
Figure 1.

LM shapes of epidermal cells, patterns of AW, stomata and trichomes of poisonous plants. Scale bar = 5 μm. (A) Agave americana, (B) adaxial surface, (C) abaxial surface, (D) Argemone mexicana, (E) adaxial surface, (F) abaxial surface, (G) Brugmansia versicolor, (H) adaxial surface, (I) abaxial surface, (J) Butea monosperma, (K) adaxial surface (L) abaxial surface. AW, anticlinal walls; LMs, light micrographs.
LM shapes of epidermal cells, patterns of AW, stomata and trichomes of poisonous plants. Scale bar = 5 μm. (A) Agave americana, (B) adaxial surface, (C) abaxial surface, (D) Argemone mexicana, (E) adaxial surface, (F) abaxial surface, (G) Brugmansia versicolor, (H) adaxial surface, (I) abaxial surface, (J) Butea monosperma, (K) adaxial surface (L) abaxial surface. AW, anticlinal walls; LMs, light micrographs.

Figure 2.

LM shapes of epidermal cells, patterns of AW, stomata and trichomes of poisonous plants. Scale bar = 5 μm. (A) Buxus pilosula, (B) adaxial surface, (C) abaxial surface, (D) Chenopodium ambrosioides, (E) adaxial surface, (F) abaxial surface, (G) Chrozophora tinctoria, (H) adaxial surface, (I) abaxial surface, (J) Alocasia macrorrhizos, (K) adaxial surface, (L) abaxial surface. AW, anticlinal walls; LMs, light micrographs.
LM shapes of epidermal cells, patterns of AW, stomata and trichomes of poisonous plants. Scale bar = 5 μm. (A) Buxus pilosula, (B) adaxial surface, (C) abaxial surface, (D) Chenopodium ambrosioides, (E) adaxial surface, (F) abaxial surface, (G) Chrozophora tinctoria, (H) adaxial surface, (I) abaxial surface, (J) Alocasia macrorrhizos, (K) adaxial surface, (L) abaxial surface. AW, anticlinal walls; LMs, light micrographs.

Figure 3.

LM shapes of epidermal cells, patterns of AW, stomata and trichomes of poisonous plants. Scale bar = 5 μm. (A) Datura innoxia, (B) adaxial surface, (C) abaxial surface, (D) Duranta repens, (E) adaxial surface, (F) abaxial surface, (G) Euphorbia helioscopia, (H) adaxial surface, (I) abaxial surface, (J) Euphorbia pulcherrima, (K) adaxial surface, (L) abaxial surface. AW, anticlinal walls; LMs, light micrographs.
LM shapes of epidermal cells, patterns of AW, stomata and trichomes of poisonous plants. Scale bar = 5 μm. (A) Datura innoxia, (B) adaxial surface, (C) abaxial surface, (D) Duranta repens, (E) adaxial surface, (F) abaxial surface, (G) Euphorbia helioscopia, (H) adaxial surface, (I) abaxial surface, (J) Euphorbia pulcherrima, (K) adaxial surface, (L) abaxial surface. AW, anticlinal walls; LMs, light micrographs.

Figure 4.

LM shapes of epidermal cells, patterns of AW, stomata and trichomes of poisonous plants. Scale bar = 5 μm. (A) Euphorbia royleana, (B) adaxial surface, (C) abaxial surface, (D) Ipomoea carnea, (E) adaxial surface, (F) abaxial surface, (G) Parthenium hysterophorus, (H) adaxial surface, (I) abaxial surface, (J) Peganum harmala, (K) adaxial surface, (L) abaxial surface. AW, anticlinal walls; LMs, light micrographs.
LM shapes of epidermal cells, patterns of AW, stomata and trichomes of poisonous plants. Scale bar = 5 μm. (A) Euphorbia royleana, (B) adaxial surface, (C) abaxial surface, (D) Ipomoea carnea, (E) adaxial surface, (F) abaxial surface, (G) Parthenium hysterophorus, (H) adaxial surface, (I) abaxial surface, (J) Peganum harmala, (K) adaxial surface, (L) abaxial surface. AW, anticlinal walls; LMs, light micrographs.

Figure 5.

LM shapes of epidermal cells, patterns of AW, stomata and trichomes of poisonous plants. Scale bar = 5 μm. (A) Physalis angulate, (B) adaxial surface, (C) abaxial surface, (D) Ranunculus sceleratus, (E) adaxial surface, (F) abaxial surface, (G) Ricinus communis, (H) adaxial surface, (I) abaxial surface, (J) Sambucus nigra, (K) adaxial surface, (L) Abaxial surface. AW, anticlinal walls; LMs, light micrographs.
LM shapes of epidermal cells, patterns of AW, stomata and trichomes of poisonous plants. Scale bar = 5 μm. (A) Physalis angulate, (B) adaxial surface, (C) abaxial surface, (D) Ranunculus sceleratus, (E) adaxial surface, (F) abaxial surface, (G) Ricinus communis, (H) adaxial surface, (I) abaxial surface, (J) Sambucus nigra, (K) adaxial surface, (L) Abaxial surface. AW, anticlinal walls; LMs, light micrographs.

Figure 6.

LM shapes of epidermal cells, patterns of AW, stomata and trichomes of poisonous plants. Scale bar = 5 μm. (A) Solanum nigrum, (B) adaxial surface, (C) abaxial surface, (D) Solanum incanum, (E) adaxial surface, (F) abaxial surface, (G) Sorghum halepense, (H) adaxial surface, (I) abaxial surface, (J) Thevetia peruviana, (K) adaxial surface, (L) abaxial surface, (M) Trifolium repens, (N) adaxial surface, (O) abaxial surface. AW, anticlinal walls; LMs, light micrographs.
LM shapes of epidermal cells, patterns of AW, stomata and trichomes of poisonous plants. Scale bar = 5 μm. (A) Solanum nigrum, (B) adaxial surface, (C) abaxial surface, (D) Solanum incanum, (E) adaxial surface, (F) abaxial surface, (G) Sorghum halepense, (H) adaxial surface, (I) abaxial surface, (J) Thevetia peruviana, (K) adaxial surface, (L) abaxial surface, (M) Trifolium repens, (N) adaxial surface, (O) abaxial surface. AW, anticlinal walls; LMs, light micrographs.

Figure 7.

Scanning micrographs (SEM); Brugmansia versicolor (A-C), Butea monosperma (D-F), Chrozophora tinctoria (G-I), Buxus pilosula (J-L).
Scanning micrographs (SEM); Brugmansia versicolor (A-C), Butea monosperma (D-F), Chrozophora tinctoria (G-I), Buxus pilosula (J-L).

Figure 8.

