Uneingeschränkter Zugang

Analysis of Changes in Shopping Habits and Causes of Food Waste Among Consumers Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Poland


Figure 1

Frequency of listed activities when purchasing food products before the pandemic COVID-19 [%]Source: own survey
Frequency of listed activities when purchasing food products before the pandemic COVID-19 [%]Source: own survey

Figure 2

Frequency of listed activities when purchasing food products during the pandemic COVID-19 [%]Source: own survey
Frequency of listed activities when purchasing food products during the pandemic COVID-19 [%]Source: own survey

Figure 3

Frequency of listed activities when purchasing food products before the pandemic COVID-19 [%]Source: own survey
Frequency of listed activities when purchasing food products before the pandemic COVID-19 [%]Source: own survey

Figure 4

Frequency of listed activities when purchasing food products during the pandemic COVID-19 [%]Source: own survey
Frequency of listed activities when purchasing food products during the pandemic COVID-19 [%]Source: own survey

Figure 5

Reasons why food products were thrown away before and during the pandemic COVID-19 [%]Source: own survey
Reasons why food products were thrown away before and during the pandemic COVID-19 [%]Source: own survey

Figure 6

Consumer responses to products labelled ‘use by date’ during the pandemic COVID-19Source: own survey
Consumer responses to products labelled ‘use by date’ during the pandemic COVID-19Source: own survey

The results of the mean, kurtosis, median, and standard deviation for responses regarding shopping behaviour

Before the pandemic COVID-19
N=500 I was preparing a list of needed products I bought products according to the shopping list I had prepared I happened to take a product off my shopping list I chose the foods I wanted I have often reached out to products offered as a ‘novelty’ to try them I checked the expiry date before putting a food item in shopping cart I bought products with a short ‘use by’ date if they were discounted I bought products whose shopping packaging was deformed I was shopping for supplies
Mean1 2,70 2,72 2,47 2,28 2,97 2,15 3,04 3,98 3,68
Standard deviation 1,19 1,15 0,93 0,91 0,97 1,11 1,14 1,11 1,16
Median 3,00 2,00 2,00 2,00 3,00 2,00 3,00 4,00 4,00
Grouped - median 2,68 2,62 2,46 2,24 2,99 1,95 3,05 4,19 3,80
Kurtosis -1,09 -0,89 -0,14 0,07 -0,56 -0,22 -0,75 -0,18 -0,63

Pearson's correlation results between attendance and shopping volume versus discarding selected food items before the COVID-19 pandemic

Specification Frequency of food shopping Volume of food shopping Meat (pork, beef, veal, muton, venison) Poultry (whole, breast, tenderloin, thighs, wings, other) Meat preparations (pates, sausages, cold cuts) Cottage cheese Renneted cheese Fish Milk (bottle) Fermented milk drinks (yoghurts, kefirs, buttermilks) Bread Fruits & vegetables
Frequency of food shopping 1 -,455** -0,048 0,007 -0,034 0,063 0,076 -0,037 -0,029 -0,052 -0,066 -,147**
Volume of food shopping -,455** 1 0,024 -0,038 -0,003 -0,047 -0,017 -0,024 -0,039 -0,001 -0,016 0,009
Meat (pork, beef, veal, muton, venison) -0,048 0,024 1 ,832** ,708** ,492** ,427** ,555** ,422** ,420** ,419** ,328**
Poultry (whole, breast, tenderloin, thighs, wings, other) 0,007 -0,038 ,832** 1 ,704** ,532** ,464** ,612** ,429** ,411** ,456** ,327**
Meat preparations (pates, sausages, cold cuts) -0,034 -0,003 ,708** ,704** 1 ,624** ,534** ,481** ,478** ,482** ,498** ,436**
Cottage cheese 0,063 -0,047 ,492** ,532** ,624** 1 ,630** ,391** ,500** ,528** ,441** ,406**
Renneted cheese 0,076 -0,017 ,427** ,464** ,534** ,630** 1 ,454** ,497** ,525** ,480** ,372**
Fish -0,037 -0,024 ,555** ,612** ,481** ,391** ,454** 1 ,494** ,464** ,387** ,269**
Milk (bottle) -0,029 -0,039 ,422** ,429** ,478** ,500** ,497** ,494** 1 ,574** ,471** ,423**
Fermented milk drinks (yoghurts, kefirs, butter-milks) -0,052 -0,001 ,420** ,411** ,482** ,528** ,525** ,464** ,574** 1 ,634** ,585**
Bread -0,066 -0,016 ,419** ,456** ,498** ,441** ,480** ,387** ,471** ,634** 1 ,703**
Fruits & vegetables -,147** 0,009 ,328** ,327** ,436** ,406** ,372** ,269** ,423** ,585** ,703** 1
**. Correlation significant at the 0,01 level (two-sided).

