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Analysis of Cluster Support Based on the Example of the European Cluster Excellence Initiative


Scope of audit conducted for silver and gold badges (Source: Author own research based on ECEI Criteria (2013))

Category name Silver badge Gold badge
1. Cluster structure
1.1.0 Engagement of cluster participants Yes Yes
1.1.1. Structure of cluster participants Yes Yes
1.1.2. Total number of cluster participants involved Yes Yes
1.2. Geographical concentration of cluster members No Yes
2. Typology, management, cooperation
2.1. Maturity in cluster management Yes Yes
2.2.1. Human resources managing the cluster No Yes
2.2.2. Qualifications of the cluster management team Yes Yes
2.2.3. Long-term plans for upskilling by the cluster management team No Yes
2.2.4. Stability of cluster management staff No Yes
2.3. Stability of participation of companies in the cluster No Yes
2.4. Role clarity – stakeholder involvement in decision-making processes Yes Yes
2.5. Direct contacts of the cluster management team with cluster participants Yes Yes
2.6. Degree of cooperation within the cluster Yes Yes
2.7 Integration of the cluster in the innovation system Yes Yes
3. Financing of cluster activities
3.1. Prospects for financing the cluster No Yes
3.2. Share of private funds in financing cluster activities No Yes
4. Strategy, objectives, services
4.1.1. Strategy-building process Yes Yes
4.1.2. Documentation of the cluster strategy Yes Yes
4.1.3. Implementation plan Yes Yes
4.1.4. Financial control system Yes Yes
4.1.5. Review of the cluster's strategy and action plan Yes Yes
4.1.6. Cluster management performance monitoring Yes Yes
4.2. Goal of the cluster strategy No Yes
4.3. Cluster activities and services Yes Yes
4.4. Effectiveness of cluster management Yes Yes
4.5. Working groups No Yes
4.6.1. Communication in the cluster Yes Yes
4.6.2. Internet presence of the cluster Yes Yes
5. Achievements and awards
5.1 Recognition of the cluster in publications, press, media No Yes
5.2. Success story No Yes
5.3. Satisfaction assessment of customers and cluster participants No Yes

Comparison of the results from the first survey with the opinion of European clusters with gold, silver and bronze ECEI badges (Source: Author own research)

Objectives important for proper and dynamic cluster development according to Polish and European clusters What actions have been/should be implemented to achieve the indicated goal in the opinion of the gold clusters? What activities have been/should be implemented to achieve the indicated goal in the opinion of the silver clusters? What activities have been/should be implemented to achieve the indicated goal in the opinion of the bronze clusters?
Implementing projects whose effect is income for the cluster and its members

Include this objective in the cluster strategy

Conducting commercial activities by the cluster

Hiring specialists to raise external funding

The cluster should carry out tasks in line with the strategy of the region and the country and coincide with current and planned competitions/projects

Create a broad network of organisations including other clusters and similar organisations to create relationships between the SMEs involved

Professional application for international projects

Regional concentration of cluster members

Build trust between cluster members

Strengthen cooperation between cluster members through the implementation of joint activities and networking

Formalisation of participation in the cluster

Regional concentration of cluster members

Employment of specialists to obtain external funding

Low turnover of cluster members to plan and prepare for competitions

Implementation of a strategy to achieve such goals

Implementation of innovative projects by the cluster that resulted in know-how, patent, utility model, industrial design

Achieve high technical (specialised) and leadership competencies in ongoing projects

Developing and implementing internal ideas of cluster members

Cooperation of cluster members at the R&D level and with innovative universities

Implement activities similar to those described in the first question

Increasing the number of highly specialised employees in the cluster

Increase knowledge of cluster management

Invest in science, R&D + I, creation of specialised technical infrastructure

Hold meetings to share expertise and ways to implement it

Developing a cluster technology roadmap

Close cooperation with a university

Strengthen cooperation between cluster members through the implementation of joint activities and networking

