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The effect of digital literacy on student identity and inclusion: insights from the University of Western Macedonia


Figure 1:

Question 2: Development of digital skills during university studies.
Question 2: Development of digital skills during university studies.

Figure 2:

Question 3: Self-satisfaction with digital skills.
Question 3: Self-satisfaction with digital skills.

Figure 3:

Question 7: Familiarisation with the necessary software.
Question 7: Familiarisation with the necessary software.

Figure 4:

Question 6: Familiarity with cultural digital literacy.
Question 6: Familiarity with cultural digital literacy.

Figure 5:

Question 9: Familiarity with critical digital literacy.
Question 9: Familiarity with critical digital literacy.

Figure 6:

Question 15: Evaluation of team educational activities.
Question 15: Evaluation of team educational activities.

Figure 7:

Question 16: How COVID-19 disrupted the higher education process.
Question 16: How COVID-19 disrupted the higher education process.

Figure 8:

Question 17: Digital conduct of exams.
Question 17: Digital conduct of exams.

COVID-19 and digital literacy

Likert scale COVID-19 disruption of education (%) Digital conduct of exams satisfaction (%) Confidence in digital exams (%) COVID-19 digital competence (%) COVID-19 online education (%)
1. Not at all satisfied 4.40 2.20 2.20
2. Little satisfaction 13.30 4.40 2.20
3. Neutral 42.20 33.30 24.40 24.40 15.60
4. Satisfied 28.90 28.90 35.60 26.70 31.10
5. Very satisfied 11.10 31.10 35.60 48.90 53.30

Reliability statistics

Item-Total Statistics
Scale Mean if Item Deleted Scale Variance if Item Deleted Corrected Item-Total Correlation Squared Multiple Correlation Cronbach’s Alpha if Item Deleted
Q1 74.78 162.398 0.519 0.831 0.873
Q2 74.47 161.042 0.479 0.829 0.874
Q3 73.62 160.670 0.522 0.745 0.873
Q4 73.29 160.774 0.519 0.788 0.873
Q5 72.42 171.604 0.198 0.680 0.882
Q6 73.69 166.649 0.252 0.621 0.883
Q7 73.20 167.624 0.340 0.500 0.878
Q8 73.60 161.391 0.462 0.631 0.875
Q9 73.64 161.828 0.368 0.791 0.879
Q10 74.11 162.323 0.442 0.839 0.875
Q11 73.44 157.547 0.646 0.797 0.869
Q12 72.84 162.043 0.550 0.624 0.872
Q13 73.76 162.276 0.445 0.681 0.875
Q14 73.07 155.481 0.697 0.864 0.867
Q15 73.16 161.774 0.542 0.732 0.872
Q16 72.87 161.176 0.634 0.851 0.870
Q17 72.93 156.958 0.753 0.842 0.866
Q18 73.53 167.893 0.364 0.490 0.877
Q19 73.00 160.612 0.653 0.735 0.870
Q20 72.82 165.640 0.476 0.634 0.875
Q21 72.58 170.261 0.335 0.658 0.878
Q22 72.44 173.264 0.221 0.712 0.880

