Uneingeschränkter Zugang

The uses of the term polarisation in Swedish newspapers, 2010–2021



Number of articles with the term polarise* and standard usageComments: The panel on the left depicts the number of articles per quarter from the polarise* query. In the panel on the right, the number from the left panel is divided by the number of articles from the baseline during the quarter.
Number of articles with the term polarise* and standard usageComments: The panel on the left depicts the number of articles per quarter from the polarise* query. In the panel on the right, the number from the left panel is divided by the number of articles from the baseline during the quarter.


Comparing the frequency with which politicians are mentioned in the context of polarisation, 2010–2020Comments: Y-axes show the average number of times that a politician was mentioned in the articles included in the news corpus.
Comparing the frequency with which politicians are mentioned in the context of polarisation, 2010–2020Comments: Y-axes show the average number of times that a politician was mentioned in the articles included in the news corpus.


The polarisation vector space split before and after 2016 and between the US and SwedenComments: The red coloured words signal affective polarisation, and the black coloured words are associated with ideological polarisation.
The polarisation vector space split before and after 2016 and between the US and SwedenComments: The red coloured words signal affective polarisation, and the black coloured words are associated with ideological polarisation.

Most commonly named entities found in sentences that included polarise*

Entities from Same sentence mentions Most common entities (by number of mentions)
USA 5,223 USA (2,417), Trump (833), Obama (323), Washington (172)
Sweden 3,070 Sweden (1,680), Stockholm (302), Gothenburg (218), Malmö (151)
EU 2,176 Europ* (700), EU (409), Russia (162), Germany (158)
Other 697 Israel (193), Turkey (174), Iraq (133), Erdogan (71)

Words associated with polarise* in the word2vec models

Type of polarisation 2010–2015 & 2016–2021 Unique 2010–2015 Unique 2016–2021
issues and ideology

Segregering [segregation]

Progressiv [progressive]

Främlingsfientligheten [xenophobia]

Inkomstklyfta [income gap]

Tolerans [tolerance]

Rasismen [racism]

Islamofobin [islamophobia]

Transparensen [transparency]

Kunskapsklyfta [knowledge gap]

Politisering [politicisation]

Politikerförakt [politician contempt]

Populismen [populism]

Faktaresistens [fact resistance]

Otryggheten [lack of security]


Misstro [distrust/suspicion]

Oro [worry]

Hätsk [virulent]

Osäkerhet [uncertainty]

Stämning [mood]

Infekterad [infected]

Fientlighet [animosity]

Tryck [pressure]

Förfäran [dismay]

Förhoppningsvis [hopefully]

Missnöje [discontent]

Uppskruvad [wound up]

Hårdna [lit. hardening]

Oförsonlig [irreconcilable]

Råare [cruder/beastlier]

Förgiftad [poisoned]


Optimism Misstänksamhet [suspicion]

Named entities mentioned most commonly in sentences that included polarise*

Entity Number of same sentence mentions
Sweden 1,680
USA 1,640
Trump 833
America* 777
Europe* 700
EU 409
Obama 323
Stockholm 302
Gothenburg 218
Israel 193
Turkey 174
Washington 172
Clinton 165
Russia 162
Germany 158
Biden 154
Malmö 151
Iraq 130
France 122
New York 119
Åkesson 117
UK 117
Italy 110
Poland 108
Löfven 102

Words associated with polarise* in the word2vec models.

Word type 2010–2015 & 2016–2021 Unique 2010–2015 Unique 2016–2021

Splittring [split]

Konflikt [conflict]

Motsättning [antagonism]

Klyfta [fig. chasm]

Spänning [tension]

Uppdelning [division]

Skiljelinjer [dividing-line]

Isär [apart]

Konsensus [consensus]

Åsiktsskillnad [difference of opinion]

Kontrasten [the contrast]

Ytterlighet [extreme]

Slitning [tension]

Spricka [rift]

Sfärer [spheres]


Misstro [distrust]

Förståelsen [understanding]

Låsning [deadlock]

Konfrontation [confrontation]

Förskjutning [shift]

Grogrund [hotbed]

Dödlägen [impasses]

Drivkraft [driving force]

Dominera [dominate]

Politisering [politicisation]

Missnöje [discontent]

Politikerförakt [contempt of politicians]

Instabilite [instability]

Otryggheten [insecurity]

Cementera [consolidate]

Självförstärkande [self-reinforcing]


Retorik [rhetoric]

Stämning [mood]

Osäkerhet [insecurity]

Tonlägen [tone]

Tonen [the tone]

Ensidig [one-sided]


Segregering [segregation]

Progressiv [progressive]

Främlingsfientligheten [xenophobia]

Inkomstklyfta [income gap]

Tolerans [tolerance]

Rasismen [racism]

Islamofobin [islamophobia]

Transparensen [transparency]

Kunskapsklyfta [knowledge gap]

Politisering [politicisation]

Politikerförakt [contempt of politicians]

Populismen [populism]

Faktaresistens [fact resistance]

Otryggheten [insecurity]


Misstro [distrust/suspicion]

Oro [worry]

Hätsk [virulent]

osäkerhet [insecurity]

Infekterad [infected]

Fientlighet [animosity]

Tryck [pressure]

Sinande [lit. Ebbing; decrease]

Breddning [widening]

Förfäran [dismay]

Märkvärdig [remarkable]

Återkommande [recurring]

Förhoppningsvis [hopefully]

Alltmer [increasingly]

Uppskruvad [wound up]

Hårdna [lit. hardening]

Oförsonlig [irreconcilable]

Råare [cruder/beastlier]

