Acceso abierto

Inga Druţă, Terminologia Educaţiei (Constituire, Caracteristici Și Tendinţe De Dezvoltare), Editura Tipo Moldova, Iaşi, 2014


Volume Terminologia educației (constituire, caracteristici și tendințe de dezvoltare) signed by Inga Druță (Tipo Moldova Publishing, Iași 2014) stands in the literature of specialty as the argument volume of the existence of a specific pedagogical terminology. The study’s contemporaneousness is given by at least two arguments: on the one hand, the research invalidates the idea of a lack of pedagogical terminology, advanced by some authors, and on the other, it organizes a terminology on the intersection of numerous linguistic, conceptual and cultural influences derived both from the Occident and the Orient into a coherent work. It is a study of good omen through which Mrs. Inga Druța submits to analysis the field of pedagogy from multiple perspectives – historical, linguistic, theoretic and pragmatic.