Skewness and kurtosis tests

N Valid Missing Mean Median Mode Std. Deviation Skewness Std. Error of Kurtosis Skewness Std. Error of Kurtosis Sum
Q1 135 0 2.04 2.00 1 1.099 0.631 0.209 -0.580 0.414 276
Q2 135 0 2.36 2.00 1 1.272 0.362 0.209 -1.141 0.414 318
Q3 135 0 3.20 3.00 3a 1.208 -0.393 0.209 -0.655 0.414 432
Q4 135 0 3.53 4.00 4 1.208 -0.736 0.209 -0.156 0.414 477
Q5 135 0 4.40 5.00 5 1.045 -1.820 0.209 2.783 0.414 594
Q6 135 0 3.13 3.00 4 1.444 -0.191 0.209 -1.317 0.414 423
Q7 135 0 3.62 4.00 3 1.064 -0.439 0.209 -0.190 0.414 489
Q8 135 0 3.22 3.00 3a 1.285 -0.168 0.209 -1.043 0.414 435
Q9 135 0 3.18 4.00 4 1.501 -0.349 0.209 -1.352 0.414 429
Q10 135 0 2.71 3.00 4 1.263 0.088 0.209 -1.190 0.414 366
Q11 135 0 3.38 3.00 4 1.184 -0.279 0.209 -0.811 0.414 456
Q12 135 0 3.98 4.00 5 1.068 -1.074 0.209 0.773 0.414 537
Q13 135 0 3.07 3.00 3 1.259 -0.127 0.209 -0.831 0.414 414
Q14 135 0 3.76 4.00 5 1.218 -0.876 0.209 0.001 0.414 507
Q15 135 0 3.67 4.00 3a 1.000 -0.331 0.209 -0.815 0.414 495
Q16 135 0 3.96 4.00 4 0.992 -1.029 0.209 1.283 0.414 534
Q17 135 0 3.89 4.00 5 1.063 -0.798 0.209 0.319 0.414 525
Q18 135 0 3.29 3.00 3 0.984 -0.180 0.209 -0.127 0.414 444
Q19 135 0 3.82 4.00 3 0.999 -0.455 0.209 -0.264 0.414 516
Q20 135 0 4.00 4.00 4a 0.946 -0.804 0.209 0.552 0.414 540
Q21 135 0 4.24 4.00 5 0.824 -0.483 0.209 -1.360 0.414 573
Q22 135 0 4.38 5.00 5 0.742 -0.739 0.209 -0.818 0.414 591

Normality tests

Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Shapiro-Wilk
Statistic df Sig. Statistic Df Sig.
Q1 0.274 135 <0.001 0.817 135 <0.001
Q2 0.234 135 <0.001 0.851 135 <0.001
Q3 0.191 135 <0.001 0.896 135 <0.001
Q4 0.228 135 <0.001 0.861 135 <0.001
Q5 0.406 135 <0.001 0.622 135 <0.001
Q6 0.192 135 <0.001 0.877 135 <0.001
Q7 0.187 135 <0.001 0.880 135 <0.001
Q8 0.172 135 <0.001 0.904 135 <0.001
Q9 0.241 135 <0.001 0.843 135 <0.001
Q10 0.180 135 <0.001 0.892 135 <0.001
Q11 0.189 135 <0.001 0.905 135 <0.001
Q12 0.242 135 <0.001 0.819 135 <0.001
Q13 0.190 135 <0.001 0.903 135 <0.001
Q14 0.224 135 <0.001 0.839 135 <0.001
Q15 0.176 135 <0.001 0.882 135 <0.001
Q16 0.229 135 <0.001 0.817 135 <0.001
Q17 0.208 135 <0.001 0.836 135 <0.001
Q18 0.215 135 <0.001 0.900 135 <0.001
Q19 0.195 135 <0.001 0.859 135 <0.001
Q20 0.211 135 <0.001 0.835 135 <0.001
Q21 0.309 135 <0.001 0.754 135 <0.001
Q22 0.333 135 <0.001 0.741 135 <0.001

Self-evaluation opinion questions

Likert scale How would you evaluate your digital skills (%) Have university studies developed your digital skills (%) How satisfied are you with your digital skills (%) How do you value digital literacy (%) Have you developed your digital identity (%)
1. Not at all satisfied 11 4 20 4 24
2. Little satisfaction 4 18 9 22
3. Neutral 27 16 18 36 18
4. Satisfied 36 11 22 29 29
5. Very satisfied 22 69 22 22 7

Cronbach’s α – internal consistent efficiency Reliability Statistics

Cronbach’s Alpha Cronbach’s Alpha Based on Standardized Items N of Items
,880 ,883 22

Good educational practices

Likert scale Introductory courses & digital environment presentation (%) Studentinstructor relations & digital literacy (%) Email conduct with instructors (%) Assistance from fellow students (%) Team educational activities (%)
1. Not at all satisfied 16 9 2 4 4
2. Little satisfaction 13 4 13 2
3. Neutral 36 22 29 24 29
4. Satisfied 20 31 27 38 29
5. Very satisfied 16 33 29 33 36
Calendario de la edición:
2 veces al año
Temas de la revista:
Social Sciences, Education, Curriculum and Pedagogy, other