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Ethnic Segregation and Immigrants’ Labor Market Outcomes: The Role of Education

 et    | 20 déc. 2023
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Figure B.1

Differences-in-Differences Trends, Method 1.
Differences-in-Differences Trends, Method 1.

Figure B.2

Triple Differences Trends, Method 1.
Triple Differences Trends, Method 1.

Figure B.3

Differences-in-Differences Trends, Method 2.
Differences-in-Differences Trends, Method 2.

Figure B.4

Triple Differences Trends, Method 2.
Triple Differences Trends, Method 2.

Triple differences, ISO Model and ISO×S¯ ISO \times \bar S Model, Earnings Results

Dependent variable: log earning

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
ISO −0.217 (0.469) −0.233 (0.436) −0.156 (0.417) 0.438 (1.721) −0.498 (1.599) −0.582 (1.556)
ISO×S¯ ISO \times \bar S - - - −0.039 (0.187) 0.059 (0.175) 0.061 (0.170)
S¯ \bar S - - - 0.055*** (0.013) 0.049*** (0.012) 0.023* (0.012)
S - - 0.028*** (0.002) - - 0.028*** (0.002)
+characteristic control No Yes Yes No Yes Yes
  F-test - - - 0.04 0.06 0.07
  P-value - - - 0.960 0.943 0.933
  N 102,475

Robustness Test, Triple Differences and Triple Interactions Model (Centered), Employment Results

Dependent variable: if employed, =1

(1) (2) (3) (4)
Male Female Arrived at the U.S. after age 21 or later Arrived at the U.S. after age 23 or later
ISO 0.134 (0.304) −0.346 (0.464) −0.119 (0.280) −0.133 (0.332)
ISO × S −0.004 (0.016) −0.001 (0.029) 0.039** (0.018) 0.030 (0.019)
ISO×S¯ ISO \times \bar S 0.038 (0.065) 0.006 (0.113) 0.013 (0.069) 0.115 (0.077)
ISO×S¯H×S ISO \times \bar SH \times S 0.034 (0.046) 0.068 (0.057) 0.036 (0.051) 0.029 (0.065)
ISO×S¯L×S ISO \times \bar SL \times S 0.001 (0.004) −0.001 (0.007) 0.009** (0.004) 0.007 (0.005)
S¯×S \bar S \times S 0.001*** (0.000) −0.001 (0.000) 0.001** (0.000) 0.000 (0.000)
S¯ \bar S −0.005 (0.005) −0.007 (0.009) −0.009 (0.006) −0.011 (0.007)
S 0.005*** (0.001) 0.004*** (0.001) 0.005*** (0.001) 0.005*** (0.001)
  F-test 0.67 0.62 1.41 2.09
  P-value 0.647 0.686 0.219 0.063
  N 83,164 42,838 65,149 40,642

Mechanisms and Heterogeneity Tests, Employment Results

Dependent variable: if employed, =1

Baseline English insufficiency Years in the U.S.
ISO −0.018 (0.249) −0.028 (0.249) 0.024 (0.251)
ISO × S 0.001 (0.018) −0.000 (0.018) −0.001 (0.018)
ISO×S¯ ISO \times \bar S 0.025 (0.056) 0.031 (0.056) 0.027 (0.056)
ISO×S¯H×S ISO \times \bar SH \times S 0.042 (0.037) 0.042 (0.037) 0.043 (0.038)
ISO×S¯L×S ISO \times \bar SL \times S 0.002 (0.004) 0.001 (0.004) 0.001 (0.004)
ISO × insufEng - 0.045 (0.043) -
insufEng - −0.021*** (0.004) -
ISO × Years in US - - −0.006 (0.007)
Years in US - - 0.003*** (0.001)
  F-test 0.68 0.65 0.57
  P-value 0.635 0.664 0.721
  N 127,769

Cutler et al. (2008) Model, Earning Results

Dependent Var: log earning ISO Model ISO, ISO×S¯ {\boldsymbol{ISO}} \times {\boldsymbol{\bar S}} Model

(1) (2) (3) (4)


