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Repeated measurements of the effects of the education on the knowledge of the nursing students included in the experimental and control groups during different times (including before, immediately after, and 1 month after the education).

Variables Type III sum of squares df Mean square F Sig. Partial Eta squared
Student awareness
  Sphericity assumed 13,690.30 2 6845.150 472.979 0.0001 0.891
  Greenhouse-Geisser 13,690.30 1.027 13,329.540 472.979 0.0001 0.891
Group × student awareness
  Sphericity assumed 20,344.90 2 10,172.450 702.886 0.0001 0.924
  Greenhouse-Geisser 20,344.90 1.027 19,808.450 702.886 0.0001 0.924

Determining the frequency and percentage of demographic information among nursing students included in the experimental and control groups.

Demographic information Intervention Comparison Sig.

N Percent N Percent
Sex 0.431**
  Male 17 56.66 14 46.67
  Female 13 43.34 16 53.33
Marital status 0.020*
  Unmarried 27 90.00 27 90.00
  Married 3 10.00 3 10.00
Ward 0.001**
  Psychiatric 8 26.66 - -
  EM 12 40.01 - -
  Surgical 10 33.33 - -
  Medical - - 18 60.00
  Acute EM - - 12 40.00

The difference between the students’ knowledge levels during different times (including before, immediately after, and 1 month after the education).

Variable Type III sum of squares df Mean square F Sig. Partial Eta squared
Student awareness 39,605 1 39,605 895.971 0.0001 0.939

Repeated measurements of the effects of the education on the intergroup knowledge of the studied students.

Variable Test Value F Hypothesis df Error df Sig. Partial Eta squared
Student awareness Wilks’ lambda 0.096 268.262 2 57 0.0001 0.904
Group × student awareness Wilks’ lambda 0.063 425.317 2 57 0.0001 0.937

The results of the Bonferroni post hoc test regarding the effect of the education on nursing students’ knowledge level.

Student awareness Mean difference (I-J) Std. error Sig.
Pre-test-post-test −18.550 0.828 0.0001
Pre-test-follow-up −18.450 0.865 0.0001
Post-test-follow-up 0.100 0.120 1.0

The mean and standard deviation of the nursing students’ knowledge score in the experiment and control groups during different times (including before, immediately after, and 1 month after the education) (mean ± SD).

Group Pre-test Post-test Follow-up
Intervention 27.333 ± 2.590 68.633 ± 7.549 68.133 ± 7.881
Comparison 27.333 ± 2.638 23.533 ± 2.582 23.833 ± 2.614
4 fois par an
Sujets de la revue:
Medicine, Assistive Professions, Nursing