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Demand for Additional Foreign Language Activities in Poland

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Multinomial logit results: relative risk ratio and average marginal effects

No participation in foreign language activities (base outcome) Paid additional foreign language activities Free additional foreign language activities
VARIABLES coeff. dy/dx coeff. dy/dx coeff. dy/dx
Gender: girl . −0.040*** 1.331*** 0.024** 1.397*** 0.017**
. (0.009) (0.106) (0.007) (0.141) (0.006)
Child's age . −0.009*** 1.041* 0.003 1.122*** 0.006***
. (0.002) (0.018) (0.002) (0.023) (0.001)
Child in the last grade . −0.025 1.382** 0.032** 0.906 −0.008
. (0.013) (0.152) (0.011) (0.127) (0.007)
Mother's education: below secondary . 0.071*** 0.441*** −0.065*** 0.814 −0.007
. (0.012) (0.062) (0.010) (0.106) (0.007)
Mother's education: tertiary . −0.081*** 2.204*** 0.077*** 1.192 0.004
. (0.013) (0.230) (0.011) (0.173) (0.009)
Father's education: below secondary . 0.021 0.758* −0.025* 1.044 0.004
. (0.012) (0.091) (0.010) (0.140) (0.008)
Father's education: tertiary . −0.026 1.387** 0.032** 0.936 −0.006
. (0.015) (0.165) (0.012) (0.179) (0.010)
Number of children in HH . 0.024*** 0.763*** −0.024*** 0.967 0.000
. (0.006) (0.046) (0.005) (0.053) (0.003)
Single-parent family . −0.005 0.962 −0.005 1.179 0.010
. (0.015) (0.130) (0.012) (0.194) (0.010)
Ability to make ends meet . −0.023*** 1.253*** 0.020*** 1.096 0.003
. (0.005) (0.054) (0.004) (0.062) (0.003)
HH buys books . −0.057*** 1.660*** 0.044*** 1.323* 0.012
. (0.010) (0.154) (0.008) (0.147) (0.006)
Rural area (DEGURBA) . 0.033** 0.539*** −0.054*** 1.317* 0.021*
. (0.012) (0.066) (0.009) (0.176) (0.008)
City (DEGURBA) . −0.010 1.074 0.006 1.088 0.004
. (0.011) (0.106) (0.009) (0.149) (0.008)
Constant . 0.050*** 0.010***
. (0.016) (0.004)
Observations 7,342
Pseudo R2 0.113

Descriptive statistics for dependent and independent variables. Participation in foreign language additional activities

Non-participating (81.97%) Paid activities (12.04%) Free activities (5.99%) Whole sample (100%)
Gender: girl 46.61% 52.38% 54.77% 47.79%
Child's age 11.31 11.34 11.92 11.35
Child in the last grade 14.37% 19.12% 16.14% 15.05%
Mother's education: below secondary 42.74% 10.63% 35.68% 38.45%
Mother's education: tertiary 19.69% 58.37% 24.77% 24.65%
Father's education: below secondary 50.25% 22.17% 47.50% 46.70%
Father's education: tertiary 10.67% 35.07% 11.82% 13.67%
Number of children in HH 2.26 1.83 2.14 2.20
Single-parent family 16.38% 14.14% 17.27% 16.17%
Ability to make ends meet (1–6) 3.01 3.66 3.18 3.10
HH buys books 38.68% 67.87% 47.50% 42.73%
Rural area (DEGURBA) 36.77% 16.97% 41.14% 34.65%
City (DEGURBA) 30.84% 47.74% 30.68% 32.87%
Number of observations 6018 884 440 7342