Uneingeschränkter Zugang

7. Integration of the Arts in Steam Learning Projects

   | 06. Apr. 2023


In the context of the globalization of learning, schools must become learning organizations in order to reconfigure the way of learning towards an integrated one and to value the functional dimension of education/learning through its contribution to the formation of key skills. In this article, the learning process in the subjects of the Arts curriculum area is researched in order to support and promote a learning process in accordance with the new orientations in education at the European level. The specifics of learning in Musical Education, Visual and Plastic Education are revealed by concretizing the types of learning, establishing the internal and external conditions of learning, characterizing knowledge and artistic experience, harnessing the potential values of works of art, identifying knowledge through art as an inner experience, integrating the arts through aesthetic education and extra-aesthetics, the description of the stages of awareness of the artistic experience in the learning process. Arts integration is a process that requires a multi-year commitment and requires exploring new ways of teaching and learning. The integration of arts in STEAM learning projects is conditioned by the fundamental values of art discovered and acquired through artistic activities, the integrative nature of spiritual intelligence in the act of learning through arts, the holistic approach, building connections between arts and sciences, etc. The profound benefits of integrating the arts into STEAM learning projects will come with consistent implementation over time.