Scanning micrographs (SEM); Datura innoxia (A-C), Duranta rapens (D-F), Euphorbia pulcherrima (G-I), Euphorbia royleana (J-L).
Scanning micrographs (SEM); Datura innoxia (A-C), Duranta rapens (D-F), Euphorbia pulcherrima (G-I), Euphorbia royleana (J-L).

Figure 9.

Scanning micrographs (SEM); Ipomoea carnea (A-C), Parthenium hysterophorus (D-F), Sambucus nigraum (G-I).
Scanning micrographs (SEM); Ipomoea carnea (A-C), Parthenium hysterophorus (D-F), Sambucus nigraum (G-I).

Comprehensive review study of poisonous plants.

Sr. No. Plant species Family Flowering period Common name Habit Status Global distribution Poisonous part Poisonous compounds Side effects Citation
1. Agave americana Asparagaceae Spring, summer, fall winter Century plant, maguey, or American aloe Rosette-forming herbaceous perennial succulent Cultivated Mexico, United States Leaves sap/juice Acrid volatile oil, oxalic acid, sapono-side Redness and swelling, swelling of small blood vessels (veins), skin sores Ahmad (2012)
2. Alocasia macrorrhiza Aricaceae Spring, summer, fall winter Taro/ elephants ear Evergreen perennial Cultivated Africa, western Asia, eastern Asia, the Pacific Islands, America, the USA, Brazil Leaves and corms Calcium oxalate and oxalic acid Conjunctivitis, pruritus, blindness Ufelle et al. (2018)
3. Argemone mexicana Papaveraceae March, April, May, June Mexican prickly poppy, flowering thistle Broadleaved herbaceous, seed propagated Wild Central Mexico, Honduras All parts of plants are poisonous Sanguinarine, dihydrosanguinarine Perianal itching, pneumonia myocarditis and congestive cardiac failure, ascites, sarcoid-like skin changes, alopecia, hepatomegaly Brahmachari et al. (2013)
4. Brugmansia versicolor Solanaceae Mid-summer to fall Angel’s trumpets Broadleaf evergreen Cultivated Western part of South America, south of the Gulf of Guayaquil in Ecuador Flowers, leaves, and seeds Alkaloids like atropine, scopolamine and hyoscyamine Intense thirst, dilated pupils, high or low blood pressure, fast heartbeat, convulsions, difficulty breathing, illusions, paralysis, coma, death, nervousness, loss of memory Petricevich et al. (2020)
5. Butea monosperma Fabaceae January to March Flame-of-the-forest An erect deciduous tree with young parts hairy Wild Sub-tropical and tropical areas of the Indian Subcontinent and Asian southeast region. All parts especially seeds Fixed oil in the seed and glucoside butrin of the flower sap Dizziness, headache, hypotension Ahmad (2012)
6. Chenopodium ambrosioides Amaranthaceae April -January Mexican tea, Jesuit’s tea Polymorphic annual, and perennial herb Wild Native to Central America, South America, and southern Mexico Leaves Carvacrol, caryophyllene oxide and ascaridole Vomiting, dizziness, headache, temporary deafness, kidney and liver damage, convulsions, paralysis, death Da Silva et al. (2014)
7. Chrozophora tinctoria Euphorbiaceae April to June Dyer’s croton, giradol, or turnsole Erect densely woolly herb Wild Mediterranean, Middle East, India, Pakistan, and Central Asia All parts of plant are poisonous Rutin, chrozophorin, saponins Upset stomach, vomiting, nausea, diarrhoea Al-Snafi (2015)
8. Datura inoxia Solanaceae July to frost Pricklyburr Shrubby, sprawling, short-lived, tender perennial Wild Central America, Texas, Colombia All portions of the plant are toxic especially foliage and seeds Alkaloids, hyoscyamine, hyoscine Enlarged pupils, dry mouth, trouble breathing, blurred vision, hallucinations, panic, death Ahmad (2012)
9. Datura stramonium Solanaceae March through November Jimsonweed, locoweed, thorn apple, devil’s trumpet Wild-growing herb Wild Central America, Caribbean Seeds and leaves Alkaloids, hyoscyamine, hyoscine Blurred vision, dry mouth, dilated pupils, confusion, combative behaviour hallucinations, difficulty urinating Ahmad (2012)
10. Duranta erecta Verbenaceae Spring Pigeon berry Erect and spreading Cultivated Florida, South America Leaves, fruit and bark are poisonous Saponin Vomiting and gastro-intestinal irritation, diarrhoea Ahmad (2012)
11. Euphorbia helioscopia Euphorbiaceae Mid-spring to late summer, May to October Wart spurge, umbrella milkweed and madwoman’s milk Erect perennial herb Wild Europe, northern Africa, Asia Leaves Diterpene 12-deoxypharbol Nausea, allergic reactions, skin irritation, vomiting Ahmad (2012)
12. Euphorbia heterophylla Euphorbiaceae September-March Mexican fireplant, painted euphorbia, wild poinsettia A small, annual herb, glabrous Wild Central & S. USA, America, tropical Africa, Asia, Pacific countries All fragments of the plant are lethal Oil, saponins, glycosides Nausea, allergic reactions, skin irritation, vomiting Adedapo et al. (2004)
13. Euphorbia pulcherrima Euphorbiaceae October to December Poinsettia Shrub or small tree Wild Mexico, Central America to southern Guatemala All parts of plant are poisonous Water soluble caoutchouc Upset stomach, vomiting, nausea, diarrhoea Ahmad (2012)
14. Euphorbia royleana Euphorbiaceae Spring to early summer (March–July) Sullu spurge, and Royle’s spurge Deciduous, cactus-like, succulent shrub or small tree Wild Himalaya mountains from Pakistan, Nepal to western China India, Bhutan, Myanmar All parts are poisonous Epitaraxerol, ellagic acid, euphol, taraxerol, sitosterol in milky latex Nausea, vomiting Bhatia et al. (2014)
15. Ipomoea carnea Convolvulaceae Fall–summer Pink morning glory, bush morning glory Twining plant Wild Tropical America, Caribbean, America, Africa, Australia, and Asia Seeds and leaves N-methyl-trans-4-hydroxy-l-proline, calystegines B1, swainsonine, 2-epilentiginosine and B2, B3 and C1 Abnormal endocrine functions and gastrointestinal functions, immune system alternation, abnormality in embryogenesis Wanule and Balkhande (2012)
16. Nerium oleander Apocynaceae July to October Oleander or nerium Erect shrub bearing pink or white flowers Cultivated Mediterranean Basin Entire plant Cardiac glycosides of the cardenolide type Weakness, diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, headache, pain in stomach, death Ahmad (2012)
17. Parthenium hysterophorus Asteraceae March to October Santa Maria feverfew, whitetop weed Erect stout undershrubs Wild Subtropics of North and South America All its parts including trichomes and pollen Parthenin and other phenolic acids Eczema skin inflammation, hay fever, asthma, burning and blisters, breathlessness and choking, allergic rhinitis, black spots, diarrhoea, severe erythematous eruptions Ahmad (2012)
18. Peganum harmala Nitrariaceae April and October Wild rue, Syrian rue, African rue, esfand or espand, or harmel Perennial, herbaceous plant Wild Middle East, Africa, Mediterranean area, Indian Pakistan, Iran, Africa, Central Asian republics semi-arid regions Leaves and seeds β-carbolines such as: harmalol, harman harmaline, harmine, and quinazoline derivatives Hallucinations, neurosensory syndromes, bradycardia, nausea, vomiting Mahmoudian et al. (2002)
19. Physalis angulate Solanaceae Spring/ summer/ autumn Cut-leaf ground-cherry, angular winter cherry Multi-stemmed and spreading Wild USA, South America, NC Unripe berries and leaves Physalins Headache, discomfort in stomach, dropped temperature, expanded pupils, nausea, diarrhoea, cardiac and breathing depression, loss of consciousness, fatal schistosomiasis Pomilio et al. (2008)
20. Ranunculus sceleratus Ranunculaceae May to September Celery-leaved buttercup Annual or short-lived perennial Wild Europe, Britain, primarily in central and northern areas All parts of the plant are poisonous Glycoside ranunculin Enormously annoying to skin and mucous membranes. It may cause pain and burning perceptions, tongue inflammation, and intensification in saliva Ahmad (2012)
21. Ricinus communis Euphorbiaceae June to October Castor oil plant Tender perennial large shrub or small tree Wild Southeastern Basin, India Mediterranean, Eastern Africa Seeds and leaves Toxalbumin ricin Nausea, sickness, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, desiccation, shock, simple fluid and chemical disturbances, destruction to the liver, kidney and pancreas, and eventually death Ahmad (2012)
22. Solanum incanum Solanaceae October–January Thorn apple, bitter apple, bitterball and bitter tomato An erect prickly shrub, stem prickly and prickles straight sharp Wild Saharan desert in Africa, Middle East, India Dried unripe fruits Glycoalkaloids such as solasonine, alkylamines such as nitrosamines and carcinogenic glycosides Stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhoea Madzimure et al. (2013)
23. Solanum nigrum Solanaceae July to September Black nightshade or blackberry nightshade Short-lived perennial shrub Wild South America Fruits, leaves Steroidal glycoalkaloids like alpha-solanine and alpha-chaconine Stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhoea Jabamalairaj et al. (2019)
24. Sorghum halepense Poaceae Fall to summer Johnsongrass Arching dense erect spreading Wild Eastern, Mediteranean, Middle East countries Leaves Dhurrin, a cyanogenic glycoside, toxic levels of nitrates Nervousness, progressive feebleness and difficulty breathing, breathlessness, increased pulse rate, muscular jerking, convulsions, death Khan et al. (2018)
25. Thevetia peruviana Apocynaceae Summer to fall Luckynut, yellow oleander Perennial or evergreen tropical shrub Cultivated Mexico, tropical South America All parts of the plant are poisonous, especially the kernels of the fruits and leaves Glycosides, thevetin, cerebrin, neriifolin Sickness, dizziness, electrolyte turbulences, cardiac dysrhythmias Ahmad (2012)
26. Trifolium repens Fabaceae Spring – summer White clover Creeping, prostrate Wild Europe, British Isles, central Asia Leaves Eyanogenic glucosides linamarin and lotaustralin Outbreaks, muscle ache, pain, sickness, and vaginal flow (spotting) Refsgaard et al. (2010)
27. Xanthium strumarium Asteraceae Fall to summer Clotbur, common cocklebur, woolgarie bur Erect, ground cover herb Wild North America Leaves and seeds Carboxyatractyloside Sickness, muscular tremors, liver disintegration and seldom death Ahmad (2012)

