Uneingeschränkter Zugang

Comparison of Critical Illness Score in Patients Admitted to Intermediate Care Units of a Tertiary Care Hospital: A Comparative Cross-Sectional Study from Karachi, Pakistan


Fig. 1.

ROC Curve showing four different critical illness scores in patients admitted to IMCU
ROC Curve showing four different critical illness scores in patients admitted to IMCU


Score Calculation Interpretation

PiO2/FiO2: (mmHg)

<400 = 1 point, <300 = 2 points, <200 = 3 points, <100 = 4 points

Score Mortality

Serum Creatinine: (mg/dl)

1.2–1.9 = 1 point, 2.0–3.4 = 2 points, 3.5–4.9 = 3 points, ≥5 = 4 points

0– 6

7 – 9

10 – 12

13 – 14


15– 24







Platelets: (× 103/uL)

<150 = 1 point, <100 = 2 points, <50 = 3 points, <20 = 4 points

GCS: (out of 15)

13–14 = 1 point, 10–12 = 2 points, 6–9 = 3 points, <6 = 4 points

MAP/Use of Vasopressor:

MAP < 70 mm/Hg = 1 point

dopamine ≤ 5 μg/kg/min or dobutamine (any dose) = 2 point

dopamine > 5 μg/kg/min OR epinephrine ≤ 0.1 μg/kg/min OR norepinephrine ≤ 0.1 μg/kg/min = 3 points

dopamine > 15 μg/kg/min OR epinephrine > 0.1 μg/kg/min OR norepinephrine > 0.1 μg/kg/min = 4 points

Bilirubin: (mg/dl)

1.2– 1.9 = 1 point, 2.0– 5.9 = 2 points, 6.0 – 11.9 = 3points, >12 = 4 points


RR: (breath/min)

≤8 = 2 points, 15–20 = 1 point, 21–29 = 2 points, ≥30 = 3 points

Score Plan

HR: (beats/min)

<40 = 2 points, 40–50 = 1 point, 101–110 = 1 point 111–129 = 2 points, >129 = 3points

1–2 2 hour observation

Systolic blood pressure: (mmHg)

≤70 = 3 points, 71–80 = 2 points, 81–100 = 1 point, >200 = 2 points

3 1–2 hour observation

Temperature: (°C)

≤34 = 3 points, 34.1–35 = 2 points, 35.1–36 = 1 point, 38–38.5 = 1 point, ≥38.6 = 2 points

≥4 1/2hr observe & inform doctor


Unresponsive = 3 points, Respond to pain = 2 points, Respond to voice/New agitation/Confusion = 1 point

Urine Output: (ml in 24hr)

<480 = 2 points, 480–714 = 1 point, >4800 = 1 point


Age: (<44 years = 0 point)

45–54 = 2 points, 55–64 = 3 points, 65–74 = 5 points, >74 = 6 points

Score Mortality Rate

Temperature: (Normal: 36– 38.4°C)

≥ 41 / ≤ 29.9 = 4 points, 39–40.9 / 30–31.9 = 3 points,- / 32–33.9 = 2 points, 38.5–38.9 / 34–35.9 = 1 point

0–4 4%

Mean Arterial Pressure (Normal: 70–109 mmHg)

≥160 / ≤ 49 = 4 points, 130–159 /- = 3 points, 110–129 / 50–69 = 2 points

5–9 8%

Heart Rate (Normal: 70–109 bpm)

≥180 / ≤ 39 = 4 points, 140–179 / 40–54 = 3 points, 110–139 / 55–69 = 2 points

10–14 15%

Respiratory Rate (Normal: 12–24 breath/min)

≥50 / ≤ 5 = 4 points, 35–49 /- = 3 points,- / 6–9 = 2 points, 25–34 / 10–11 = 1 point

15–19 25%

Oxygenation (mmHg)

If FiO2 ≥ 0.5, use A-a O2: ≥500 = 4 points, 350–499 = 3 points, 200–349 = 2 points, <200 = 0 point

If FiO2 < 0.5, use PAO2: <55 = 4 points, 55–60 = 3 points, 61–70 = 1 points, >70 = 0 point

