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Factors Influencing Loyalty to an Online Clothing Shop among College Students


Fig. 1

Distribution of the number of answers in the questionnaire
Distribution of the number of answers in the questionnaire

Questionnaire Design of “Likert Scale”

Highly disagree Comparatively disagree Generally agree Comparatively agree Highly agree
scores 1 2 3 4 5
You pay attention to fashionable items sold in clothing stores
You pay attention to the new speed of clothing stores
You pay attention to the quality of the items in clothing stores
You pay attention to the brand influence of clothing stores
You pay attention to the matching of clothing in stores
You pay attention to the service of clothing stores
You pay attention to the wearing comfort of clothing in stores
You pay attention to the logistics of clothing stores
You value customer reviews for clothing stores
You pay attention to the prices of the commodities in clothing stores

Average score of each questionnaire

Subject Average Male Female
You pay attention to the prices of goods in clothing stores 4.03 4.02 4.05
You pay attention to fashionable items sold in clothing stores 3.98 4.01 3.94
You pay attention to the wearing comfort of clothing in stores 3.95 3.89 4.02
You pay attention to the matching of clothing in stores 3.95 4.00 3.90
You pay attention to the brand influence of clothing stores 3.93 3.91 3.96
You pay attention to the quality of the items in clothing stores 3.93 3.90 3.98
You pay attention to the service of clothing stores 3.92 3.89 3.95
You pay attention to the logistics of clothing stores 3.92 3.87 3.98
You value customer reviews of clothing stores 3.92 3.88 3.96
You pay attention to discounts offered by clothing stores 3.92 3.95 3.89
You pay attention to the size of clothing stores 3.85 3.84 3.86
You pay attention to the new speed of clothing stores 3.90 3.88 3.92
Subtotal 3.93 3.92 3.95

Questionnaire validity test results

Results of validity analysis
Name Factor loading Degree of commonality (Subfactor variance)
factor 1
You pay attention to the size of the clothing store 0.83 0.688
You pay attention to discounts offered by clothing stores 0.872 0.761
You pay attention to fashionable items sold in clothing stores 0.849 0.721
You pay attention to the new speed of clothing stores 0.839 0.705
You pay attention to the quality of the items in clothing stores 0.859 0.738
You pay attention to the brand influence of clothing stores 0.816 0.666
You pay attention to the matching of clothing in stores 0.879 0.773
You pay attention to the service of clothing stores 0.887 0.787
You pay attention to the wearing comfort of clothing in stores 0.862 0.744
You pay attention to the logistics of clothing stores 0.839 0.705
You value customer reviews of clothing stores 0.879 0.772
You pay attention to the prices of goods in clothing stores 0.787 0.619
Eigenvalue (before rotation) 8.678
Variance explanation rate% (before rotation) 72.31%
Cumulative variance explanation rate% (before rotation) 72.31%
Eigenvalue (after rotation) 8.678
Variance explanation rate% (after rotation) 72.31%
Cumulative variance explanation rate% (after rotation) 72.31%
KMO value 0.965
Bartlett's spherical value 2988.732
Df 66
P value 0

Calculation of questionnaire reliability data

Cronbach Reliability Analysis
Name Correction item total correlation (CITC) α-Coefficient of deleted item ronbach α
You pay attention to discounts offered by clothing stores 0.781 0.956 0.959
You pay attention to fashionable items sold in clothing stores 0.808 0.956
You pay attention to the new speed of clothing stores 0.788 0.956
You pay attention to the quality of the items in clothing stores 0.794 0.956
You pay attention to the brand influence of clothing stores 0.755 0.957
You pay attention to the matching of clothing in stores 0.851 0.954
You pay attention to the service of clothing stores 0.783 0.956
You pay attention to the wearing comfort of clothing in stores 0.846 0.954
You pay attention to the logistics of clothing stores 0.813 0.956
You value customer reviews of clothing stores 0.848 0.954
You pay attention to the prices of the goods in clothing stores 0.734 0.958
You pay attention to the size of the clothing store 0.769 0.957
Standardized Cronbach α tacoefficient: 0.960