Uneingeschränkter Zugang

Securitization of the Migration Crisis and Islamophobic Rhetoric: The 2016 Slovak Parliamentary Elections as a Case Study

   | 31. Dez. 2018


Graph 1

Application of asylum seekersSource: Authors graph based on statistics by Ministry of Interior of Slovak Republic
Application of asylum seekersSource: Authors graph based on statistics by Ministry of Interior of Slovak Republic

Graph 2

Numbers of received asylum applicationSource: Authors graph based on statistics by Ministry of Interior of Slovak Republic
Numbers of received asylum applicationSource: Authors graph based on statistics by Ministry of Interior of Slovak Republic

Results of the parliamentary election of Slovak Republic 20162


Political parties marked “Bold” created a coalition government led by PM Robert Fico. Nowadays, in April-May 2018 where paper is progress, Slovakia faces the biggest political crisis after the murder of investigative journalist Ján Kuciak and his fiancé. PM R. Fico, Ministry of Interior Robert Kaliňák, and President of Slovak Police Forces Tibor Gašpar resigned, and coalition government was rebuilt. Peter Pellegrini became new PM, Denisa Saková new minister of interior and General Milan Lučanský new President of police forces.

VotesVotes (%)Change 2012SeatsChange 2012
Ordinary People287,61111.032.5193
Slovak National Party225,3868.644.11515
Kotleba-Our Slovakia209,7798.046.51414
We Boris Are Kollár Family-172,8616.636.61111
The Bridge169,5936.5-0.411-2
# Network146,2055.615.61010
Christian Democrats128,9084.94-3.90-16
Hungarian Community105,4954.05-0.200


issue with no public debateissue is part of public policyissue = existential threat