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Consumer choice determinants of online intermediary tourism platforms

À propos de cet article


Figure 1

Conceptual model of the research.Source: own elaboration.CST, corresponding to transaction quality; IU, usage intention; PQ, platform quality; WOM, word-of-mouth.
Conceptual model of the research.Source: own elaboration.CST, corresponding to transaction quality; IU, usage intention; PQ, platform quality; WOM, word-of-mouth.

Figure 2

Structural equation model of factors that affect Usage and WOM Intentions on OTAs.Source: own elaboration. OTAs, online travel agencies; WOM, word-of-mouth.
Structural equation model of factors that affect Usage and WOM Intentions on OTAs.Source: own elaboration. OTAs, online travel agencies; WOM, word-of-mouth.

The research hypotheses acceptance table

Hypothesis Result
H.1 PQ has an impact on IU. Supported
H.2 PQ has an impact on WOM Intention. Supported
H.3 CST has an impact on IU. Supported
H.4 CST has an impact on WOM Intention. Supported
H.5 Demographic factors moderate the strength of association between PQ and IU. Not supported
H.5a Sex moderates the strength of association between PQ and IU. Not supported
H.5.b Age moderates the strength of association between PQ and IU. Not supported
H.5.c Income level moderates the strength of association between PQ and IU. Not supported
H.5.d Education level moderates the strength of association between PQ and IU. Not supported
H.6 Demographic factors moderate the strength of association between CST and IU. Partially supported
H.6a Sex moderates the strength of association between CST and IU. Partially supported
H.6.b Age moderates the strength of association between CST and IU. Not supported
H.6.c Income level moderates the strength of association between CST and IU. Not supported
H.6.d Education level moderates the strength of association between CST and IU. Not supported
H.7 Demographic factors moderate the strength of association between PQ and WOM. Not supported
H.7a Sex moderates the strength of association between PQ and WOM. Not supported
H.7.b Age moderates the strength of association between PQ and WOM. Not supported
H.7.c Income level moderates the strength of association between PQ and WOM. Not supported
H.7.d Education level moderates the strength of association between PQ and WOM. Not supported
H.8 Demographic factors moderate the strength of association between CST and WOM. Partially supported
H.8a Sex moderates the strength of association between CST and WOM. Supported
H.8.b Age moderates the strength of association between CST and WOM. Not supported
H.8.c Income level moderates the strength of association between CST and WOM. Not supported
H.8.d Education level moderates the strength of association between CST and WOM. Not supported

Indicators of reliability and validity

CT.1 CT.2 CT.3 CT.4 CT.5 CT.6 CT.7 CT.8 U.2 U.3 U.4 U.5 P.1 P.2 P.3 P.4 P.5 P.6 P.7 P.8 VA.2 VA.3 VA.4 CN.1 CN.2 CN.3 CN.4 CN.5 CN.6 R.1 R.2 R.3 R.4 TS.1 TS.2 TS.3
PQ 0.052 0.047 0.053 0.067 0.051 0.044 0.069 0.03 0.07 0.071 0.061 0.063 0.04 0.035 0.038 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.063 0.044 0.064 0.069 0.06 0.002 0.004 0.011 0.003 0.000 0.000 −0.002 −0.001 −0.002 −0.001 −0.002 0.002 0.002
CST −0.011 −0.002 −0.011 −0.008 −0.006 −0.001 0.001 0.004 0.006 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.006 0.006 0.003 0.004 0.009 0.007 0.009 0.005 −0.005 −0.002 0.001 0.076 0.119 0.144 0.133 0.137 0.078 0.062 0.08 0.064 0.066 0.088 0.088 0.087

Sample structure

Frequency %
Gender Female 293 49.6
Male 298 50.4
Age 18–24 106 17.9
25–34 158 26.7
35–44 165 27.9
45–54 133 22.5
55–65 29 4.9
Place of living Village 171 28.9
City having up to 100,000 inhabitants 200 33.8
City having more than 100,000 inhabitants 220 37.2
Education Lower: primary and vocational 31 5.2
Medium: completed high school 289 48.9
Higher: bachelor, master, or higher 271 45.9

Standardized regression coefficients and significance levels for regression paths

Regression paths
IU ⇐ PQ β = 0.794; p < 0.001
WOM ⇐ PQ β = 0.629; p < 0.001
WOM ⇐ CST β = 0.180; p < 0.001
IU ⇐ CST β = 0.111; p < 0.001

Factor loadings of measurable variables

Source Factor loadings
PLATFORM QUALITY Content These websites provide accurate information about the tourist products I want to buy. Bonsón et al. [2015], Park et al. [2007], Tsang et al. [2010], and Duman and Tanriesevdi [2011] 0.827
These websites provide enough information to make a transaction. 0.777
OTAs are very good sources of information. 0.829
OTAs always present content correctly. 0.854
It is possible to book all travel services in one transaction. 0.802
OTAs give me enough information so that I can identify what I’m looking for just as well as offline. 0.759
Information available on OTAs is intuitively categorized. 0.834
I am able to compare many offers in one place. 0.646

Privacy and security I feel my privacy is protected by OTAs. Park et al. [2007], Tsang et al. [2010], Bernardo et al. [2012], Martinez-Costa et al. [2018], and Bonsón Ponte et al. [2015] 0.711
I trust OTAs will not share my personal information with other sites without my consent. 0.683
I trust OTAs will not misuse my personal information. 0.714
OTAs have adequate security features. 0.752
These platforms are well-known. 0.733
I trust OTAs. 0.741
These platforms have a good reputation. 0.794
Comments published on OTAs’ websites are reliable. 0.738

Utility and functionality Search functions on OTAs’ websites are helpful. Park et al. [2007], Tsang et al. [2010], and Kim et al. [2007] 0.822
Thanks to OTAs I can match the right offer with my needs. 0.829
Payment methods are convenient. 0.805
OTAs send me recommendations adjusted to my needs and wants. 0.810

Visual aspect OTAs’ websites look attractive. Park et al. [2007] and Tsang et al. [2010] 0.839
OTAs use multimedia features properly. 0.843
OTAs’ websites seem to be professionally designed. 0.812

CST Convenience I can make reservations at any time, 7 days/week. Park et al. [2007], Tsang et al. [2010], Duman and Tanriesevdi [2011], Kim et al. [2007], and Agag and El-Masry [2016] 0.728
I get from OTAs exactly what I booked. 0.803
OTAs get bookings correctly. 0.802
Booking on OTAs is easy 0.827
Booking on OTAs is quick. 0.850
Time spent filling in all necessary documents is short. 0.747

Responsiveness When I have problems, OTAs show a sincere interest in solving them. Park et al. [2007] and Tsang et al. [2010] 0.710
OTAs customer service personnel is always willing to help me. 0.762
Inquiries are answered promptly. 0.719
It is easy to cancel or change the reservation. 0.721

Transaction Security OTAs adequately protect the information on my credit card. Tsang et al. [2010] and Bernardo et al. [2012] 0.788
OTAs protect the information about my purchase behavior. 0.763
I feel safe about my transactions with OTAs. 0.758