

Human resource management is a key process in organisation management. Skilful management of the staff, setting the goals and motivating the employees to high-level performance of their tasks help to achieve the organisation’s goals consistently.


The study was aimed to analyse the process of motivating the doctors and nurses working in the Tomaszów Health Centre and to investigate the staff’s satisfaction with the incentives used in their workplace.

Materials and methods

The study population covered fifty doctors and fifty nurses employed at four departments of the Tomaszów Health Centre. The study involved an analysis of the factors which motivate and demotivate the THC staff and an investigation of the incentives used towards the staff. The level of the study population (doctors and nurses) satisfaction with the methods of their motivation was also examined.


The analysis of the results revealed that the most desired factors with the most positive impact on the staff motivation level include appreciation bonuses (40% of the respondents), good atmosphere at work (38%) and the possibility to enhance one’s qualifications (21%). The stimulus which affects the effectiveness of the staff’s performance of their duties is an orally expressed praise of the CEO/president, boss or superior (31%). The doctors and nurses in the study population do not feel satisfied with the incentive scheme used in the THC (69%).


In-cash factors play the most important role in the incentive scheme for the majority of THC’s employees. Most of the doctors and nurses working for THC do not feel satisfied with the incentives used in their workplace.