ISO ISO ISO ISO×S¯ {\bf{ISO}} \times {\boldsymbol{\bar S}} ISO ISO×S¯ {\bf{ISO}} \times {\boldsymbol{\bar S}}
Cutler et al. (2007) 0.250 (0.512) 2.963** (1.525) 2.965* (1.600) −0.331* (0.183) −14.021*** (5.212) 1.637*** (0.568)
N 22,564 22,564 22,564 22,564

2000, 60 groups (age 20–30) −0.280** (0.142) 1.557 (0.971) −2.034 (5.157) 0.229 (0.356) −3.977 (3.118) 0.361 (0.221)
N 97,861

2010, 74 groups (age 20–30) 0.256* (0.143) 1.048 (0.703) −0.425 (0.547) 0.062 (0.049) 5.618 (8.350) −0.319 (0.596)
N 98,672

2000, 60 groups (age 20–30, arrived after age 17) −0.361* (0.187) −0.308 (1.667) 1.300* (0.723) −0.162** (0.067) 132.097 (4536.585) −8.553 (293.454)
N 53,690

2010, 74 groups (age 20–30, arrived after age 17) 0.304 (0.203) −0.277 (0.988) 0.051 (0.767) 0.023 (0.070) 36.310 (105.392) −2.641 (7.558)
N 51,994

Additional Robustness Tests Results

Dependent variable: log earning

Baseline Drop blacks Drop English speakers
ISO 0.415 (0.847) 0.327 (0.837) 0.656 (0.863) 0.558 (0.852) 1.401 (0.904) 1.324 (0.893)
ISO × S −0.160* (0.083) −0.216** (0.096) −0.174** (0.087) −0.235** (0.103) −0.178** (0.086) −0.227** (0.098)
ISO×S¯ ISO \times \bar S 0.117 (0.169) 0.098 (0.168) 0.147 (0.171) 0.127 (0.170) 0.359** (0.176) 0.344** (0.174)
ISO×S¯×S ISO \times \bar S \times S −0.036* (0.018) - −0.039** (0.019) - −0.041** (0.019) -
ISO×S¯H×S ISO \times \bar SH \times S - 0.505*** (0.138) - 0.546*** (0.142) - 0.511*** (0.143)
ISO×S¯L×S ISO \times \bar SL \times S - −0.048** (0.021) - −0.052** (0.022) - −0.051** (0.022)
  F-test 1.10 3.09 1.24 3.39 2.32 4.03
  P-value 0.354 0.009 0.293 0.005 0.055 0.001
  N 102,475 99,939 93,251

Mechanisms and Heterogeneity Tests, Earning Results

Dependent variable: log earning

Baseline English insufficiency Years in the U.S.
ISO 0.327 (0.837) 0.320 (0.843) 0.673 (0.809)
ISO × S −0.216** (0.096) −0.247*** (0.090) −0.244*** (0.094)
ISO×S¯ ISO \times \bar S 0.098 (0.168) 0.132 (0.171) 0.115 (0.164)
ISO×S¯H×S ISO \times \bar SH \times S 0.505*** (0.138) 0.516*** (0.139) 0.544*** (0.141)
ISO×S¯L×S ISO \times \bar SL \times S −0.048** (0.021) −0.056*** (0.020) −0.057*** (0.021)
insufEng −0.183*** (0.012) -
ISO × insufEng - 0.046 (0.131) -
Years in US - 0.037*** (0.002)
ISO × Years in US - - −0.041** (0.017)
  F-test 3.09 3.69 3.85
  P-value 0.009 0.003 0.002
  N 102,475

Balancing Tests, Triple Differences Model

Dependent Variable: Isolation Index × 1000

(1) (2)
Education −0.007 (0.007) 0.042 (0.060)
  Age −0.006 (0.006) 0.014 (0.021)
  Male 0.053 (0.042) 0.144 (0.127)
  Black −0.285 (0.313) −0.000 (0.870)
Other Nonwhite 0.088 (0.215) −0.026 (0.395)
Age × Education - −0.002 (0.002)
Male × Education - −0.008 (0.011)
Black × Education - −0.022 (0.060)
Other Nonwhite × Education - 0.009 (0.027)
  F-test 1.05 0.45
  P-value 0.385 0.771
  N 102,475