Qualitative foliar anatomical features of poisonous plants.

Plant species Ad × Ab ECS AW Stomata (P/A) ST GCS Glands P/A SPS Trichome
Glandular Non-glandular
Chrozophora tinctoria Ad Irregular Deeply sinous P Anisocytic Broad bean-shaped A Narrow elliptical - Sessile stellate
Ab Irregular Deeply sinous P Anisocytic Broad bean-shaped A Narrow elliptical - Sessile stellate
Buxus pilosula Ad Polygonal Straight A - A Very narrowly elliptical - -
Ab Polygonal Straight P Paracytic Broad bean-shaped A Very narrowly elliptical - -
Parthenium hysterophorus Ad Irregular Sinuate P Anomocytic Broad bean-shaped P Elliptical -
Ab Irregular Sinuate P Anomocytic Broad bean-shaped P Elliptical - Segmented with pointed tip and broad base
Datura innoxia Ad Irregular Deeply undulate P Anisocytic anomocytic Broad bean-shaped A Widely elliptical - Multicellular with pointed tip and broad base
Ab Polygonal Straight P Anomocytic Broad bean-shaped A Widely elliptical - Multicellular with pointed tip and broad base
Ricinus communis Ad Polygonal Straight/angular P Paracytic Broad bean-shaped Elliptical - -
Ab Polygonal Straight P Paracytic Broad bean-shaped A Elliptical - -
Alocasia macrorrhizos Ad Polygonal Straight A A - -
Ab Polygonal Straight P Paracytic Broad bean-shaped A Broad elliptical - -
Euphorbia royleana Ad Polygonal Straight A - - A - - -
Ab Polygonal Straight P Paracytic Broad bean-shaped A Very broad elliptical - -
Ranunculus sceleratus Ad Irregular Wavy to sinous P Anomocytic Bean-shaped A Elliptical - -
Ab Irregular Wavy to sinous P Anomocytic Bean-shaped A Elliptical - -
Thevetia peruviana Ad Irregular Undulate A - Broad bean-shaped A Widely elliptical - -
Ab Polygonal Straight/wavy P Anisocytic Broad bean-shaped A Widely elliptical - -
Agave americana Ad Polygonal Straight P Paracytic Narrow bean-shaped A Concave-shaped - -
Ab Polygonal Straight P Paracytic Narrow bean-shaped A Concave-shaped - -
Brugmansia versicolor Ad Polygonal Straight/angular P Anisocytic Broad bean-shaped A Elliptical - Multicellular with pointed tip and broad base unicellular with bulbous tip
Ab Irregular Undulate/sinous P Anomocytic Broad bean-shaped A Widely elliptical - Multicellular with pointed tip and broad base unicellular with bulbous tip
Sorghum halepense Ad Rectangular Thick sinous walls p Paracytic Dumb bell-shaped A Very narrow elliptical - -
Ab Rectangular Thick sinous walls P Paracytic Dumb bell-shaped A Very narrow elliptical - -
Duranta repens Ad Polygonal Straight A - - P - - -
Ab Polygonal Straight P Anisocytic Broad bean-shaped P Widely elliptical Unicellular with pointed tip
Physalis angulata Ad Irregular Deeply sinous P Anomocytic Broad bean-shaped A Narrow elliptical - -
Ab Irregular Deeply sinous P Anomocytic Broad bean-shaped A Narrow elliptical - -
Chenopodium ambrosioides Ad Polygonal Angular P Anomocytic Narrow kidney-shaped P Wide elliptical Multicellular capitate -
Ab Irregular Wavy P Anisocytic Wide kidney-shaped P Elliptical Multicellular capitate -
Trifolium repens Ad Irregular Sinous P Anomocytic Broad bean-shaped A Elliptical - -
Ab Polygonal Straight/angular P Anisocytic Broad bean-shaped A Narrow elliptical Multicellular capitate -
Solanum nigrum Ad Polygonal Straight P Anisocytic Broad bean-shaped A Narrow elliptical - Multicellular 3–6 celled long with pointed tip
Ab Irregular Undulate P Anomocytic Broad bean-shaped A Elliptical Multicellular 3–6 celled long with pointed tip
Butea monosperma Ad Polygonal Angular A - - A Elliptical - -
Ab Irregular Wavy P Paracytic Narrow bean-shaped P Very narrow elliptical - Unicellular with pointed tip
Argemone mexicana Ad Polygonal Angular P Anomocytic Broad bean-shaped Narrow elliptical - -
Ab Heptagonal Angular P Anomocytic Broad bean-shaped A Very narrow elliptical - -
Peganum harmala Ad Polygonal Straight P Anomocytic Broad bean-shaped A Wide elliptical - -
Ab Polygonal Straight P Anomocytic Broad bean-shaped A Wide elliptical - -
Solanum incanum Ad Rectangular Straight P Anisocytic Widely bean-shaped A Narrow elliptical Stellate unicellular with pointed tip
Ab Polygonal Angular P Anisocytic Widely bean-shaped A Narrow elliptical Stellate unicellular with pointed tip
Euphorbia helioscopia Ad Polygonal Straight A - - A - - -
Ab Polygonal Straight P Anomocytic Broad bean-shaped A Narrow elliptical - -
Euphorbia pulcherrima Ad Irregular Undulate A A Multicellular with pointed end
Ab Irregular Undulate P Anomocytic Broad bean-shaped A Narrow elliptical - Multicellular with pointed end
Ipomoea carnea Ad Rectangular to isodiametric Straight P Cyclocytic Broad bean-shaped Very broad elliptical Subsessile, capitate having 5–6 celled with a flat head Unicellular and conical-shaped
Ab Irregular/tetragonal Straight/sinous P Cyclocytic/ paracytic Broad bean-shaped A Very broad elliptical Sub sessile, capitate having 5–6 celled a with flat head Unicellular and conical-shaped
Ipomoea carnea Ad Polygonal Straight/angular A A -
Ab Polygonal Straight P Anomocytic Broad bean-shaped A Wide elliptical Multicellular with bulbous head

Quantitative attributes of studied species.

