Uneingeschränkter Zugang

Kinetic energy partitions in electron–ion PIC simulations of ABC fields

   | 03. Apr. 2023



Various astrophysical environments involve extremely rapid and very luminous gamma-ray flares, such as the blazars and the Crab pulsar wind nebula (PWN). Particle acceleration mechanisms are needed to explain how magnetic energy is released and converted to kinetic energy. Currently, magnetic reconnection is one of the very promising candidates (for a review, see references [1, 2]).

The essential condition for triggering magnetic reconnection includes oppositely directed magnetic fields and a very thin current sheet that can be produced by certain plasma instabilities. The traditional magnetic field configuration is the Harris-layer-type kinetic equilibrium [3], in which the kinetic-scale current layer limits the outflow (reconnection rate) to the order of (0.1); hence, the magnetic dissipation efficiency is also limited. In order to understand the rapid and efficient conversion of electromagnetic energy into radiation, the Arnold–Beltrami–Childress (ABC) fields [4, 5] have recently been proposed as an alternative candidate [68].

Owing to the improvements in computational power, we can study the properties of magnetic reconnection by practicing numerical simulation. Based on the ABC fields, we particularly focus on the difference in the behaviors of electrons and ions, especially their kinetic energy gains.

Simulation setup

We performed particle-in-cell (PIC) numerical simulations using the Zeltron code(1) [9] of 2-D periodic magnetic equilibria known as the ABC fields [1012]:

Bx=B1[sin(α0(x+y))+sin(α0(xy))]/2By=B0[sin(α0(xy))sin(α0(x+y))]/2Bz=B0[cos(α0(x+y))cos(α0(xy))] \begin{aligned} & B_x=B_1\left[\sin \left(\alpha_0(x+y)\right)+\sin \left(\alpha_0(x-y)\right)\right] / \sqrt{2} \\ & B_y=B_0\left[\sin \left(\alpha_0(x-y)\right)-\sin \left(\alpha_0(x+y)\right)\right] / \sqrt{2} \\ & B_z=B_0\left[\cos \left(\alpha_0(x+y)\right)-\cos \left(\alpha_0(x-y)\right)\right] \end{aligned}

where α0 = 2πkeff/L for the linear domain size L and keff =2$${k_{{\rm{eff}}}} = \sqrt 2 $$ is the effective wavenumber.

The particle density is given by the expression

n=32α0B04πea~1β $$n = {{3\sqrt 2 {\alpha _0}{B_0}} \over {4\pi e{{\tilde a}_1}\left\langle \beta \right\rangle }}$$

where 〈β〉 is the average dimensionless speed of ions and electrons, and a˜1½${\mathop a\limits^ \sim _1} \le {\raise0.5ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle 1$} \kern-0.1em/\kern-0.15em \lower0.25ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle 2$}}$ is a constant that normalizes the dipole moment of the local particle distribution. The initial total mean magnetization is given as follows:

σini=22a~1β3[Cw,i(Θi)μ+Cw,e(Θe)]α0ρe $$\left\langle {{\sigma _{{\rm{ini}}}}} \right\rangle = {{2\sqrt 2 {{\tilde a}_1}\left\langle \beta \right\rangle } \over {3\left[ {{C_{{\rm{w}},{\rm{i}}}}({{\rm{\Theta }}_i})\mu + {C_{{\rm{w}},{\rm{e}}}}({{\rm{\Theta }}_{\rm{e}}})} \right]{\alpha _0}{\rho _{\rm{e}}}}}$$

where Cw(Θ) = 4Θ + K1(1/Θ)/K2(1/Θ) is a function of the dimensionless temperature Θ = kT/mc2 and Kn(x) is the modified Bessel function of the second kind with n = 0, 1, 2. In this paper, we use the subscript “i” to represent the parameters related to ions and “e” to represent electrons. Further, ρe = mec2/eB0 is the electron gyroradius.

