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Validation of the Slovenian Version of the Movement Imagery Questionnaire for Children (MIQ-C): A Measurement Tool to Assess the Imagery Ability of Motor Tasks in Children


Figure 1.

Exploratory factor analysis for the Slovenian version of the MIQ-C. MIQ-C confirmatory factor analysis goodness-of-fit indices for the models with a proper solution. The graphic representation of two models tested by the confirmatory factor analysis: A) MODEL 1 is the correlated trait–correlated uniqueness model with IVI, EVI, and KI all as separate factors and B) MODEL 2 is the correlated trait–correlated uniqueness model with EVI and IVI perspectives as one factor and KI as another. The numbers in the rectangles represent the number of items in the questionnaire, and in the ellipses are the names of the factors. Best model fits were achieved with Model 1 (three-factor model with IVI, EVI and KI all as separate factors).
Exploratory factor analysis for the Slovenian version of the MIQ-C. MIQ-C confirmatory factor analysis goodness-of-fit indices for the models with a proper solution. The graphic representation of two models tested by the confirmatory factor analysis: A) MODEL 1 is the correlated trait–correlated uniqueness model with IVI, EVI, and KI all as separate factors and B) MODEL 2 is the correlated trait–correlated uniqueness model with EVI and IVI perspectives as one factor and KI as another. The numbers in the rectangles represent the number of items in the questionnaire, and in the ellipses are the names of the factors. Best model fits were achieved with Model 1 (three-factor model with IVI, EVI and KI all as separate factors).

Descriptive statistics for the motor imagery scores: kinaesthetic and visual (internal and external) scales at Day 1 and Day 8.

Dimensions n Mean Standard deviation
Day 1 (test)
KI 100 4.67 1.28
IVI 100 5.32 1.09
EVI 100 5.26 1.32
VI-comb 100 5.29 1.08
Day 8 (re-test)
KI 100 4.59 1.24
IVI 100 5.26 1.10
EVI 100 5.15 1.16
VI-comb 100 5.21 0.95

Results of exploratory factor analysis for the Slovenian version of the MIQ-C.

Component Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings

Total % of Variance Cumulative % CV (%) % of Variance Cumulative %
1 4.928 41.068 41.068 4.928 41.068 41.068
2 1.487 12.392 53.461 1.487 12.392 53.461
3 1.029 8.578 62.039 1.029 8.578 62.039
4 0.975 8.128 70.167
5 0.693 5.772 75.938
6 0.642 5.350 81.289
7 0.560 4.665 85.954
8 0.460 3.830 89.784
9 0.405 3.375 93.159
10 0.370 3.083 96.242
11 0.260 2.163 98.405
12 0.191 1.595 100.000

Between Day 1 and Day 8 reliability analysis of the kinaesthetic and visual (internal and external) motor imagery scales.

Variable Day 1 Day 8 PANOVA CV (%) MDC SEM ICC (95% CI)
KI 4.67±1.28 4.59±1.24 0.296 10.5 0.56 points 0.40 0.90 (0.86–0.94)
IVI 5.32±1.09* 5.26±1.10* 0.308 7.0 0.44 points 0.31 0.92 (0.87–0.94)
EVI 5.26±1.32* 5.15±1.16* 0.132 6.4 0.55 points 0.39 0.90 (0.85–0.93)

Differences in imagery ability scores for kinaesthetic and visual (internal and external) scales considering participants’ gender and athletic status. Data were presented as Means ± Standard Deviations (SD) for all participants assessed in Day 1 (n=100).

Dimensions Category Number of subjects Mean±SD P value between groups
KI Gender
females 50 4.49±1.35
males 50 4.84±1.21 0.970
Athlete or non-athlete
athlete 39 4.91±1.31
non-athlete 61 4.50±1.24 0.083
IVI Gender
females 50 5.36±1.07
males 50 5.28±1.13 0.388
Athlete or non-athlete
athlete 39 5.34±1.02
non-athlete 61 5.25±1.13 0.661
EVI Gender
females 50 5.16±1.34
males 50 5.38±1.32 0.890
Athlete or non-athlete
athlete 39 5.23±1.21
non-athlete 61 5.21±1.37 0.964

MIQ-C confirmatory factor analysis goodness-of-fit indices for the models with a proper solution.

Present Study
MODEL 1 (EVI vs. IVI vs. KI) 94.924 51 <0.001 0.90 0.87 0.114 0.09
MODEL 2 (EVI and IVI vs. KI) 115.028 53 <0.001 0.86 0.82 0.130 0.11
MODEL 3 (IVI and KI vs. EVI) 135.022 53 <0.001 0.81 0.77 0.162 0.12
Previous Study (25)
MODEL 1 (EVI vs. IVI vs. KI) 75.403 51 0.015 0.94 0.93 0.108 0.07
MODEL 2 (EVI and IVI vs. KI) 91.36 53 0.001 0.91 0.89 0.120 0.09
MODEL 3 (IVI and KI vs. EVI) 191.10 53 <0.001 0.67 0.59 0.332 0.18

Analysis of the means, standard deviations, minimum and maximum scores for each item at Day 1 (n=100 subjects).

Items Scale Mean score Standard deviation Minimum score Maximum score
1 KI 4.50 1.62 1 7
2 IV 5.04 1.59 1 7
3 EVI 5.30 1.62 1 7
4 KI 4.75 1.55 1 7
5 IV 4.95 1.70 1 7
6 EVI 5.33 1.55 1 7
7 KI 4.76 1.66 1 7
8 IV 5.60 1.36 1 7
9 EVI 5.13 1.70 1 7
10 KI 4.67 1.62 1 7
11 IV 5.70 1.27 1 7
12 EVI 5.30 1.67 1 7
Calendario de la edición:
4 veces al año
Temas de la revista:
Medicine, Clinical Medicine, Hygiene and Environmental Medicine