20–24 40%

Arterial pH (Normal: 7.33–7.49)

≥ 7.7 / ≤ 7.15 = 4 points, / 7.15–7.24 = 3 points,- / 7.25–7.32 = 2 points, 7.5–7.59 /- = 1 point

25–29 55%

Serum HCO3 (N: 22–31.9 mmol/L) ‘if ABGs unavailable’

≥ 52 / < 15 = 4 points, 41–51.9 / 15–17.9 = 3 points,- / 18–21.9 = 2 points, 32–40.9 /- = 1 point

30–34 75%

Serum Na (Normal: 130–149 mmol/L)

≥ 180 / ≤ 110 = 4 points, 160–179 / 111–119 = 3 points, 155–159 / 120–129 = 2 points, 150–154 /- = 1 point

>34 85%

Serum K (Normal: 3.5–5.4 mmol/L)

≥ 7 / ≤ 2.5 = 4 points, 6–6.9 /- = 3 points,- / 2.5–2.9 = 2 points, 5.5–5.9 / 3–3.4 = 1 point

Serum Cr (Normal: 0.6–1.4 mg/dL) Score × 2 (if AKI)

≥ 3.5 /- = 4 points, 2–3.4 /- = 3 points, 1.5–1.9 / <0.6 = 2 points

Hematocrit (Normal: 30–45.9%)

≥ 60 / < 20 = 4 points, 50–59.9 / 20–29.9 = 2 points, 46–49.9/- = 1 point

WBCs (Normal: 3–14.9 ×103/uL)

≥ 40 / < 1 = 4 points, 20–39.9 / 1–2.9 = 2 points, 15–19.9 /- = 1 point

GCS = Score: 15 – actual GCS

Chronic Health Status:

2 points = elective postoperative patient with immunocompromise or history of severe organ insufficiency

5 points = non-operative patient or emergency postoperative patient with immunocompromise or severe organ insufficiency


Temperature (°C)

<39 = 0 point, ≥39 = 3 points

Score Mortality Rate

Systolic Blood Pressure (mmHg)

<70 = 13 points, 70–99 = 5 points, 100–199 = 0 point, ≥200 = 2 points

29 10%

Heart Rate (bpm)

≥ 160 = 7 points, 120–159 = 4 points, 70–119 = 0 point, 40–69 = 2 points, <40 = 11 points

40 25%

PaO2/FiO2 (mmHg) = only if on VENT or CPAP

<100 = 11 points, 100–199 = 9 points, ≥200 = 7 points

52 50%

Urine Output (liter/day)

<0.5 = 11 points, 0.5–0.99 = 4 points, ≥ 1 = 0 point

64 75%

Urea (g/L)

<0.6 = 0 point, 0.6–1.7 = 6 points, >1.88 = 10 points

77 90%

Serum HCO3 (mmol/L)

<15 = 6 points, 15–19 = 3 points, >20 = 0 point

Serum Na (mmol/L)

<125 = 5 point, 125–144 = 0 point, ≥145 = 1 point

Serum K (mmol/L)

< 3 = 3 points, 3–4.9 = 0 point, ≥ 5 = 2 points

WBCs (×103/uL)

< 1 = 12 points, 1–19.9 = 0 point, ≥ 20 = 2 points

Bilirubin (mg/dL)

< 40 = 0 point, 40–59.9 = 4 points, ≥ 60 = 9 points

GCS (out of 15)

< 6 = 26 points, 6–8 = 13 points, 9–10 = 7 points, 11–13 = 5 points, 14–15 = 0 point

Age (years)

<40 = 0 point, 40–59 = 7 points, 60–69 = 12 points, 70–74 = 15 points, 75–79 = 16 points, >80 = 18 points

Chronic disease

Metastatic cancer = 9 points, Hematological malignancy = 10 points, AIDS = 17 points

Type of Admission

Elective/Surgery = 0 point, Medical = 6 points, Emergency Surgery = 8 points

Comparison of critical illness scores overall, among survivors and non-survivors in patients admitted to intermediate care units