Plant name Ad × Ab Length of epidermal cellMean (Min–Max) ± SE (μm) Width of epidermal cellMean (Min–Max) ± SE (μm) Length of guard cellsMean (Min–Max) ± SE (μm) Width of guard cellsMean (Min–Max) ± SE (μm) Length of stomata Mean(Min–Max) ± SE (μm) Width of stomataMean (Min–Max) ± SE (μm) Length of subsidiary cellMean (Min–Max) ± SE (μm) Width of subsidiary cellMean (Min–Max) ± SE(μm) Length of stomatal poreMean (Min–Max) ± SE (μm) Width of stomatal poreMean (Min–Max) ± SE (μm) Trichome length Mean (Min–Max) ± SE (μm) Trichome width Mean(Min–Max) ± SE (μm)
Agave americana Ad 69.95 (58.75–81.25)±3.97 24.65 (23.75–23.75) ± 0.37 20.0 (17.75–22.0) ± 0.78 6.90 (6.25–7.75) ±0.29 27.45 (25.25–29.75) ± 0.81 11.35 (10.25–12.75) ± 0.50 52.50 (43.75–63.75) ± 3.29 16.15 (12.75–21.25)± 1.65 17.30 (16.25–18.75) ± 0.45 1.55 (1.0–2.25) ± 0.242 Absent Absent
Ab 63.35 (53.75–81.25) ± 4.75 28.30 (26.25–30.25) ± 0.77 21.05 (20.25–21.75) ± 0.25 5.85 (4.75–7.25) ±0.43 24.30 (18.75–27.75) ± 1.77 13.15 (11.25–14.75) ± 0.65 50.55 (43.75–54.75) ± 2.14 25.35 (24.0–26.50) ± 0.46 19.40 (18.0–20.25) ± 0.44 0.90 (0.50–1.25) ± 0.16 Absent Absent
Argemone mexicana Ad 65.75 (50.25–73.25) ± 4.1 34.50 (32.25–37.25) ± 0.96 32.30 (31.25–34.0) ± 0.51 12.55 (10.25–13.75) ±0.64 32.95 (31.25–34.75) ± 0.60 26.55 (22.75–29.75) ± 1.39 54.50 (50.25–57.75) ± 1.23 26.45 (22.25–31.25)± 1.50 20.95 (18.75–22.75) ± 0.75 6.25 (5.25–7.25) ± 0.35 Absent Absent
Ab 57.95 (54.75–61.25)± 1.05 41.85 (27.25–47.25) ±3.6 27.20 (22.75–32.0) ± 1.7 12.45 (11.25–14.75) ± 0.64 30.55 (27.75–32.75) ±0.98 27.05 (23.75–29.75) ± 1.17 60.85 (51.75–74.75) ± 4.02 37.95 (34.75–41.25) ± 1.27 22.05 (20.25–23.75) ± 0.60 7.05 (5,25–8.75) ± 0.60 Absent Absent
Brugmansia versicolor Ad 42.25 (36.25–51.25) ± 2.55 36.25 (32.75–41.25)± 1.51 32.05 (30.25–33.75) ± 0.60 10.45 (8.75—12.25) ± 0.60 32.30 (31.25–33.75) ± 0.45 28.15 (26.25–29.75) ± 0.62 45.55 (38.75–53.25) ± 2.69 29.55 (27.75–31.25) ± 0.60 19.55 (17.75–21.25) ± 0.60 6.85 (3.75–9.75) ± 1.14 356.8 (341.25–375.25) ± 6.1 46.40 (41.25–52.25) ± 1.93
Ab 39.30 (36.25–46.50) ± 1.84 33.75 (30.25–36.25) ± 1.34 27.95 (26.25–29.75) ± 0.60 10.90 (9.50–12.25) ± 0.54 27.95 (26.25–29.75) ± 0.60 25.15 (23.75–26.25) ± 0.43 47.40 (45.75–48.75) ± 0.55 32.30 (31.25–33.75) ± 0.45 19.70 (18.75–20.75) ± 0.37 8.10 (6.25–9.50) ± 0.58 307.35 (300.75–316.25) ± 2.62 25.55 (23.75–27.75) ± 0.68
Butea monosperma Ab 30.95 (26.25–38.75)± 2.11 14.65 (11.25–18.25) ± 1.1 14.15 (13.25–l5.25) ± 0.36 6.75 (5.75–7.75) ± 0.35 14.15 (13.25–15.25) ± 0.36 10.7 (7.75–13.75) ± 1.14 23.40 (22.25–24.50) ± 0.40 9.70 (8.75–10.50) ± 0.32 8.95 (7.75–10.25) ± 0.40 4.35 (3.75–5.25) ± 0.29 168.3 (148.75–183.75) ± 6.07 11.25 (8.75–13.75) ± 0.92
Ad 30.75 (28.75–33.75) ± 0.85 21.10 (18.75–23.75) ± 0.96 Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent 225.9 (212.75–234.0) ± 3.8 15.35 (13.75–17.25) ± 0.57
Buxus pilosula Ad 55.45 (52.75–57.75) ± 0.96 40.0 (37.75–42.0) ± 0.78 Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent
Ab 45.15 (37.75–56.25) ± 3.79 29.65 (26.25–32.75) ± 1.07 25.25 (23.75–27.75) ± 0.77 4.30 (3.0–5.25) ± 0.40 25.25 (23.75–27.75) ± 0.77 12.85 (11.25–14.25) ± 0.53 39.70 (35.75–46.25) ± 1.91 9.95 (8.75–11.25) ± 0.40 21.65 (20.25–23.25) ± 0.57 3.95 (2.75–5.25) ± 0.46 Absent Absent
Chenopodium ambrosioides Ad 50.70 (48.0–53.25) ± 1.00 26.55 (24.75–28.75) ± 0.75 24.15 (22.75–25.75) ± 0.50 9.35 (8.50–10.25) ± 0.30 24.25 (22.75–25.25) ± 0.44 19.45 (17.75–20.75) ± 0.53 28.75 (25.25–32.25) ± 1.36 26.35 (23.75–30.25) ± 1.16 15.85 (14.75–17.25) ± 0.43 7.35 (6.25–8.75) ± 0.43 66.05 (63.75–67.75) ± 0.76 20.85 (17.75–23.75) ± 1.06
