
Figure 1

School fee decomposition for migrants and urban residents.Note: City-level mean school fees of urban residents/migrants are decomposed into two components: (1) tuition fees and (2) other fees (including food and accommodation, remedial classes, uniform and other sponsorship fees, etc.)Source: Rural–Urban Migration in China 2008.
School fee decomposition for migrants and urban residents.Note: City-level mean school fees of urban residents/migrants are decomposed into two components: (1) tuition fees and (2) other fees (including food and accommodation, remedial classes, uniform and other sponsorship fees, etc.)Source: Rural–Urban Migration in China 2008.

Figure 2

School fees and lagged education spending shocks.Note: We plot the median school fees paid by migrants in 2007 against the city-level education spending shocks in 2006 (linear filter).Sources: Rural–Urban Migration in China 2008 and China City Statistical Yearbook 2002–2008.
School fees and lagged education spending shocks.Note: We plot the median school fees paid by migrants in 2007 against the city-level education spending shocks in 2006 (linear filter).Sources: Rural–Urban Migration in China 2008 and China City Statistical Yearbook 2002–2008.

Effects of median school fees on child migration, China 2008

Median school fee (Ln)−0.428** (0.169)−0.168*** (0.057)−0.160** (0.068)
Head’s age0.004 (0.004)0.004 (0.003)0.004 (0.003)
Head is female0.092 (0.058)0.025 (0.045)0.025 (0.045)
Head completed primary school0.013 (0.036)−0.013 (0.030)−0.012 (0.029)
Head completed middle school0.009 (0.028)0.024 (0.028)0.023 (0.027)
Head is working−0.115** (0.057)−0.112* (0.060)
Head is self-employed0.281*** (0.032)0.279*** (0.033)
Migrated within province0.133*** (0.048)0.123*** (0.038)
Growth rate of student–teacher ratio−0.014** (0.007)−0.013 (0.008)
Housing price in 2007 (’000 yuan)−0.004 (0.008)
Constant3.413*** (1.233)1.500*** (0.406)1.467*** (0.464)
Mean of dependent variable0.3780.3780.378
Original province FEYesYesYes
Industry FENoYesYes
Prob > χ20.0000.0000.000
First-stage F statistics8.27321.16515.146
Non-instrumented regressions−0.141** (0.062)−0.072** (0.034)−0.042 (0.042)

Effects of median school fees on the numbers of children brought to the city, China 2008

Median school fee (Ln)−0.536**(0.227)−0.211**(0.089)−0.205**(0.103)
Mean of dependent variable0.4580.4580.458
HH’s employment variables and industry FENoYesYes
Growth rate of student–teacher ratioNoYesYes
Housing prices in 2007NoNoYes
Prob > χ20.0000.0000.000
First-stage F statistics8.27321.16515.146

Effects of median school fees on the gender of children brought to the city, China 2008

Median school fee (Ln)−0.417(0.234)*−0.086(0.085)−0.082(0.096)
Mean of dependent variable0.3770.3770.377
HH’s employment variables and industry FENoYesYes
Growth rate of student–teacher ratioNoYesYes
Housing prices in 2007NoNoYes
Prob > χ20.0400.0000.000
First-stage F statistics6.92619.69612.374

Median school fees and child migration during the economic crisis, China 2009

Median school fee (Ln), (OLS)−0.226***(0.043)−0.148***(0.046)−0.121***(0.044)
Median school fee (Ln), (IV)−0.449***(0.154)−0.440(0.311)−0.408(0.359)
Mean of dependent variable0.3050.3050.305
HH’s employment variables and industry (FE)NoYesYes
Growth rate of student–teacher ratioNoYesYes
Housing prices in 2008NoNoYes
First-stage F statistics22.3103.3711.605

Child migration and well-being, China 2008

UnderweightOverweightChild health
Migrated with parent(s)0.023 (0.252)−0.214** (0.105)0.263 (0.292)
Child’s age0.001 (0.007)−0.017*** (0.005)0.002 (0.007)
Child’s gender0.065*** (0.023)−0.020* (0.012)0.038 (0.032)
Head’s age−0.007 (0.006)0.003 (0.002)−0.004 (0.005)
Head is female0.032 (0.044)−0.001 (0.025)−0.062 (0.063)
Head’s height−0.003 (0.003)0.001 (0.001)0.006 (0.004)
Head completed primary school−0.070** (0.028)−0.016 (0.026)0.108*** (0.041)
Head completed middle school0.020 (0.033)−0.000 (0.022)−0.006 (0.039)
Constant1.293*** (0.436)0.220 (0.209)3.298*** (0.780)
Mean of dependent variable0.5040.0844.339
Original province FEYesYesYes
Prob > χ20.0000.0000.000
First-stage F statistics20.90120.90123.231

Alternative measures of school fees and other robustness checks, China 2008

School feesTuition feesSchool feesSchool fees (’000 yuan)School fees, urban
Panel A
    School fees−0.160**(0.068)−0.129**(0.058)−0.167***(0.052)−0.253**(0.118)−0.107**(0.043)−0.094**(0.047)
    Mean of dependent variable0.3780.3780.3780.3780.3780.378
    First-stage F statistics15.14615.8078.15011.61013.2567.229

Summary statistics from the RUMiC sample, China 2008

Household characteristics
    Head’s age1,34936.774.996220
    Head is female1,3490.260.4410
    Head completed primary school1,3490.820.3910
    Head completed middle school1,3490.290.4610
    Head lives with spouse1,3490.650.4810
    Head lives with child1,3490.380.4910
    Number of school-age children living with head1,3490.460.6530
    Migrated within province1,3490.570.5010
    Remittances sent out for educational purposes (’000 yuan)1,3491.102.23180
    Household per capita income (’000 yuan)1,3491.341.01120
    Head is working1,3490.970.1610
    Head is self-employed1,3490.360.4810
Destination city characteristics
    Growth rate of student–teacher ratio1,3491.022.196.56−2.58
    Education spending shocks (HP filter, lagged 1 year)1,349−0.290.931.05−2.66
    Education spending shocks (linear filter, lagged 1 year)1,349−0.461.271.02−3.82
    Education spending shocks (HP filter, lagged 2 years)1,349−0.640.960.39−3.50
    Housing prices in 2007 (’000 yuan)1,3495.602.6213.372.29
    Mean school fees (in migrant sample) (Ln)1,3492475.05887.855720.00954.17
    Median school fees (in migrant sample) (Ln)1,3491758.46699.623130.00650.00
    Coastal city1,3490.470.5010