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Knowledge of health principles among professionals in Slovenian kindergartens


Demographic data of research participants expressed as meaningful (S.D. or %) and [range].

NumberAgeWork experience
KT423 (54.6%)42.0 (±10.2) [22–59]19.9 (±11.8) [1–40]
KTA351 (45.4%)35.0 (±9.2) [19–57]9.3 (±9.2) [1–38]
All774 (100%)38.9 (±10.5) [19–59]15.3 (±12.0) [1–40]

Kindergarten teachers’ and their assistants’ responsibility related to health principles in percentages.

How important are the following infection preventive measures?
AnswersStatements (%)
AgreeDisagreeI do not know
I would immediately give the child a medication to treat fever40.1[49.5]10.4
I would cool down the child’s body[78.4]15.36.1
I would immediately take the child to the doctor28.2[58.0]13.7
I would give the child a medication to treat fever only in case of previously written authorization[86.4]8.94.7
I would call the emergency service[74.0]18.08.0
How important is hand washing for infection prevention?
After toilet use[95.5]0.00.5
Before a meal[99.2]0.10.6
After shaking hands[53.1]45.11.8
After touching one’s nose[90.5]8.50.9
After using toys[86.7]12.40.9
After using books[47.3]51.01.7
How important are the following infection preventive measures?
Sneezing /coughing into a sleeve[96.9]2.50.7
Hand washing after touching animals[96.4]3.10.5
Separation of a sick child from the rest of the group[92.5]5.61.9
Hand disinfection81.3[17.7]1.0
Preventive vaccination[74.4]20.64.9
Disinfection of toys[97.7]2.20.1
Ventilation of rooms[97.7]0.10.1

Kindergarten teachers’ and their assistants’ knowledge of health principles in percentages.

QuestionStatements (%)
A child in a group has celiac disease. What is the correct measure?In case of a birthday party, I would give him/ her only a small piece of cakeThe child has a diet, but at breakfast he/she can have one-quarter of a rollOnly gluten free food is permissibleIn kindergarten, we do not account for the diets of childrenI do not know
How would you react in case of high fever (>38.5 ºC)?I would take him/ her immediately to the doctorI would call the parentsI would separate the child from the class and wait for parents to comeI would check body temperature, give some water and call parentsI do not know[82.9]0.1
Which are the signs of diabetes complications?High body temperatureIncontinence disordersChest painFatigue, drowsiness, hunger, thirst, shiveringI do not know
A child has an abrasion on his/her hand. What is the first aid?I would cover the abrasion with a clean padI would first wash the abrasion with water and then cover with a clean padI would first wash the abrasion with alcohol and then cover with a clean padI would call emergency medical services immediatelyI do not know
Have you ever been in a situation when parents brought antibiotics in the kindergarten and asked you to give them to their child at a certain time?YesNoI do not remember//

Comparison of kindergarten teachers’ and their assistants’ answers regarding the age, work occupation and years of work experiences.

AgeOccupationWork experiences
RESPONSIBILITYKnowledge of health principles is important for KT and KTA0.913

not statistically significant


not statistically significant


not statistically significant

Is it true that, in case of acute illness, KT or KTA must inform the kindergarten headmaster and parents?0.319

not statistically significant


not statistically significant


not statistically significant

Is it true that, in case of emergency, KT or KTA should not accompany the child to the doctor?0.000

strong statistical significance p<0.001


not statistically significant


not statistically significant

HEALTH PRINCIPLES KNOWLEDGEA child in the group has celiac disease. What is the correct measure?0.465

not statistically significant


not statistically significant


not statistically significant

How would you react in case of high fever (>38.5 ºC)?0.000

strong statistical significance p<0.001


strong statistical significance p<0.001


not statistically significant

Which are the signs of diabetes complications?0.008

statistical significance p<0.05


not statistically significant


not statistically significant

A child has an abrasion on his/her arm. What is the first aid?0.764

not statistically significant


not statistically significant


not statistically significant

Is it advisable to continue breastfeeding when a child is oneyear old and goesto the kindergarten?0.619

not statistically significant


statistical significance p<0.05


not statistically significant

Have you ever been in a situation when parents brought antibiotics to the kindergarten and asked you to give them to the child at a certain time?0.000

strong statistical significance p<0.001


strong statistical significance p<0.001


strong statistical significance p<0.001

KNOWLEDGE EVALUATIONHow would you rate your knowledge of health principles?0.708

not statistically significant


not statistically significant


not statistically significant

Where did you gain most of your knowledge of health principles?0.010

statistical significance p<0.05


not statistically significant


not statistically significant

When did you have your last training in health principles?0.000

strong statistical significance p<0.001


not statistically significant


not statistically significant

Kindergarten teachers’ and their assistants’ health knowledge self-evaluation in percentages.

QuestionStatements (%)
How would you rate your knowledge of health principles?insufficientsufficientgoodvery goodexcellent
How would you rate your knowledge of first aid?insufficientsufficientgoodvery goodexcellent
Where did you gain most of your knowledge of health principles?at college or universityat seminarsat workbooks, internetelsewhere
When did you have the last training on health principles?1 year or less ago1–5 years ago5–10 years ago10–15 years agomore than 15 years ago
Calendario de la edición:
4 veces al año
Temas de la revista:
Medicine, Clinical Medicine, Hygiene and Environmental Medicine