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Pastiching as Artistic Research: Ifigenia / Ipermestra (Brussels, 2006)*

   | 31. Dez. 2021
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Pasticcio. Ways of arranging attractive operas


Figure 1

Soetkin Elbers (Clitennestra) rehearsing Leo’s ‘Prendi quel ferro, o barbaro’ while Geoffrey Degives (Ulisse) is watching her. Photograph by Matthias Schellens
Soetkin Elbers (Clitennestra) rehearsing Leo’s ‘Prendi quel ferro, o barbaro’ while Geoffrey Degives (Ulisse) is watching her. Photograph by Matthias Schellens

Musical Example 1

Leonardo Leo / Antonio Salvi Andromaca (Naples, 1742), ‘Prendi quel ferro’, bars 1–10
Leonardo Leo / Antonio Salvi Andromaca (Naples, 1742), ‘Prendi quel ferro’, bars 1–10

Music-dramatic contents of Ifigenia

No. Entity Composer / Librettist Source Dramatic content Musical characteristics Framing tonalities
1 Sinfonia A. Scarlatti / Anonymous Endimione e Cintia (1705) Allegro, 4/4 – Largo e sostenuto, 4/4 – [Andante], 3/8 D minor
2 Aria ‘Sento un’ aura che dolce respira’ (Diana) ibid. ibid. Diana beholds the landscape of Aulis and catches a glimpse of sleeping Agamemnon. Largo e piano – Allegro non presto – Largo e piano, 4/4 D minor
3 Recitative ‘Ma più soffrir non posso’ (Diana) ibid. ibid. Frustrated because of the King’s peacefulness and her inner turmoil, Diana awakens Agamemnon. B-flat major ~A minor (V)
4a Accompagnato ‘Alta Diva, che sei Cintia nel cielo’ (Agamennone, Oracolo I & II) C. H. Graun / Frederick II, Villati Ifigenia in Aulide (1748) Agamemnon jolts awake. He recalls the situation in which he and his men have found themselves: the Greek ships have been detained in Aulis on their way to Troy. He implores Diana to bring new wind to their sails. [senza tempo], 4/4 D major ~ C minor (V)
4b Arietta ‘Qual oracol tremendo’ (Agamennone) ibid. ibid. Out of nowhere, an oracular voice resounds, making Diana’s will known: Agamemnon must sacrifice his daughter Iphigenia for having provoked her wrath. Allegro, 4/4 C minor ~ F minor
5 Recitative ‘Signor di questa vita’ (Clitennestra, Agamennone, Ifigenia) ibid. ibid. Clytemnestra appears with Iphigenia. Neither of the two is aware that anything is wrong, but the King has a hard time hiding his unease, especially when Iphigenia comes up with a ‘good idea’: to make a sacrifice. B minor ~ F major
6 Aria ‘Di questo core’ (Agamennone) Caldara / Zeno Ifigenia in Aulide (1718) Non tanto presto, 2/4 B-flat major
7 Recitative ‘Misera me!’ (Ifigenia) Jommelli / Anonymous L’Ifigenìa (1751) Perturbed by her father’s sad mood, Iphigenia has a dark premonition. C major ~ A minor
8 Aria ‘Ritrovo in quei detti’ (Ifigenia) Conti / Metastasio L’Issipile (1732) [senza tempo], 3/4 A minor
9 Recitative ‘Il crudo uffizio’ (Ulisse, Clitennestra) Caldara / Zeno Ifigenia in Aulide (1718) Odysseus arrives and reveals the oracle’s message, which tears Clytemnestra apart. A minor ~ F major
10 Aria ‘Prendi quel ferro’ (Clitennestra) Leo / Salvi Andromaca (1742) Risoluto, 4/4 / Largo, 3/8 B-flat major / minor
11a Recitativo ‘È questo il loco del mio supplizio?’ (Oreste) Jommelli / Verazi Ifigenia in Tauride (1771) Iphigenia’s brother Orestes appears on the stage. The news of the sacrifice has so upset him that he has become delusional and offers himself as a sacrifice. B-flat major
11b Scena ‘Per pietà’ (Oreste) ibid. ibid. Andantino, 6/8 B-flat major
11c Accompagnato ‘Grazie ai numi, parti’ (Oreste) ibid. ibid. [senza tempo] – Larghetto – Andante – Allegro – Un poco andante – Con spirito, 4/4 C major ~ G minor
11d Aria ‘Tardi rimorsi / Odo il suon’ (Oreste) ibid. ibid. Allegro, 4/4 / Andantino, 6/8 G minor ~ E-flat major (V)
11e Accompagnato ‘Ah madre!’ (Oreste) ibid. ibid. Con spirito, 4/4 C minor ~ G minor (V)
11f Aria ‘Tardi rimorsi’ (Oreste) ibid. ibid. Tempo di prima [Allegro], 4/4 G minor
12a Marcia Jommelli / Anonymous L’Ifigenìa (1751) A mournful procession appears. Iphigenia is wearing sacrificial robes. Larghetto, 2/2 E-flat major
12b Accompagnato ‘Ahi padre…’ (Ifigenia) ibid. ibid. Iphigenia resigns herself to her fate and, as befits a Greek princess, faces death with her head held high. Achilles appears and embraces his beloved one last time. Larghetto – Andante – Larghetto – Allegro (alternated three times) – Con spirito, 4/4 E-flat major ~ B-flat major
12c Aria ‘Pria, che nell’ore estreme’ (Ifigenia) ibid. ibid. Iphigenia’s grand farewell. Larghetto, 4/4 E-flat major