Establish a cluster department for innovation management

Regional concentration of cluster members

Having highly specialised staff in cluster members

Development of a business model based on cluster initiatives dedicated to specific EU projects and business partners

Strengthening cooperation between cluster members both in terms of commercial and non-commercial activities

Regional concentration of cluster members

Formalisation of membership in the cluster

No requirement to formalise cooperation between cluster members

No turnover of cluster members due to internal conflicts

Taking action to build trust

Regional concentration of project participants

Implementation of joint activities to build trust

Launching working groups

Formation of project consortia

Active activities of the cluster management activating members

Connecting cluster members through joint commercial and non-commercial activities

No turnover of key companies in the cluster and low turnover of other cluster members

Active activities of the cluster management activating members

Formalising the cluster and membership

Joint development and implementation of the cluster strategy

Highly ethical cluster operations that build trust among its members

Achievement of established strategic objectives

Low turnover of cluster members and their high involvement in activities

Develop action plans to achieve the stated strategic objectives and identify responsibility for their implementation

Develop these goals in accordance with the development directions of the region, the country and current trends

Implement and update the strategy

Increasing the number of active cluster members through various activation activities

Involve members of the cluster in the development of strategic goals

Management with strong managerial skills/competencies

Development of performance indicators and their monitoring

Strategic objectives update

People who have contributed to building trust in the cluster work together with members to implement them

Low turnover of cluster members combined with committed members and joint development, implementation and updating of strategies

Regional concentration of cluster members

Experienced cluster management and the adoption of enforcement and control mechanisms to achieve the objectives

Jointly solving emerging problems

Develop a plan for strategy implementation, rules and communication channels

Implementation of established short-, medium- and long-term plans

Specialised management staff responsible for planning and reviewing plan implementation on an ongoing basis

Some of the established plans are carried out systematically every year, so specialised cluster members are responsible for their implementation

Gradation of individual plans into actions to be implemented

Engage cluster members

Develop processes to direct operations and increase productivity

Gradation of goals and monitoring/evaluation of their achievement

Provide long-term financing

Develop rules for regular communication between the cluster board and its members

Long-term cooperation with the management of the cluster

Management able to lobby in the interest of the cluster

Deepening integration and cooperation among cluster members

Formalisation of the cluster and development of a detailed action plan

Building trust and commitment between members

An experienced cluster board to coordinate communication, networking, project implementation and ongoing problem-solving

Low turnover of cluster members combined with committed members

Gradation of plans into goals and activities and definition of responsibilities and budgets, systematic verification of the implementation of these activities

Ensure that the cluster's adopted plans are fully understood by its members and that all members understand them in the same way

Jointly develop plans and understand the values to focus on

Fitting into the government's regional plans promotes related cluster plans

Obtaining external sources of financing to implement strategic plans and established short-, medium- and long-term plans

Applying for public funds

Funding of activities from membership fees and service charges

Employment of highly qualified specialists in obtaining external funding sources

Application and national funding

Cluster employees who are experts in obtaining financing

Low turnover of cluster members, which provides opportunities for project planning

Employment of specialists to obtain external funding sources

Strengthen cooperation between cluster members through the implementation of joint activities and networking

Application and national funding

Formalisation of membership in the cluster

Concluding international cooperation agreements

Develop an internationalisation strategy for the cluster and grade the objectives of this strategy and define responsibilities

Developing an internationalisation strategy for the cluster

Implementation of international projects and participation in international initiatives

Developing an internationalisation strategy for the cluster

Participation in internationalisation activities

Establishing cooperation with an experienced, internationally recognised foreign cluster

Use of available internationalisation tools such as EU platforms

Expanding the activities of cluster members beyond national borders

Formalisation of international cooperation, including through framework agreements with other clusters and membership in organisations and platforms

Implementation of study tours

Doing business in a foreign market is a requirement to join a cluster

Ongoing research and monitoring of foreign markets

Conduct active international marketing

Implementation of projects in international partnerships