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Legal aspects of registration the time of cadastral data creation or modification


Figure 1

UML application scheme for EGIB data (source: Regulation (2001))
UML application scheme for EGIB data (source: Regulation (2001))

Figure 2

UML application scheme of the Object Information Plot (source: Regulation (2001))
UML application scheme of the Object Information Plot (source: Regulation (2001))

Figure 3

Basic classes of the LADM (source: ISO 19152 (2012))
Basic classes of the LADM (source: ISO 19152 (2012))

Figure 4

Application scheme for a plot (source: LADM)
Application scheme for a plot (source: LADM)

Figure 5

Classes VersionedObject (with subclasses) Fraction and Oid (source: ISO 19152 (2012))
Classes VersionedObject (with subclasses) Fraction and Oid (source: ISO 19152 (2012))

Figure 6

Time quality of components (source: ISO 19157 (2013))
Time quality of components (source: ISO 19157 (2013))

Figure 7

Proposed division of the plot in accordance with INSPIRE (source: Directive (2007))
Proposed division of the plot in accordance with INSPIRE (source: Directive (2007))

Figure 8

Application scheme for the subject of the cadastral parcel (source: Directive (2007))
Application scheme for the subject of the cadastral parcel (source: Directive (2007))

Figure 9

The INSPIRE cadastral parcel model based on the LADM (source: Directive (2007))
The INSPIRE cadastral parcel model based on the LADM (source: Directive (2007))

Comparison of time data models

Real Estate Cadastre INSPIRE LADM
startObject ValidFrom
startVersionObject beginLifespanVersion beginLIfespanVersion
endVersionObject endLifespanVersion endLifespanVersion
endObject ValidTo

LADM compliance requirements table (source: ISO 19152 (2012))

LADM package LADM class CIa Dependencies
Versioned Object 1
LA_Source 1 Oid, (as a minimum one of the secializations must be implemented [LA_AdministrativeSource or LA_SpatialSource]), LA_AvailabiityStatusType

Party Packageb LA_Party 1 VersionedObject, Oid, LA_PartyType
LA_GroupParty 2 Oid, La_Party, LA_GroupPartyType
LA_PartyMember 2 VersionedObject, LA_Party, La_GroupParty

Administrative Packagec LA_RRR 1 VersionedObject, Oid, LA_Party, LA_BAUnit, LA_Right (as a minimum this specialization shall be implemented), LA_AdministrativeSource
LA_Right 1 LA_RRR, LA_RightType
LA_Restriction 2 LA_RRR, LA_RestrictionType
LA_Responsibility 3 LA_RRR, LA_ResponsibilityType
LA_BAUnit 1 VersionedObject, Oid, LA_RRR, LA_BAUnitType
LA_Mortgage 2 LA_Restriction
LA_AdministrativeSource 1 LA_Source, LA_Party, LA_AdministrativeSourceType, La_AvailabilityStatusType
La_RequiredRelationshipBAUnit 3 VersionedObject, LA_BAUnit

Spatial Unit Package LA_SpatialUnit 1 VersionedObject, Oid
LA_SpatialUnitGroup 2 VersionedObject, Oid, LA_SpatialUnit
LA_LegalSpaceBuildingUnit 3 LA_SpatialUnit
LA_LegalSpaceUtilityNetwork 3 LA_SpatialUnit
LA_Level 2 VersionedObject, Oid
LA_RequiredRelationshipSpatialUnit 3 VersionedObject, LA_SpatialUnit

Surveying and Representation Subpackage LA_Point 2 VersionedObject, LA_SpatialSource, LA_PointType, LA_InterpolationType
LA_SpatialSource 2 LA_Source, LA_Point, LA_Party, LA_SpatialSourceType
LA_BoundaryFaceString 2 VersionedObject, Oid, LA_Point (if using geometry)
LA_BoundaryFace 3 VersionedObject, Oid, LA_Point (if using geometry)
Calendario de la edición:
Volume Open
Temas de la revista:
Computer Sciences, other, Geosciences, Geodesy, Cartography and Photogrammetry