Balancing Tests, MSA and Group Fixed Effects vs. Triple Differences Model

Panel 1. Dependent Variable: Isolation Index × 1000

MSA FE, Group FE Triple Differences
Education −0.607*** (0.108) −0.171 (0.449) −0.007 (0.007) 0.042 (0.060)
Age 0.006 (0.061) 0.402** (0.196) −0.006 (0.006) 0.014 (0.021)
Male −0.637** (0.290) −3.671*** (1.239) 0.053 (0.042) 0.144 (0.127)
Black 1.682 (1.793) 1.804 (5.049) −0.285 (0.313) −0.000 (0.870)
Other Nonwhite 0.506 (1.047) −4.596 (3.064) 0.088 (0.215) −0.026 (0.395)
Age × Education - −0.038** (0.017) - −0.002 (0.002)
Male × Education - 0.262** (0.109) - −0.008 (0.011)
Black × Education −0.028 (0.342) - −0.022 (0.060)
Other Nonwhite × Education - 0.392* (0.210) - 0.009 (0.027)
  F-test 7.76 6.26 1.05 0.45
  P-value 0.000 0.000 0.385 0.771
  N 104,555 102,475

Balancing Tests for Isolation Index and Cutler et al. (2007) Instrument Variable

Dependent Variable: Isolation Index × 1000 Mean Years of Immigrant Group g in MSA s since immigration

(1) (2) (3) (4)

2000 2010 2000 2010
Education −0.663*** (0.137) −0.466*** (0.110) 0.002 (0.005) 0.007 (0.005)
Age −0.037 (0.056) 0.072 (0.046) 0.020*** (0.005) 0.021*** (0.004)
Male −0.518 (0.343) −0.315 (0.357) −0.103*** (0.029) −0.157*** (0.031)
Black 1.573 (2.385) −1.077 (2.571) −0.113 (0.270) −0.209 (0.355)
Other Nonwhite −1.177 (1.325) 1.382 (1.497) −0.370** (0.157) −0.530** (0.197)
  F-test 6.48 4.07 6.71 10.53
  P-value 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.000
  N 53,690 51,994 53,690 51,994

Triple differences, ISO Model and ISO×S¯ ISO \times \bar S Model, Employment Results

Dependent variable: if employed, =1

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
ISO −0.106 (0.151) −0.109 (0.152) −0.092 (0.153) 0.014 (0.514) −0.061 (0.512) −0.068 (0.512)
ISO×S¯ ISO \times \bar S - - - −0.014 (0.050) −0.006 (0.050) −0.005 (0.050)
S¯ \bar S - - - −0.001 (0.005) −0.001 (0.005) −0.004 (0.005)
S - - 0.003*** (0.000) - - 0.003*** (0.000)
+characteristic control No Yes Yes No Yes Yes
+individual education control No No Yes No No Yes
  F-test - - - 0.37 0.31 0.31
  P-value - - - 0.690 0.736 0.736
  N 127,769

Triple Differences and Triple Interactions Model (Centered), Earnings Results

Dependent variable: log earning

(1) (2) (3) (4)
ISO −0.136 (0.414) 0.375 (0.846) 0.415 (0.847) 0.327 (0.837)
ISO × S −0.174*** (0.021) −0.029 (0.023) −0.160* (0.083) −0.216** (0.096)
ISO×S¯ ISO \times \bar S - 0.109 (0.169) 0.117 (0.169) 0.098 (0.168)
ISO×S¯×S ISO \times \bar S \times S - - −0.036* (0.184) -
ISO×S¯H×S ISO \times \bar SH \times S - - - 0.505*** (0.138)
ISO×S¯L×S ISO \times \bar SL \times S - - - −0.048** (0.021)
S¯×S \bar S \times S - 0.010*** (0.001) 0.011*** (0.001) 0.011*** (0.001)
S¯ \bar S - 0.007 (0.012) 0.006 (0.012) 0.007 (0.012)
S 0.040*** (0.002) 0.063*** (0.002) 0.066*** (0.002) 0.065*** (0.002)
  F-test 33.97 0.69 1.10 3.09
  P-value 0.000 0.559 0.354 0.009
  N 102,475

Discrete Education Measure, Triple differences, ISO Model and ISO×S¯ ISO \times \bar S Model