Ab 75.05 (72.75–77.25) ± 0.81 28.05 (26.25–30.25) ± 0.68 20.45 (18.75–22.25) ± 0.60 8.55 (7.25–9.75) ± 0.46 21.25 (19.75–22.75) ± 0.57 18.95 (17.75–22.75) ± 0.57 44.75 (42.75–47.25) ± 0.75 18.45 (16.25–22.0) ± 1.01 14.30 (12.0–15.75) ± 0.66 8.05 (6.25–10.25) ± 0.68 57.70 (52.25–64.0) ± 2.28 26.25 (24.75–27.75) ± 0.57
Chrozophora tinctoria Ad 45.25 (38.75–57.25) ± 3.21 23.0 (21.225–24.75) ± 0.60 32.05 (30.25–33.75) ± 0.60 9.85 (8.75–11.25) ± 0.43 32.25 (30.25–33.75) ± 0.68 20.4(18.75–22.0) ± 0.56 44.0 (37.75–52.25) ± 2.51 15.45 (13.75–17.25) ± 0.60 17.0 (15.25–18.75) ± 0.60 4.8 (3.75–5.75) ± 0.33 226.2(214.0–248.7) ± 6.01 10.45 (7.25–12.75) ± 1.05
Ab 48.4(43.75–56.25) ± 2.10 18.25 (13.75–23.75) ± 1.7 33.25 (31.25–35.25) ± 0.75 7.55 (6.25–8.75) ± 0.40 32.95 (30.25–35.25) ± 0.94 20.55 (18.75–22.25) ± 0.60 41.0(35.25–48.75) ± 2.72 19.35 (17.75–21.25) ± 0.62 15.49 (13.75–17.25) ± 0.58 3.80 (3.0–4.75) ± 0.36 182.4 (143.75–218.75) ± 16.0 9.95 (8.75–11.25) ± 0.40
Alocasia macrorrhizos Ad 57.05 (50.25–65.25) ± 2.83 26.95 (25.25–28.25) ± 0.53 34.60 (32.75–36.50) ± 0.64 12.15 (10.75–13.75) ± 0.53 34.30 (32.75–36.50) ± 0.69 26.60 (24.75–28.75) ± 0.77 32.55 (30.75–34.75) ± 0.75 10.15 (8.75–11.50) ± 0.51 22.55 (21.25–24.25) ± 0.62 6.15 (5.25–7.25) ± 0.40 Absent Absent
Ab 52.95 (50.25–56.25) ± 1.04 37.05 (35.25–38.75) ± 0.60 34.55 (32.75–36.25) ± 0.60 10.25 (8.75–13.75) ± 0.92 35.05 (32.75–37.25) ± 0.81 27.15 (25.75–28.75) ± 0.53 28.10 (27.75–29.0) ± 0.33 20.45 (16.25–24.75) ± 1.49 21.65 (20.25–22.75) ± 0.43 8.25 (6.25–11.25) ± 0.85 Absent Absent
Datura innoxia Ad 50.55 (48.75–52.75) ± 0.68 22.75 (21.25–24.75) ± 0.68 22.45 (20.25–24.75) ± 0.81 6.80 (5.25–8.0) ± 0.50 23.85 (20.25–26.25) ± 0.99 17.55 (15.25–19.75) ± 0.81 38.35 (28.75–44.75) ± 2.90 14.95 (12.25–17.75) ± 0.95 12.95 (12.25–13.75) ± 0.25 6.65 (5.25–7.75) ± 0.43 211.8 (191.25–248.75) ± 10.3 16.05 (13.75–18.75) ± 0.93
Ab 48.05 (45.25–50.25) ± 0.98 20.55 (18.75–22.75) ± 0.68 24.10 (22.75–25.25) ± 0.43 6.90 (6.25–7.75) ± 0.26 23.95 (22.75–25.25) ± 0.46 18.35 (17.25–19.75) ± 0.43 29.55 (28.75–30.25) ± 0.25 24.50 (22.25–26.25) ± 0.67 14.85 (13.75–15.75) ± 0.33 5.60 (4.75–6.25) ± 0.29 235.0 (228.75–243.75) ± 2.7 22.55 (20.25–25.25) ± 0.88
Duranta repens Ab 47.0 (44.50–48.75) ± 0.75 19.70 (18.75–20.75) ± 0.34 28.15 (27.25–28.75) ± 0.29 8.15 (7.25–8.75) ± 0.29 29.15 (27.75–31.25) ± 0.62 22.35 (21.25–23.75) ± 0.43 29.45 (28.0–30.50) ± 0.47 22.35 (21.25–23.75) ± 0.43 15.05 (14.25–16.25) ± 0.33 9.85 (8.75–11.25) ± 0.43 150.9 (143.75–158.75) ± 2.53 17.05 (14.75–18.75) ± 0.71
Ad 32.65 (24.75–40.25) ± 3.17 14.35 (13.75–15.25) ± 0.29 23.35 (21.25–24.75) ± 0.69 6.60 (5.25–7.75) ± 0.43 23.35 (21.25–24.75) ± 0.69 17.05 (16.25–17.75) ± 0.25 28.75 (26.25–31.25) ± 0.92 10.95 (8.75–12.75) ± 0.75 12.25 (11.25–12.75) ± 0.27 4.40 (3.75–5.25) ± 0.26 159.2 (154.0–162.75) ± 1.64 16.1 (14.0–18.25) ± 0.71
Euphorbia helioscopia Ad 99.50 (75.5–125.1) ± 9.02 36.50 (35.1–37.3) ± 0.61 27.5 (25.1–27.50) ± 0.50 19.50 (17.50–20.1) ± 0.50 16.50 (12.50–17.50) ± 1.0 2.75 (2.50–3.1) ± 0.14 27.5 (25.1–27.50) ± 0.50 7.9 (7.50–8.25) ± 0.36 41.1 (25.1–52.1) ± 4.8 16.50 (17.50–25.1) ± 1.0 895.2 (750.2–1100) ± 70 11.85 (10.1–13.1) ± 1.21
Ab 84.50 (75.1–87.50) ± 2.42 36.50 (35.1–40.3) ± 1.0 26.1 (25.1–27.50) ± 0.61 20.25 (18.75–22.50) ± 0.61 17.50 (15.1–20.3) ± 0.79 2.65 (2.50–3.1) ± 0.11 26.50 (25.1–27.50) ± 0.61 9.50 (7.50–10.1) ± 0.50 39.1 (35.1–50.1) ± 2.80 18.50 (17.50–20.1) ± 0.61 Absent Absent
Euphorbia pulcherrima Ad 35.30 (33.75–37.25) ± 0.66 20.05 (18.25–21.75) ± 0.68 Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent 249.9 (238.2–262.7) ± 4.1 19.55 (17.75–21.25) ± 0.60
Ab 34.55 (32.75–36.25) ± 0.60 19.55 (17.75–21.25) ± 0.60 23.95 (22.75–25.25) ± 0.46 8.05 (7.25–9.25) ± 0.40 24.55 (22.75–26.25) ± 0.60 14.05 (12.75–15.25) ± 0.43 33.86 (32.75–34.75) ± 0.33 24.55 (22.75–26.25) ± 0.60 16.25 (15.25–17.25) ± 0.35 3.50 (2.75–4.25) ± 0.27 166.5 (160.25–173.25) ± 2.6 14.75 (12.75–16.25) ± 0.68