We investigate a wide range of relativistic ion temperatures as 10−2 ≤ Θi ≤ 102 and electron temperatures as 10−2 ≤ Θe ≤ 103. We set B0 = 1. In order to resolve the degeneration of 〈σini〉 with the temperatures Θi and Θe, we probe a˜1$${\mathop a\limits^ \sim _1}$$ as 0.1, 0.25 (default), and 0.4. We use numerical grids of 20002 and 46082 cells. The particle number per cell per species is 64. The domain size is L = 1920ρ0, where ρ0 = min[Θemec2/(eB0), μΘimec2/(eB0)] is the nominal gyroradius. Each simulation runs at least 51000 numerical steps.

For kinetic simulations, it is necessary to resolve the gyroradii of both ions and electrons at the same time. Limited by the grid sizes and resolutions of both species of particles, we choose mass ratios of μ = 10,100 instead of the real ion:electron mass ratio 1836. Previous studies configured with mass ratios either as 1836 [13] or a sequence such as 10, 25, 50, and 1836 [14]. Differences caused by the choices of the mass ratio can be ignored by simultaneously increasing the electron temperatures, because the plasma magnetization 〈σini〉∝Θe/μ in the limit Θe >> 1.

In conclusion, our configurations yield initial plasma magnetiza tion 〈σini〉 ≲ <14.38.

Particle momentum distributions

In Fig. 1, we present the particle momentum distributions u2N(u), where u is the dimensionless particle momentum and N(u) is the particle distribution. The momentum distributions are multiplied with the mass ratio m/me, where m represents the mass of either the ions or the electrons accordingly. We did up to 50 runs of simulations, but here, we only present three representative simulations based on the value of the initial enthalpy ratio wi/we, i.e., whether the enthalpy is ion-dominated, electron-dominated, or equivalently dominated. We find that the question of which particle species dominates in the initial stage is very important, because the peaks of the spectra are directly related to the initial enthalpy ratio. The particle species that dominates the initial enthalpy produces a higher spectral peak.

Fig. 1.

Particle momentum distributions of three chosen typical simulations, for μ = 100, a˜1=0.25$${\mathop a\limits^ \sim _1} = 0.25$$, and the size = 46082 cells. The initial enthalpy ratio wi/we is indicated in each panel with a different color, so as to make it easier to compare with Fig. 2.

Nonthermal fraction evolutions

However, Fig. 2 shows that the other species dominates both the nonthermal particle number and the energy fractions, and both species reach a similar level of the maximum particle energy γmax (Lorentz factor).

Fig. 2.

Nonthermal number fraction, nonthermal energy fraction, and maximum particle energy γmax for the cases shown in Fig. 1.

Kinetic energy partitions

In Fig. 3, we show the kinetic energy partition between ions and electrons. We find that a significant part of our results does not agree with those of previous studies [13, 14]. Our results show that the energy partition is strongly connected with the initial enthalpy ratio wi/we instead of the initial ion cold magnetization σi=B02/4πnmic2$\sigma _{\rm{i}} = B_0^2 /4{\rm{\pi }}nm_{\rm{i}} c^2 $ or the initial total hot magnetization 〈σini〉, such that the species dominating the initial enthalpy also dominates the kinetic partition.

Fig. 3.

The left panel shows the dependence of qe on the initial enthalpy ratio wi/we. The middle and right panels compare the relative gains qe of the electron’s kinetic energies with the results of previous studies (dashed lines). The marker styles and colors are indicated in the figure.


In this contribution, we show that the initial ion–electron enthalpy ratio determines the partition of kinetic energy between the particle species, such that the species dominating the initial enthalpy also dominates the peak of the spectra and the kinetic energy gains. However, because both species reach a similar level of the maximum particle energy by the end of the simulations, the species not dominating the initial enthalpy dominates the nonthermal particle number fractions and the nonthermal energy fractions. These results differ from the findings of previous studies, because not all our results follow their predicted trends. One most likely reason is that the majority of the previous papers’ choices of the ion–electron temperature combinations are limited in or near the relation Θi = Θe/μ, but the cases other than this relation are not taken into consideration. On the other hand, our results cover relatively larger temperature combinations. Meanwhile, we are currently analyzing whether these differences may also result from using different initial magnetic field configurations.

Zeitrahmen der Veröffentlichung:
4 Hefte pro Jahr
Fachgebiete der Zeitschrift:
Chemie, Nuklearchemie, Physik, Astronomie und Astrophysik, andere