Dependent variable: if employed, =1

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
ISO −0.106 (0.151) −0.109 (0.152) −0.093 (0.151) 0.300 (0.321) 0.293 (0.320) 0.279 (0.319)
ISO × %HS - - - −1.550* (0.906) −1.540* (0.912) −1.521* (0.909)
ISO × %Some_Coll - - - 1.136 (1.578) 0.798 (1.621) 0.856 (1.607)
ISO × %College - - - −0.136 (0.606) 0.030 (0.607) 0.064 (0.604)
%High School - - - 0.108** (0.049) 0.110** (0.049) 0.096** (0.049)
%Some College - - - 0.124** (0.052) 0.135** (0.052) 0.103** (0.052)
%College - - - 0.036 (0.046) 0.035 (0.046) −0.002 (0.047)
High School - - 0.014*** (0.003) - - 0.014*** (0.003)
Some College - - 0.033*** (0.004) - - 0.033*** (0.004)
College - - 0.039*** (0.004) - - 0.039*** (0.004)
+characteristic control No Yes Yes No Yes Yes
  F-test - - - 1.01 1.01 1.03
  P-value - - - 0.402 0.400 0.388
  N 127,769

Discrete Education Measure, Triple Differences and Triple Interactions Model (Centered)

Dependent variable: if employed, =1

(1) (2) (3)
ISO −0.039 (0.153) 0.218 (0.324) 0.379 (0.337)
ISO × HS −0.082* (0.048) −0.050 (0.051) −0.366* (0.221)
ISO × Some Coll −0.083 (0.073) −0.032 (0.079) −0.374 (0.367)
ISO × College −0.190*** (0.061) −0.153** (0.073) −0.549* (0.311)
ISO × %HS - −1.309 (0.950) −1.949* (1.027)
ISO × %Some Coll - 0.928 (1.680) 1.610 (1.985)
ISO × %Coll - 0.248 (0.602) −0.256 (1.018)
ISO × %HS × HS - - 1.328* (0.717)
ISO × %HS × Some Coll - - 0.762 (1.146)
ISO × %HS × Coll - - 0.850 (0.947)
ISO × %Some Coll × HS - - −1.097 (1.066)
ISO × %Some Coll × Some Coll - - 0.534 (1.742)
ISO × %Some Coll × Coll - - −0.437 (1.572)
ISO × %Coll × HS - - 0.132 (0.695)
ISO × %Coll × Some Coll - - 0.104 (1.119)
ISO × %Coll × Coll - - 0.104 (1.119)
%HS × HS - −0.010 (0.039) −0.060 (0.050)
%HS × Some Coll - −0.014 (0.050) −0.067 (0.059)
%HS × Coll - 0.020 (0.048) −0.040 (0.058)
%Some Coll × HS - 0.018 (0.051) 0.049 (0.062)
%Some Coll × Some Coll - 0.035 (0.056) 0.028 (0.067)
%Some Coll × Coll - 0.044 (0.053) 0.043 (0.063)
%Coll × HS - 0.046* (0.027) 0.036 (0.031)
%Coll × Some Coll - 0.045 (0.032) 0.027 (0.034)
%Coll × Coll - 0.052* (0.027) 0.017 (0.034)
%HS - 0.073 (0.052) 0.106* (0.056)
%Some Coll - 0.085 (0.066) 0.068 (0.072)
%Coll - −0.050 (0.051) −0.040 (0.052)
High School 0.021*** (0.004) 0.016 (0.015) 0.029 (0.019)
Some College 0.040*** (0.005) 0.032 (0.021) 0.054** (0.026)
College 0.049*** (0.005) 0.028 (0.021) 0.058** (0.026)
  F-test 3.09 1.36 1.44
  P-value 0.015 0.219 0.115
  N 127,769

Robustness Tests, Triple Differences and Triple Interactions Model (Centered)