Euphorbia royleana Ad 46.45 (43.75–52.25) ± 1.50 37.15 (33.75–39.75) ± 1.04 33.45 (30.75–36.25) ± 1.07 9.80 (8.75–10.50) ± 0.30 33.75 (31.25–36.25) ± 0.92 29.85 (27.75–31.25) ± 0.69 57.30 (53.75–61.25) ± 1.48 31.15 (26.25–39.75) ± 2.29 22.30 (20.25–25.25) ± 0.88 7.05 (5.25–8.75) ± 0.60 Absent Absent
Ab 41.85 (38.75–43.75) ± 0.88 30.80 (27.75–34.75) ± 1.23 32.05 (30.25–33.75) ± 0.60 10.15 (8.75–11.25) ± 0.43 31.95 (30.25–33.25) ± 0.53 26.45 (25.25–27.75) ± 0.46 50.95 (48.75–53.25) ± 0.86 24.90 (21.25–29.75) ± 1.40 22.95 (21.25–24.75) ± 0.60 7.85 (7.0–8.75) ± 0.34 Absent Absent
Ipomoea carnea Ad 29.25 (26.25–33.75) ± 1.31 25.45 (23.75–27.25) ± 0.60 24.15 (22.25–27.75) ± 1.01 10.45 (9.75–11.25) ± 0.25 26.15 (22.75–28.75) ± 1.04 21.65 (20.25–22.75) ± 0.43 23.45 (7.75–35.25) ± 5.96 9.50 (8.75–10.25) ± 0.27 19.55 (17.75–21.25) ± 0.60 10.05 (7.75–12.25) ± 0.81 39.55 (37.75–41.25) ± 0.60 12.95 (9.75–17.75) ± 1.43
Ab 30.95 (26.25–38.75) ± 2.11 14.65 (11.25–18.25) ± 1.13 14.15 (13.25–15.25) ± 0.36 6.75 (5.75–7.75) ± 0.35 14.15 (13.25–15.25) ± 0.36 10.70 (7.75–13.75) ± 1.14 23.40 (22.25–24.50) ± 0.40 9.70 (8.75–10.50) ± 0.32 8.95 (7.75–10.25) ± 0.40 4.35 (3.75–5.25) ± 0.29 168.3 (148.75–183.75) ± 6.0 11.25 (8.75–13.75) ± 0.92
Parthenium hysterophorus Ad 33.95 (26.25–41.25) ± 2.4 15.50 (13.75–18.75) ± 0.92 24.15 (23.25–25.25) ± 0.36 7.10 (6.25–8.0) ± 0.34 24.05 (22.75–25.25) ± 0.43 16.4 (15.25–17.75) ± 0.48 28.75 (24.50–32.75) ± 1.52 18.95 (15.75–23.75) ± 1.45 18.1 (16.25–19.75) ± 0.67 4.95 (3.75–6.25) ± 0.40 165.4 (153.7–173.2) ± 3.70 29.74 (28.13–32.64) ± 0.68
Ab 38.95 (36.50–43.75) ± 1.30 18.35 (16.25–21.25) ± 0.84 19.95 (18.25–21.25) ± 0.62 7.95 (6.25–9.50) ± 0.56 20.35 (18.25–22.25) ± 0.78 18.10 (16.5–19.75) ± 0.56 30.75 (27.75–37.25) ± 1.69 18.45 (16.25–20.25) ± 0.75 12.0 (7,75–15.25) ± 1.40 4.30 (3.75–5.25) ± 0.3 195.0 (175.2–211.2) ± 6.19 30.85 (29.25–33.75) ± 0.79
Peganum harmala Ad 90.75 (62.75–103.25) ± 7.41 29.35 (27.25–32.25) ± 0.87 23.95 (22.25–26.25) ± 0.70 11.35 (10.50–12.25) ± 0.34 25.10 (23.0–28.75) ± 0.99 23.75 (21.25–26.25) ± 0.85 23.55 (21.75–26.25) ± 0.84 23.45 (18.75–29.75) ± 1.9 15.35 (12.75–17.75) ± 0.94 10.4 (7.75–13.75) ± 1.1 Absent Absent
Ab 99.45 (95.25–103.7) ± 1.4 27.60 (22.25–37.75) ± 2.7 25.90 (22.75–29.75) ± 1.2 10.55 (8.75–12.75) ± 0.68 29.55 (27.75–31.25) ± 0.60 24.75 (22.25–27.25) ± 0.97 25.80 (22.25–30.25) ± 1.39 25.45 (18.75–29.75) ± 1.86 15.75 (12.75–17.25) ± 0.83 9.55 (7.75–12.25) ± 0.93 Absent Absent
Physalis angulata Ad 59.53 (52.0–75.50) ± 4.53 26.40 (25.25–27.25) ± 0.33 26.05 (25.25–27.25) ± 0.34 9.55 (8.25–10.75) ± 0.46 26.05 (25.25–27.25) ± 0.33 24.05 (22.75–25.75) ± 0.62 59.75 (51.50–76.0) ± 4.52 27.30 (25.75–30.25) ± 0.89 13.15 (12.75–13.75) ± 0.16 6.95 (5.25–8.25) ± 0.53 Absent Absent
Ab 43.90 (26.75–51.50) ± 4.81 26.0 (24.75–27.25) ± 0.44 25.45 (24.75–26.25) ± 0.24 3.75 (3.00–4.75) ± 0.28 25.70 (25.25–26.25) ± 0.16 26.0 (25.25–26.75) ± 0.27 37.45 (26.50–52.25) ± 4.97 24.85 (22.75–26.50) ± 0.70 23.0 (21.25–25.75) ± 0.80 7.15 (5.25–9.75) ± 0.93 Absent Absent
Ranunculus sceleratus Ad 54.15 (47.75–61.25) ± 2.34 41.0 (33.75–47.25) ± 2.53 34.25 (32.75–36.25 ± 0.65 9.85 (8.75–11.25) ± 0.40 34.05 (32.75–35.25) ± 0.43 24.85 (23.0–26.75) ± 0.71 50.20 (42.75–54.50) ± 2.1 32.40 (25.25–38.75) ± 2.40 21.30 (20.25–22.25) ± 0.3 7.50 (6.25–8.75) ± 0.41 Absent Absent
Ab 64.05 (60.25–67.25) ± 1.21 52.25 (50.25–54.75) ± 0.85 32.15 (28.75–34.75) ± 1.04 10.70 (8.50–12.75) ± 0.88 31.50 (27.75–34.75) ± 1.89 27.45 (25.25–29.75) ± 0.81 53.40 (47.75–59.0) ± 1.89 35.85 (27.75–42.75) ± 3.07 20.25 (18.75–21.25) ± 0.47 7.50 (5.25–9.76) ± 0.83 Absent Absent
Ricinus communis Ad 40.50 (38.75–42.25) ± 0.60 17.0 (13.75–20.25) ± 1.05 33.75 (31.25–38.75) ± 1.31 19.05 (17.25–21.0) ± 0.71 32.85 (31.25–34.25) ± 0.53 18.75 (16.25–21.0) ± 0.89 19.85 (16.25–23.75) ± 1.2 9.5 (8.0–12.25) ± 0.74 20.70 (18.75–23.0) ± 0.71 8.15 (6.75–10.25) ± 0.62 Absent Absent
Ab 35.15 (32.75–37.75) ± 0.88 18.05 (13.75–24.75) ± 1.83 27.40 (25.50–28.75) ± 0.65 7.55 (6.25–8.75) ± 0.46 26.6 (24.75–28.75) ± 0.75 15.05 (12.75–17.25) ± 0.81 29.15 (26.25–30.75) ± 0.79 11.85 (10.25–13.75) ± 0.69 13.65 (11.25–15.25) ± 0.69 6.60 (5.75–7.75) ± 0.38 Absent Absent
Sambucus nigra Ad 61.75 (58.75–63.75) ± 0.85 45.05 (38.75–49.75) ± 1.92 Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent
Ab 63.75 (61.25–65.25) ± 0.68 35.65 (32.75–38.75) ± 1.10 42.95 (41.25–44.75) ± 0.60 11.45 (10.25–12.75) ± 0.46 46.95 (43.75–49.75) ± 1.15 34.55 (32.75–36.25) ± 0,64 49.55 (47.75–51.25) ± 0.60 23.75 (22.75–24.75) ± 0.35 26.65 (25.25–27.75) ± 0.43 13.75 (12.25–14.75) ± 0.41 118.25 (113.7–123.7) ± 1.9 24.85 (23.75–26.25) ± 0.43u
Solanum nigrum Ad 69.55 (67.75–71.25) ± 0.64 30.15 (28.75–31.25) ± 0.43 29.80 (28.75–31.25) ± 0.45 7.90 (6.25–9.50) ± 0.56 29.80 (28.75–31.25) ± 0.45 19.10 (17.75–20.25) ± 0.43 29.75 (28.75–31.25) ± 0.47 24.50 (23.75–25.25) ± 0.27 17.25 (16.25–18.25) ± 0.35 1.85 (1.25–2.75) ± 0.29 255.5 (226.2–288.7) ± 11.7 33.45 (31.25–35.25) ± 0.75
Ab 67.75 (64.75–71.75) ± 1.55 37.15 (35.75–38.75) ± 0.53 27.35 (26.25–28.75) ± 0.43 7.30 (6.25–8.75) ± 0.45 27.35 (26.25–28.75) ± 0.43 16.85 (16.25–17.75) ± 0.29 40.35 (38.75–42.75) ± 0.76 13.0 (11.50–14.75) ± 0.57 17.75 (16.25–19.75) ± 0.61 2.25 (1.25–2.75) ± 0.27 229.1 (138.7–275.2) ± 24.0 39.85 (33.75–48.75) ± 2.47
Solanum incanum Ad 66.75 (65.25–68.75) ± 0.65 12.25 (11.25–13.25) ± 0.35 21.65 (20.25–22.75) ± 0.43 8.0 (7.25–9.0) ± 0.37 21.55 (20.25–22.75) ± 0.43 14.25 (12.75–15.25) ± 0.44 28.15 (26.25–29.75) ± 0.62 14.45 (13.25–15.25) ± 0.40 14.05 (12.75–15.25) ± 0.43 7.05)6.25–7.75) ± 0.25 218.2 (210.25–225.25) ± 2.85 17.1 (15.25–18.75) ± 0.64
Ab 34.45 (32.75–36.25) ± 0.60 14.15 (12.75–15.25) ± 0.43 14.15 (12.75–15.25) ± 0.43 6.15 (5.25–7.25) ± 0.40 14.15 (12.75–15.25) ± 0.43 11.35 (10.25–12.75) ± 0.43 27.95 (26.25–29.75) ± 0.60 14.10 (12.75–15.25) ± 0.43 6.65 (5.25–7.75) ± 0.43 5.25 (4.25–6.25) ± 0.35 236.0 (224.75–247.75) ± 3.7 22.85 (21.25–25.25) ± 0.73
Sorghum halepense Ad 85.20 (64.75–100.2) ± 6.8 21.30 (18.75–24.75) ± 1.03 32.05 (29.75–34.75) ± 0.81 10.30 (8.75–11.75) ± 0.55 31.90 (30.25–33.0) ± 0.50 19.45 (17.75–20.75) ± 0.53 61.9 (52.75–67.75) ± 2.46 22.80 (2125–25.25) ± 0.69 13.85 (12.75–15.25) ± 0.50 3.40 (2.75–4.25) ± 0.26 Absent Absent
Ab 47.95 (46.25–49.75) ± 0.60 34.15 (32.75–35.25) ± 0.43 32.95 (31.25–34.75) ± 0.60 10.40 (8.0–12.25) ± 0.85 32.75 (31.25–34.75) ± 0.65 23.05 (21.75–24.75) ± 0.53 44.40 (42.75–46.25) ± 0.61 24.85 (23.75–26.50) ± 0.49 22.20 (21.25–23.0) ± 0.32 4.50 (3.75–5.25) ± 0.25 Absent Absent
Thevetia peruviana Ad 35.65 (33.75–37.75) ± 0.67 28.25 (25.25–31.25) ± 1.10 Absent Absent
Ab 45.70 (41.25–52.25) ± 2.1 29.10 (26.25–22.75) ± 1.3 25.85 (23.75–27.75) ± 0.79 4.85 (3.75–6.25) ± 0.43 25.60 (23.75–27.75) ± 0.69 15.45 (13.75–17.25) ± 0.60 43.0 (38.75–48.75) ± 1.64 22.50 (18.75–28.75) ± 1.79 12.85 (11.25–14.75) ± 0.64 7.70 (5.50–10.25) ± 0.85 Absent Absent
Trifolium repens Ad 30.35 (24.75–36.25) ± 1.90 21.25 (18.75–23.75) ± 0.92 17.95 (16.25–19.75) ± 0.60 5.20 (4.50–6.25) ± 0.30 17.95 (16.25–19.75) ± 0.60 12.30 (11.25–13.25) ± 0.33 34.70 (33.75–35.50) ± 0.32 17.15 (15.25–18.75) ± 0.62 9.85 (8.75–11.25) ± 0.43 3.60 (3.0–4.25) ± 0.21 Absent Absent
Ab 42.35 (41.25–43.75) ± 0.43 30.15 (28.75–31.25) ± 0.43 20.25 (17.75–23.75) ± 1.04 7.20 (6.25–8.0) ± 0.32 21.85 (17.75–24.75) ± 1.20 14.55 (13.75–15.25) ± 0.25 44.95 (43.75–46.25) ± 0.40 27.20 (25.75–29.0) ± 0.57 10.50 (8.75–12.25) ± 0.60 4.85 (3.75–6.25) ± 0.43 Absent Absent