Critical Illness scales Median (interquartile range) Overall (n=923) Survived (n=864) Not survived (n=59) P-value
APACHE II 16(11–21) 16(11–21) 20(13–25) 0.002
SOFA 4(2–6) 4(2–5) 7(4–10) 0.000
SAPS II 36(30–53) 35(30–42) 44(38–53) 0.000
MEWS 3(2–4) 3(2–4) 5(3–6) 0.000

Demographic, comorbid and top 10 acute conditions and outcome overall, survivors and non survivors of the patients admitted to Intermediate care medical units (N=923)

Characteristic N=923 (%) Survivors N=864/923(%) Non-survivors N=59/923 (%) P-value
Age, Mean (SD), years 62 61.2 63.6 0.86

Age Groups
Up to 20 years 1.49% 1.57% 0
20 – 40 years 10.46% 10.39% 7.69%
40 – 60 years 34.16% 33.96% 44.23%
60 – 80 years 46.06% 55.62% 34.61%
80+ years 11.86% 11.62% 13.46%

Male (%) 454 (49.2%) 421 (48.7%) 33 (55.9%) 0.284
Female (%) 469 (50.8%) 443 (51.3%) 26 (44.1%)

Top 10 common diagnosis
Sepsis, septic shock n, (%) 130(13.1%) 107(12.3%) 23(38.9%) 0.000
Pneumonia n, (%) 265(27.7 %) 235(27.1%) 30(50.8%) 0.009
UTI n, (%) 201(21.8%) 193(22.33%) 8(13.55%) 0.142
AKI n, (%) 373(40%) 350(40.5%) 23(38.9%) 0.817
MI and Pulmonary Edema n, (%) 71(7.7%) 62(7.17%) 9(15.25%) 0.038
Stroke n, (%) 28(3.0%) 24(2.77%) 4(6.77%) 0.097
Atrial Fibrillation n, (%) 28(3.0 %) 24(2.77%) 4(6.77%) 0.083
Electrolyte Imbalance n, (%) 170(18.4%) 162(18.75%) 8(13.55%) 0.387
Exacerbation of Obstructive Airway Disease n, (%) 59(6.4 %) 53(6.13%) 6(10.16%) 0.220
Solid Tumors n, (%) 26(2.8%) 23(2.66%) 3(5.08%) 0.403

Comorbid n, (%)
Diabetes 510 (55.3%) 472(54.62%) 34(57.62%) 0.650
Hypertension 648 (70.2%) 609(70.48%) 39(66.10%) 0.470
Ischemic Heart Disease 307(33.3%) 230(26.62%) 21(35.55%) 0.134
Chronic Kidney Disease 474 (51%) 216(25.00%) 24(40.67%)
Chronic Liver Disease 66 (7.2%) 56(6.48%) 10(16.94%) 0.003
Thyroid Disorders 37 (4.0%) 36(4.16%) 01(1.69%) 0.349
Malignancy 26 (2.8%) 24(2.77%) 2(3.38%) 0.783
HIV/AIDS 7 (0.7%) 6(0.69%) 01(1.69%) 0.391

Length of stay (mean ± SD) 5.9 ± 4.7

Mortality rate n, (%) 59 (6.4%)

The area under the characteristic curve, sensitivity, and specificity data of critical illness scores in patients admitted to intermediate care units

Scores Cutoff values AUC (95%CI) P value Sensitivity % Specificity % SMR (95%CI)
Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II ≥ 12 0.584 (0.52–0.64) 0.004 70 76 0.25 (0.32–0.19)
Sequential Organ Failure Assessment ≥ 6 0.735 (0.68–0.79) 0.000 64 76 0.64 (0.80–0.48)
Simplified Acute Physiology Score II ≥ 39 0.763 (0.71–0.81) 0.000 78 62 0.35 (0.45–0.26)
Modified Early Warning Score ≥ 3 0.714 (0.66–0.77) 0.000 85 40 0.51 (0.64–0.38)
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4 Hefte pro Jahr
Fachgebiete der Zeitschrift:
Medizin, Klinische Medizin, Allgemeinmedizin, Innere Medizin, andere, Chirurgie, Anästhesiologie, Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin