ_11 JQ_12
SS loadings2.5950.2850.120
Proportion Var0.8650.0950.040
Cumulative Var0.8650.9601.000
Proportion explained0.8650.0950.040
Cumulative proportion0.8650.9601.000
Cronbach’s α: 0.92
Group 5# CLLL_01 CLLL_02 CLLL_07 ALMP_05 ALMP_06 ALMP_04 ALMP_01
SS loadings3.5751.2060.9180.5900.3780.1910.141
Proportion Var0.5110.1720.1310.0840.0540.0270.020
Cumulative Var0.5110.6830.8140.8990.9530.9801.000
Proportion explained0.5110.1720.1310.0840.0540.0270.020
Cumulative proportion0.5110.6830.8140.8990.9530.9801.000
Cronbach’s α: 0.83
Group 6# MSS_02 MSS_03 MSS_04 MSS_07 MSS_08
SS loadings3.3660.7800.4800.2910.084
Proportion Var0.6730.1560.0960.0580.017
Cumulative Var0.6730.8290.9250.9831.000
Proportion explained0.6730.1560.0960.0580.017
Cumulative proportion0.6730.8290.9250.9831.000
Cronbach’s α: 0.87
Group 7# JQ_6 JQ_1 JQ_3 JQ_5 WLB_03
SS loadings3.2140.7460.5750.3260.139
Proportion Var0.6430.1490.1150.0650.028
Cumulative Var0.6430.7920.9070.9721.000
Proportion explained0.6430.1490.1150.0650.028
Cumulative proportion0.6430.7920.9070.9721.000
Cronbach’s α: 0.85
Group 8# WLB_02 WLB_04 WLB_07
SS loadings2.0640.6660.270
Proportion Var0.6880.2220.090
Cumulative Var0.6880.9101.000
Proportion explained0.6880.2220.090
Cumulative proportion0.6880.9101.000
Cronbach’s α: 0.76

Flexibility drivers—PCA and Cronbach’s α results

Group 1# FRCA_01_r FRCA_01_t FRCA_20
SS loadings1.6730.7570.570
Proportion Var0.5580.2520.190
Cumulative Var0.5580.8101.000
Proportion explained0.5580.2520.190
Cumulative proportion0.5580.8101.000
Cronbach’s α: 0.61
Group 2# ALMP_02 FRCA_11 FRCA_12 FRCA_14
SS loadings2.4790.6930.4970.331
Proportion Var0.6200.1730.1240.083
Cumulative Var0.6200.7930.9171.000
Proportion explained0.6200.1730.1240.083
Cumulative proportion0.6200.7930.9171.000
Cronbach’s α: 0.80
Group 3# MSS_07 MSS_02 MSS_03 MSS_04
SS loadings3.0100.5310.3410.118
Proportion Var0.7520.1330.0850.030
Cumulative Var0.7520.8850.9701.000
Proportion explained0.7520.1330.0850.030
Cumulative proportion0.7520.8850.9701.000
Cronbach’s α: 0.89
Group 4# MSS_05 MSS_06 WLB_03
SS loadings1.9890.5770.434
Proportion Var0.6630.1920.145
Cumulative Var0.6630.8551.000
Proportion explained0.6630.1920.145
Cumulative proportion0.6630.8551.000
Cronbach’s α: 0.70
Group 6# JQ_1 JQ_3 JQ_5 MSS_08
SS loadings2.7130.7550.3730.160
Proportion Var0.6780.1890.0930.040
Cumulative Var0.6780.8670.9601.000
Proportion explained0.6780.1890.0930.040
Cumulative proportion0.6780.8670.9601.000
Cronbach’s α: 0.83
Group 9# CLLL_01 CLLL_02 CLLL_07 ALMP_04 ALMP_05 ALMP_06
SS loadings3.3591.2000.6740.3830.2400.144
Proportion Var0.5600.2000.1120.0640.0400.024
Cumulative Var0.5600.7600.8720.9360.9761.000
Proportion explained0.5600.2000.1120.0640.0400.024
Cumulative proportion0.5600.7600.8720.9360.9761.000
Cronbach’s α: 0.83