Collector names, voucher numbers, altitude, locality and district of studied species.

S. No. Taxa Collector Voucher number Altitude (m) Locality District
1 Agave americana L. Aqsa Abid 131601 540 QAU Islamabad
2 Alocasia macrorrhizos (L.) G.Don Aqsa Abid 131602 508 Rawalpindi Punjab
3 Argemone mexicana L. Aqsa Abid 131603 540 QAU Islamabad
4 Brugmansia versicolor Lagerh Sabir Ahmed 131604 540 Capital territory Islamabad
5 Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taub. Aqsa Abid, Salman 131605 540 QAU colony Islamabad
6 Buxus pilosula Urb Aqsa Abid 131606 1064 Margalla hills Islamabad
7 Chenopodium ambrosioides L. Aqsa Abid 131607 508 Rawalpindi Punjab
8 Chrozophora tinctoria (L.) A.Juss. Aqsa Abid 131608 980 Islamia college Peshawar KPK
9 Datura innoxia Mill. Aqsa Abid 131609 508 Rawalpindi Punjab
10 Duranta erecta L. Aqsa Abid 131610 540 Capital territory Islamabad
11 Euphorbia helioscopia L. Aqsa Abid 131611 508 Dhamial camp Punjab
12 Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex Klotzsch Aqsa Abid 131612 540 QAU girls hostel Islamabad
13 Euphorbia royleana Boiss Aqsa Abid 131613 540 QAU Islamabad
14 Ipomoea carnea Jacq. Aqsa Abid 131614 279 Chakri Rawalpimdi
15 Parthenium hysterophorus L. Aqsa Abid 131615 482 Dhamial camp Rawalpindi
16 Peganum harmala L. Aqsa Abid 131616 508 Rawalpindi Punjab
17 Physalis angulata L. Aqsa Abid 131617 540 QAU Islamabad
18 Ranunculus sceleratus L. Beenish 131618 165 Dera ismail khan Punjab
19 Ricinus communis L. Aqsa Abid 131619 482 Dhamial camp Islamabad
20 Sambucus nigra L. Aqsa Abid 131620 540 QAU Islamabad
21 Solanum nigrum L. Aqsa Abid 131621 1604 Margalla hills Islamabad
22 Solanum incanum L. Aqsa Abid 131622 279 Chakri Rawalpindi
23 Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. Aqsa Abid 131623 500 Morgah Rawalpindi
24 Thevetia peruviana (Pers.) K.Schum. Aqsa Abid 131624 540 Capital territory Islamabad
25 Trifolium repens L. Bushra Ali 131625 2601 Khaplu Gilgit Baltistan
Calendario de la edición:
2 veces al año
Temas de la revista:
Life Sciences, Plant Science, Zoology, Ecology, other