Music-dramatic contents of Ipermestra

No. Entity Composer / Librettist Source Dramatic content Musical characteristics Framing tonalities
1 Sinfonia Vinci / Metastasio Didone abbandonata (1726) Allegro, 4/4 – Largo, 3/4 – Allegro, 6/8 F major – D minor – F major
2a Recitative ‘Vadasi al genitor: dal labbro mio’ (Ipermestra, Danao) Hasse / Metastasio Ipermestra (1751) On the very day of her marriage, Hypermnestra learns from her father, King Danaus, that she must kill her fiancé. An oracular spell leads the King to believe that he will be killed by his sons-in-law. G major ~ F major
2b Recitative ‘Misera, che ascoltai! Son io? Son desta?’ (Ipermestra, Linceo) Hasse / Metastasio Ipermestra (1744) Touched by these words, Hypermnestra is left alone. At that very moment, the future groom appears, unaware of anything and declaring his love for her. Un poco lento – Adagio, 4/4 G minor ~ F major (V)
3 Aria ‘Ah non parlar d’amore’ (Ipermestra) ibid. ibid. Hypermnestra will not hear of love. [senza tempo], 4/4 F major
4a Recitative ‘Ah Signor, siam perduti’ (Adrasto, Danao) Hasse / Metastasio Ipermestra (1751) Adrastus tells Danaus that Hypermnestra has revealed her fate to Lynceus. G minor ~ C major
4b Accompagnato ‘Come vivrai, s’ei muore?’ (Ipermestra, Danao) Hasse / Metastasio Ipermestra (1744) The princess tries to persuade her father to withdraw from the nefarious plan, but Danaus remains stubborn and forbids his daughter to deal with the prince any longer. [senza tempo] – Un poco lento, 4/4 G minor ~ E major
5 Aria ‘Non hai cor per un’ impresa’ (Danao) ibid. ibid. Danaus saddles Hypermnestra with guilt. Allegrissimo, 4/4 B minor / D major
6 Recitative ‘Ebbi la vita in dono’ (Ipermestra) Hasse / Metastasio Ipermestra (1751) Hypermnestra is faced with the gruesome dilemma: either she obeys her father and kills Lynceus, or she chooses her betrothed and lets her father die. G major ~ C major
7 Aria ‘Ombra diletta’ (Ipermestra) Conti / Metastasio L’Issipile (1732) Hypermnestra invokes the ghost of her soon-to-be dead father. Largo, 4/4 F minor
8 Recitative ‘Olà, custodi’ (Ipermestra, Danao) Hasse / Metastasio Ipermestra (1751) Hardly has Hypermnestra moved but one foot when her father is back with a group of guards to capture Lynceus. A major ~ A-flat major
9 Aria ‘Or del tuo ben la sorte’ (Danao) Hasse / Metastasio Ipermestra (1744) Andante, 3/4 C minor
10 Recitative ‘Ah qual tumulto!’ (Ipermestra, Danao, Linceo, Plistene) Hasse / Metastasio Ipermestra (1751) Against all odds, Lynaeus and Pleisthenes appear armed, overpowering Danaus, who is protected by his daughter. Moved by his daughter’s generosity, Danaus pardons her and Lynceus, and abdicates. E-flat major ~ G major
11 Aria col coro ‘Se un core annodi’ (Linceo, tutti) Caldara / Metastasio Achille in Sciro (1736) Lynceus and the other characters sing about Cupid’s power. Allegro, 3/8 G major
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