Dependent variable: log earning

(1) (2) (3) (4)
Male Female Arrived at the U.S. after age 21 or later Arrived at the U.S. after age 23 or later
ISO −0.945 (1.146) 1.962 (1.618) −0.572 (1.001) 0.294 (1.262)
ISO × S −0.281*** (0.095) −0.108 (0.082) −0.179 (0.115) −0.158 (0.129)
ISO×S¯ ISO \times \bar S −0.124 (0.221) 0.449 (0.329) −0.187 (0.212) 0.115 (0.281)
ISO×S¯H×S ISO \times \bar SH \times S 0.554*** (0.156) 0.439* (0.233) 0.513*** (0.183) 0.368* (0.222)
ISO×S¯L×S ISO \times \bar SL \times S −0.060*** (0.021) −0.035* (0.020) −0.038 (0.025) −0.033 (0.029)
S¯×S \bar S \times S 0.010*** (0.001) 0.012*** (0.001) 0.010*** (0.001) 0.009*** (0.001)
S¯ \bar S −0.011 (0.015) 0.014 (0.025) −0.001 (0.019) −0.010 (0.025)
S 0.060*** (0.003) 0.071*** (0.003) 0.065*** (0.003) 0.063*** (0.003)
  F-test 3.68 1.88 1.73 0.73
  P-value 0.003 0.095 0.123 0.600
  N 69,166 31,718 51,828 32,188

Balancing Tests with Assimilation Measures, Triple Differences Model

Dependent Variable: Isolation Index × 1000

(1) (2)
Education −0.011 (0.007) 0.017 (0.061)
Age −0.002 (0.008) 0.008 (0.023)
Male 0.051 (0.042) 0.142 (0.129)
Black −0.278 (0.313) −0.051 (0.867)
Other Nonwhite 0.097 (0.215) 0.023 (0.409)
English Insufficiency −0.132*** (0.050) −0.255* (0.154)
Years in the U.S. −0.012 (0.008) 0.007 (0.019)
Age × Education - −0.001 (0.002)
Male × Education - −0.008 (0.011)
Black × Education - −0.017 (0.060)
Other Nonwhite × Education - 0.006 (0.028)
English Insufficiency × Education - 0.012 (0.014)
Years in the U.S. × Education - −0.002 (0.002)
  F-test 1.73 0.064
  P-value 0.097 0.695
  N 102,475

Descriptive Statistics

Earning regression sample Employment regression sample

N Mean SD N Mean SD
Log earnings 104,577 9.656 0.738 - - -
Employment - - - 129,966 0.919 0.273
Isolation index 8,149 0.014 0.021 8,874 0.014 0.020
Group average education 8,149 13.136 2.241 8,874 13.153 2.241
Immigrant share 8,149 0.004 0.015 8,874 0.004 0.014
Education 104,577 11.023 4.170 129,966 10.922 4.218
Age 104,577 26.395 2.829 129,966 26.330 2.874
  Male 104,577 0.680 0.467 129,966 0.655 0.475
  Married 104,577 0.383 0.486 129,966 0.385 0.486
Have children 104,577 0.301 0.459 129,966 0.305 0.461
  White 104,577 0.121 0.326 129,966 0.121 0.326
  Black 104,577 0.025 0.157 129,966 0.026 0.159
  Asian 104,577 0.182 0.386 129,966 0.176 0.381
  Hispanic 104,577 0.672 0.469 129,966 0.677 0.468

Triple Differences and Triple Interactions Model (Centered), Employment Results

Dependent variable: if employed, =1

(1) (2) (3) (4)
ISO −0.089 (0.153) −0.009 (0.249) −0.012 (0.249) −0.018 (0.249)
ISO × S −0.013** (0.005) −0.005 (0.006) 0.005 (0.017) 0.001 (0.018)
ISO×S¯ ISO \times \bar S - 0.027 (0.056) 0.026 (0.056) 0.025 (0.056)
ISO×S¯×S ISO \times \bar S \times S - - 0.003 (0.004) -
ISO×S¯H×S ISO \times \bar SH \times S - - - 0.042 (0.037)
ISO×S¯L×S ISO \times \bar SL \times S - - - 0.002 (0.004)
S¯×S \bar S \times S - 0.001*** (0.000) 0.000** (0.000) 0.000** (0.000)
S¯ \bar S - −0.005 (0.004) −0.005 (0.004) −0.005 (0.004)
S 0.004*** (0.000) 0.005*** (0.001) 0.005*** (0.001) 0.005*** (0.001)
  F-test 2.97 0.49 0.57 0.68
  P-value 0.052 0.687 0.686 0.635
  N 127,769