Characteristics of the respondents

Respondents’ characteristics Share [%]
Female 60
Male 40
18–26 43,8
27–35 11,2
36–40 9
41–45 7,8
46–50 6,6
51–55 7,6
56–60 7
>60 7
Place of residence
Village 18,6
City up to 19,000 inhabitants 9,2
City between 20,000 and 49,000 inhabitants 10
City with 50,000 to 99,000 inhabitants 9,8
City with 100,000 to 199,000 inhabitants 8,2
City between 200,000 and 499,000 inhabitants 11,8
City > 500,000 inhabitants 32,4
Household size
One-person 11,8
Two-person 31,4
Three-person 23,8
Four-person 18,2
Five-person 8,2
Six-person 3,4
>Six-person 3,2

Pearson's correlation results between attendance and shopping volume versus discarding selected food items during the COVID-19 pandemic

Specification Frequency of food shopping Volume of food shopping Meat (pork, beef, veal, muton, venison) Poultry (whole, breast, tenderloin, thighs, wings, other) Meat preparations (pates, sausages, cold cuts) Cottage cheese Renneted cheese Fish Milk (bottle) Fermented milk drinks (yoghurts, kefirs, buttermilks) Bread Fruits & vegetables
Frequency of food shopping 1 -,556** 0,071 0,008 0,038 0,045 0,037 0,084 ,152** ,178** ,119** ,145**
Volume of food shopping -,556** 1 0,033 0,060 0,027 -0,024 -0,012 -0,015 -0,080 -,154** -,112* -,151**
Meat (pork, beef, veal, muton, venison) 0,071 0,033 1 ,865** ,763** ,540** ,516** ,616** ,465** ,470** ,471** ,390**
Poultry (whole, breast, tenderloin, thighs, wings, other) 0,008 0,060 ,865** 1 ,770** ,551** ,532** ,618** ,479** ,476** ,492** ,386**
Meat preparations (pates, sausages, cold cuts) 0,038 0,027 ,763** ,770** 1 ,670** ,622** ,515** ,548** ,555** ,576** ,510**
Cottage cheese 0,045 -0,024 ,540** ,551** ,670** 1 ,782** ,472** ,570** ,619** ,576** ,547**
Renneted cheese 0,037 -0,012 ,516** ,532** ,622** ,782** 1 ,476** ,554** ,545** ,571** ,497**
Fish 0,084 -0,015 ,616** ,618** ,515** ,472** ,476** 1 ,513** ,429** ,397** ,302**
Milk (bottle) ,152** -0,080 ,465** ,479** ,548** ,570** ,554** ,513** 1 ,664** ,623** ,515**
Fermented milk drinks (yoghurts, kefirs, buttermilks) ,178** -,154** ,470** ,476** ,555** ,619** ,545** ,429** ,664** 1 ,705** ,716**
Bread ,119** -,112* ,471** ,492** ,576** ,576** ,571** ,397** ,623** ,705** 1 ,756**
Fruits & vegetables ,145** -,151** ,390** ,386** ,510** ,547** ,497** ,302** ,515** ,716** ,756** 1
**. Correlation significant at the 0,01 level (two-sided).
Zeitrahmen der Veröffentlichung:
4 Hefte pro Jahr
Fachgebiete der Zeitschrift:
Biologie, Ökologie