Förgiftad [poisoned]


Optimism Misstänksamhet [suspicion]


Tendens [tendency]

Otakt [out of step]

Entusiasmen [the enthusiasm]

Bevakning [supervision]

Parallell [parallel]

Mönster [pattern]

Strömning [current]

Medvetenhet [awareness]

Hotbilden [threat scenario]

Öppnar [opens]

Miniminivåer [minimum levels]

Typical sentences in which words appeared together with the term polarisation

Word Typical Sentence Translation
segregation minska polarise och segregation reduce polarisation and segregation

Länet har en polariserad historia med markanvändning

och industri men också en progressiv socialdemokrati...

the county has a polarised history with land use and industry but also a progressive social democracy...

motalaföreningen kulturslussen kände att något måste

göras mot polariseringen och främlingsfientligheten

Motalas association kulturslussen felt that something had to be done against polarisation and xenophobia

Det finns en risk att ökad arbetslöshet och skärpta

inkomstklyftor förstärker den politiska polarisering

enligt adrian cooper

There is a risk that increased unemployment and sharpened income gaps will strengthen the political polarisation according to Adrian Cooper

ssr anser att debattklimatet i frågan hårdnat och blivit

allt mer polariserad på senare tid.

SSR believes that the debate on the issue has hardened and become increasingly polarised in recent times.
rasismen det är rasismen i sverige som är polariserad it is the racism in Sweden that is polarising

och när medierna blåser upp terrorhotet så ökar

Förstås också polarisering och islamofobin

and when the media inflates the terror threat, of course polarisation and Islamophobia also increase
transparensen Så transparens är viktigt om man vill minska polariseringen inom debatten. So transparency is important if you want to reduce polarisation within the debate.

rutavdraget riskerar att öka kunskapsklyftorna och

därmed bidra till att skolresultaten blir än mer

polariserad än vad de är idag

Rutavdraget risks increasing knowledge gaps and thereby contributing to school results becoming even more polarised than they are today.
politisering då förvandlas politisering till polarisering then politicisation turns into polarisation

politikerföraktet skapar en polarisering vilket skadar alla


the disdain for politicians creates a polarisation, which damages all parties
populismen populismen och polarisering är farlig Populism and polarisation are dangerous

tyvärr blir diskussionen i samhället

allt mer polariserad

och faktaresistent

unfortunately, the discussion in society is becoming increasingly polarised and resistant to facts
otryggheten otryggheten och polarisering ökar insecurity and polarisation increase

att det skapar polarisering och


that it creates polarisation and mistrust
oron oron för polarisering concern about polarisation
hätsk hätsk retorik och ökad polarisering kan gynna extremism virulent rhetoric and increased polarisation can favour extremism

propaganda begränsad nyhetsrapportering och

polarisering skapar vardaglig osäkerhet

propaganda limited news reporting and polarisation create everyday uncertainty

det pågår en upptrappning en allt

hetsigare stämning

och polarisering

there is an escalation, an increasingly heated atmosphere and polarisation
infekterad debatten har blivit polariserad och infekterad the debate has become polarised and infected

aggressiv identitetspolitik och militant antirasism

polariserar det skapar fientlighet och konflikt i stället

för solidaritet och förbrödring

aggressive identity politics and militant anti-racism polarises, it creates hostility and conflict instead of solidarity and brotherhood

polarisering tar sig även andra ut


polarisation also takes pressure off others

allt mer missnöjda och frustrerade över ytligheten och

med förfäran över hur motsättningar och polarisering

äter sig in i vårt samhälle

increasingly dissatisfied and frustrated with the superficiality and with dismay at how contradictions and polarisation eat into our society

frågor som väldigt gärna och ofta blir polariserad kunde

förhoppningsvis bli lite mer nyanserade

issues that very easily and often become polarised, could hopefully become a little more nuanced

ojämlikheten i samhället ökar vilket leder till missnöje

och polarisering

inequality in society increases, which leads to dissatisfaction and polarisation

samtidens debatt är polariserad och volymen är högt


the contemporary debate is polarised and the volume is turned up high

via techjättarnas hatpremierande algoritmer har tonen i

sociala medier hårdnat och polarisering ökat

via the tech giants’ hate-promoting algorithms, the tone in social media has hardened and polarisation has increased

just nu har vi en tid av mer polarisering mer hätskt

klimat mer oförsonlig retorik

right now we have a time of more polarisation, more violent climate, more intransigent rhetoric
råare tonen har blivit råare när samhället blir mer polariserad the tone has become rawer as society becomes more polarised

sådana överdrifter bör inte få förgifta debatten för då

kan vi glida in i samma polariserad debattsörja som i


such exaggerations should not be allowed to poison the debate, because then we can slip into the same polarised debate mess as in the US

pessimism misstro byråkrati fake news murar flygskam

tullmurar polarisering och slutenhet lägger sordin på


pessimism, mistrust, bureaucracy, fake news, walls, aviation shame, customs walls, polarisation, and closed-mindedness put a damper on the mood

från det tidiga talets optimism till

talets taktfasta tristess

Via en polariserad kulturkamp

from the optimism of the early speech to the rhythmic boredom of the speech via the polarised cultural struggle

de skapade rädsla misstänksamhet

och har polariserat öst

och väst

they created fear, suspicion, and polarisation East and West
Zeitrahmen der Veröffentlichung:
2 Hefte pro Jahr
Fachgebiete der Zeitschrift:
Sozialwissenschaften, Kommunikationswissenschaften, Massenkommunikation, Kommunikation in Politik und Öffentlichkeit