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The Influence of Engagement in Value Co-Creation on E-Learning Experience and Student Satisfaction: An Empirical Study


Figure 1.

Theoretical model
Source: own elaboration.
Theoretical model Source: own elaboration.

Path coefficients

Original sample (O) Sample mean (M) STDEV t statistics (|O/STDEV|) p values 95% CI (bias corrected) Hypothesis Support
Lower Upper
Value co-creation?e-learning experience 0.551 0.551 0.032 17.054 0.0001 0.496 0.604 H1 Yes
e-Learning experience? satisfaction 0.676 0.675 0.024 28.729 0.0001 0.635 0.712 H2 Yes

Item weights for 1st-order constructs

2nd-order construct 1st-order construct Weights t-value p
Value co-creation Dialogue 0.399 26.356 0.0001
Information 0.344 24.956 0.0001
Involvement 0.155   8.781 0.0001
Intellect 0.321 27.015 0.0001
Relations 0.147   5.787 0.0001
e-Learning experience Good teaching 0.407 32.010 0.0001
Clear goals and standards 0.306 27.401 0.0001
Appropriate workload 0.171 13.792 0.0001
Generic skills 0.373 27.989 0.0001

Respondents profile

Variable Categories N %
Gender Female 358 67.3
Male 174 32.4
Education level Undergraduate 185 34.7
Graduate 347 65.3
Age (years) 18–23 369 69.4
24–29 132 24.8
30 and more   31   5.8

Convergent validity and reliability of the measurement model

2nd-order constructs lst-order constructs and items Factor loadings α CR AVE
Value co-creation Dialogue
I think my university understands my needs 0.879 0.835 0.901 0.752
In my opinion, my university treats me seriously 0.853
I think my university actively attempts to satisfy my needs 0.869
I feel well-informed 0.864 0.795 0.880 0.709
I can easily access information that is important to me 0.826
My university uses the right channels of communication 0.836
Intellectual stimulation
Studying broadens my horizons 0.883 0.790 0.878 0.706
Studying helps me develop myself 0.869
Studying forces me to think Involvement 0.763
I am involved in my studies 0.612 0.725 0.819 0.609
I spend more time studying than most people 0.764
I put minimum effort into my studies* 0.932
I like spending free time with my friends from the university 0.887 0.793 0.877 0.706
The most important aspect of studying are people whom I meet 0.735
In the future, I intend to keep in touch with people I got to know while studying 0.889
e-Learning experience Good teaching
The teaching staff of these online courses motivate students to do their best work 0.656 0.820 0.870 0.529
Staff put a lot of time into commenting on students’ work during online courses 0.670
The staff make a real effort to understand difficulties students may be having with online courses 0.735
Teaching staff normally give helpful feedback on how you are going with your online courses 0.768
Our lecturers are extremely good at explaining things to us during online courses 0.772
Teaching staff work hard to make subjects interesting during online courses 0.752
Appropriate workload
The workload during online courses is too heavy* 0.799 0.762 0.862 0.675
We are generally given enough time t o understand the things we have to learn during online courses 0.838
The sheer volume of work to be got through in online courses means you can’t comprehend it all thoroughly* 0.827
Clear goals and standards
It’s always easy to know the standard of work expected during online courses 0.796 0.794 0.866 0.618
You usually have a clear idea of where you’re going and what’s expected of you 0.811
It’s often hard to discover what’s expected of you in online courses* 0.784
The staff make it clear right from the start what they expect from students in online courses 0.753
General skills
Online courses have helped me to develop my problem-solving skills 0.770 0.831 0.877 0.545
Online courses have sharpened my analytic skills 0.784
Online courses have helped develop my ability to work as a team member 0.657
As a result of doing online courses, I feel more confident about tackling unfamiliar problems 0.832
Online courses have improved my written communication skills 0.697
Online courses have helped me develop the ability to plan my own work 0.673
Unable to control the important things in your life 0.786
Nervous and stressed 0.809
Could not cope with all the things that you had to do 0.806
Angered because of things that were outside your control 0.665
Difficulties were piling up so high that you could not overcome 0.740
Satisfaction I will gladly participate in other on line courses 0.927 0.924 0.952 0.867
I will recommend taking online courses to other people 0.950
I am satisfied with online courses I took 0.917