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Characteristics of Local Officials and High Quality Development of Chinese Agriculture - Evidence from Chinese Governors and Secretaries of the Provincial Party Committee


Fig. 1

Trends in agricultural GTFP in China and three separate regions from 1997 to 2016.
Trends in agricultural GTFP in China and three separate regions from 1997 to 2016.

Control variables and description.

Control VariableVariable Specification
IncomePer capita net income for rural households (104 yuan/person)
Disaster rateAffected area/total area planted with crops (%)
Scale levelTotal area planted with crops/agricultural employees (Mou/person)
Machinery densityTotal power of agricultural machinery/total area planted with crops (kilowatt/hectare)
Per capita value addedAgricultural added value/Population at the end of the year (logarithm)
Industrialization levelIndustrial value added/GDP (%)
Financial support for agricultureAgricultural, forestry, and water expenditure/total local financial expenditure (%)
Location factorEastern region = 1; central region = 2; western region = 3

Impacts of officials on agricultural GTFP.

VariableModel I Agriculture GTFPModel II Total Value of Agriculture Output
Secretary term0.010* (0.005)7.367* (3.907)
Secretary change−0.006 (0.024)9.270 (18.893)
Secretary education−0.003 (0.017)−60.606*** (13.120)
Secretary age−0.006* (0.004)−13.995*** (2.758)
Secretary birthplace−0.044 (0.042)83.539** (33.091)
Exchange secretary−0.019 (0.029)55.315** (23.037)
Governor term0.010 (0.006)−0.791 (4.822)
Governor change−0.016 (0.024)−14.408 (18.506)
Governor education−0.022 (0.017)−12.948 (13.498)
Governor age−0.002 (0.003)−4.476* (2.581)
Governor birthplace0.062* (0.032)12.125 (25.055)
Exchange governor0.035 (0.029)147.574*** (22.438)
Income−0.021 (0.052)237.264*** (41.394)
Disaster rate−0.023 (0.082)17.401 (64.398)
Scale level0.002 (0.003)0.358 (2.321)
Machinery density0.010 (0.007)4.226 (5.742)
Per capita value added0.336*** (0.042)623.105*** (33.125)
Industrialization level0.469* (0.244)−111.005 (198.072)
Financial support for agriculture−1.082*** (0.343)−587.043** (268.367)
Location factor−0.042 (0.072)−143.006* (86.118)
Constant0.762* (0.388)3523.184*** (338.947)
Sigma_u0.329*** (0.045)403.752*** (52.747)
Sigma_e0.239*** (0.007)187.133*** (5.457)

Descriptive statistics for personal characteristics of officials.

VariableMean ValueStandard DeviationMinimum ValueMaximum Value
Secretary term4.4975812.8434270.515
Secretary change0.238710.42629501
Secretary education3.4161290.85254715
Secretary age59.556454.0546724770
Secretary birthplace0.088710.28432401
Exchange secretary0.7274190.44528701
Governor term3.0963711.9256560.2512
Governor change0.2564520.43667401
Governor education3.5032260.82793315
Governor age57.903233.9871154365
Governor birthplace0.3193550.46622701
Exchange governor0.3306450.47044501

Evaluation indexes for agricultural GTFP.

First-level IndicatorSecondary IndicatorVariables and Descriptions
Input indicatorLaborPractitioners of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, and fisheries x (total agricultural output value/total output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, and fisheries) (104 people)
LandTotal area planted with crops (103 hectares)
Agricultural filmAmount of agricultural film used (104 tons)
Chemical fertilizerConversion of chemical fertilizer into pure amount applied (104 tons)
PesticidesAmount of pesticides used (104 tons)
MachineryTotal power of agricultural machinery (104 kilowatts)
IrrigationEffective irrigation area (103 hectares)
Desirable output indicatorTotal agricultural output valueTotal agricultural output value converted from 1978 as the base period (108 yuan)1
Undesirable output indicatorCarbon emissionsTotal carbon emissions due to agricultural film, chemical fertilizer, pesticides, agricultural diesel, agricultural irrigation, and agricultural planting (104 tons)2
Pollution dischargeLosses of nitrogen and phosphorus in chemical fertilizer, ineffective use of pesticides, and agricultural film residues (104 tons) as a composite index (calculated using entropy method)3,4

Descriptive statistics for agricultural GTFP evaluation indexes from 1997 to 2016.

VariableMean ValueStandard DeviationMinimum ValueMaximum Value
Agricultural film6.136.030.0134.35
Chemical fertilizer162.01134.092.50716.10
Total value of agriculture output719.40647.4519.413252.44
Pollution discharge5.104.350.0518.42
Carbon emissions399.66289.5610.371318.68

Impacts of officials on green agricultural TFP in different periods.

VariableModel III (1997–2006)Model IV (2007–2016)
Secretary term−0.003(0.007)0.020***(0.004)
Secretary change0.025(0.027)−0.024(0.018)
Secretary education−0.029(0.021)−0.026*(0.015)
Secretary age−0.003(0.005)−0.010***(0.003)
Secretary birthplace0.098*(0.058)−0.036(0.057)
Exchange secretary−0.018(0.040)0.049*(0.025)
Governor term0.008(0.007)−0.003(0.005)
Governor change−0.006(0.026)−0.002(0.018)
Governor education−0.037*(0.021)−0.023(0.018)
Governor age0.005(0.005)−0.007**(0.003)
Governor birthplace0.003(0.040)0.052*(0.032)
Exchange governor−0.034(0.035)0.015(0.025)
Disaster rate−0.024(0.085)−0.050(0.073)
Scale level−0.005(0.007)−0.004(0.003)
Machinery density0.010(0.016)−0.015**(0.008)
Per capita value added0.657***(0.092)0.231***(0.045)
Industrialization level−0.210(0.469)0.187(0.252)
Financial support for agriculture−2.044*(1.058)−0.456(0.307)
Location factor0.058(0.093)−0.156**(0.070)
Calendario de la edición:
Volume Open
Temas de la revista:
Life Sciences, other, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, General Mathematics, Physics