Uneingeschränkter Zugang

Logics of the Icelandic Hybrid Media System: Snapchat and media-use before the 2016 and 2017 Althing elections


Figure 1

Social media use in 2016 and 2018 (per cent)Comment: Proportion of Icelanders over 18 years old that use different social media.Source: Market and Media Research, 2018.
Social media use in 2016 and 2018 (per cent)Comment: Proportion of Icelanders over 18 years old that use different social media.Source: Market and Media Research, 2018.

Figure 2

Media use and estimated importanceComment: Proportion of candidates in the 2016/2017 Althing elections who said they used “quite a lot or a lot” different media gateways and who said different gateways were “important or very important” for political communication.
Media use and estimated importanceComment: Proportion of candidates in the 2016/2017 Althing elections who said they used “quite a lot or a lot” different media gateways and who said different gateways were “important or very important” for political communication.

Figure 3

Age and SnapchatComment: Percentage of candidates in each age bracket that said they used Snapchat quite a lot or a lot.
Age and SnapchatComment: Percentage of candidates in each age bracket that said they used Snapchat quite a lot or a lot.

Coefficients for a model where age of candidates and type of party are independent variables and the use of new media the dependent variable

Coefficients, Model 1 - Dependent variable: New media
Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Significance
B Standard Error Beta
(Constant) 2 942 0.131 22 402 0
b. What age are you? 0.196 0.028 0.344 7 086 0
Established or new party −0.004 0.069 −0.002 −0.051 0.959

Pearson’s 2-tailed bivariate correlation matrix between the uses of candidates of different media outlets before the 2016/2017 Althing elections

Facebook Twitter Blog Snapchat Instagram National newspaper Local media Radio Television Internet-based media
Facebook 1 0.174** 0.106* 0.143** 0.140** 0.197** 0.193** 0.136** 0.117+ 0.223**
Twitter 0.174** 1 0.146** 0.368** 0.381** 0.161** −0.063 0.130* 0.116* 0.151**
Blog 0.106* 0.146** 1 0.058 0.083 0.290** 0.151** 0.289** 0.229** 0.240**
Snapchat 0.143** 0.368** 0.058 1 0.589** 0.052 0.083 0.03 0.045 0.099
Instagram 0.140** 0.381** 0.083 0.589** 1 0.064 0.055 0.064 0.075 0.123*
National newspaper 0.197** 0.161** 0.290** 0.052 0.064 1 0.386** 0.547** 0.512** 0.526**
Local media 0.193** −0,063 0.151** 0.083 0.055 0.386** 1 0.333** 0.364** 0.400**
Radio 0.136** 0.130* 0.289** 0.03 0.064 0.547** 0.333** 1 0.806** 0.542**
Television 0.117* 0.116* 0.229** 0.045 0.075 0.512** 0.364** 0.806** 1 0.512**
Internet-based media 0.223** 0.151** 0.240** 0.099 0.123* 0.526** 0.400** 0.542** 0.512** 1
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2 Hefte pro Jahr
Fachgebiete der Zeitschrift:
Sozialwissenschaften, Kommunikationswissenschaften, Massenkommunikation, Kommunikation in Politik und Öffentlichkeit