À propos de cet article


Frequency table for variablesTabelle 4. Häufigkeitstabelle für Variablen

Alternatives Keep a ledger for expenses and revenues Calculate the production costs and profit for the main product
Never 35.1 41.4
Rarely 14.9 10.8
Sometimes 11.3 12.6
Often 5.0 5.9
Always 33.8 29.3
Total 100.0 100.0

Frequency table for variablesTabelle 2. Häufigkeitstabelle für die Variablen

Household head education Percentage
No education 3.6
Basic 42.8
Agricultural high school 6.3
Other high schools 31.1
University 16.2
Total 100.0

Spearman's rank correlation tableTabelle 6. Spearman's Rangkorrelationstabelle

Variables Bookkeeping_scale Costing_scale
Age 0.049 0.052
HH_education 0.142* 0.146*
Vineyards_area 0.157* 0.227**
Share_income_farming 0.193** 0.244**
Share_selfconsumption −0.134* −0.181**
Area_wineyard_share 0.146* 0.226**
Hired_labor 0.144* 0.171**

Study variablesTabelle 3. Variablen der Studie

Variable Question Measure of variables
Bookkeeping_scale Do you keep reccords of expenses and revenues? Ordinal1 = never, 2 = rarely, 3 = sometimes, 4 = often, 5 = always
Calculation_scale Do you calculate the production costs and profit for the main product? Ordinal1 = never, 2 = rarely, 3 = sometimes, 4 = often, 5 = always
Age Age Scale
HH_education Household head education Ordinal1 = no education, 2 = basic, 3 = agricultural high school, 4 = other high school, 5 = university
Vineyards_area Area planted with grapes in ha Scale
Share_income_farming Share of household income that is derived from grape cultivation (%) Scale
Share_self-consumption Share of total production (grape) destined for self-consumption Scale
Area_wineyard_share Specialization (share of area planted with grapes to total farm size) (%) Scale
Hired_labor Number of working days for hired labor to total number of working days used for vineyard cultivation Scale
Contract farming – dummy Do you have a contract with the buyer? Nominal1 = Yes, 2 = No

Sample characteristicsTabelle 1. Merkmale der Stichprobe

Indicators/variables Mean Std deviation
Farmers’ (household head) age (years) 51.45 12.28
Farmers’ (household head) education (years) 10.50 3.53
No. of family adult members (>18 years) (individuals) 5.95 3.51
Area planted with grapes (ha) 1.2 1.1
Share of household income that comes from grape cultivation (%) 54.3 38.8
Share of total production (grape) designated for self-consumption (%) 1.4 5.3
Number of working days for hired labor 22,68 62,12
Total number of working days used for the vineyard cultivation 23,418 30,289

Correlation table between keeping notes for expenses and revenues and having a contractTabelle 7. Korrelationstabelle zwischen dem Führen von Aufzeichnungen über Ausgaben und Einnahmen und dem Bestehen eines Vertrags

Keep a journal for expenses and revenues Total

Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
With contract 61 18 21 10 68 178
34.3% 10.1% 11.8% 5.6% 38.2% 100.0%

Without contract 17 15 4 1 7 44
38.6% 34.1% 9.1% 2.3% 15.9% 100.0%

Total 78 33 25 11 75 222
35.1% 14.9% 11.3% 5.0% 33.8% 100.0%

Access training on financial issues (answer to the question: “Have you ever been trained or advised about the calculation of cost and profit?”)Tabelle 5. Zugang zu Schulungen in Finanzfragen (Antwort auf die Frage: “Wurden Sie jemals in der Berechnung von Kosten und Gewinn geschult oder beraten?”)

Answer Frequency Percentage
Yes 18 8.1
No 204 91.9
Total 222 100.0
4 fois par an
Sujets de la revue:
Life Sciences, Ecology, other