Uneingeschränkter Zugang

International migratory agreements: the paradox of adverse interest


Figure 1

Relation between democracy in host countries and rights of admitted migrants.
Relation between democracy in host countries and rights of admitted migrants.

Figure 2

Relation between rights of migrants and openness.
Relation between rights of migrants and openness.

Figure 3

Relationship between openness and the income gap.
Relationship between openness and the income gap.

Figure 4

Kernel distribution of the normalized income levels difference index.Note: var1 describes the differences in GDP per capita (in PPP) between two partner countries relative to the differences between the richest and poorest country in the world in the year being considered. The variable has been estimated for each five-year period. The vertical axis describes the number of BLAs per income gap.
Kernel distribution of the normalized income levels difference index.Note: var1 describes the differences in GDP per capita (in PPP) between two partner countries relative to the differences between the richest and poorest country in the world in the year being considered. The variable has been estimated for each five-year period. The vertical axis describes the number of BLAs per income gap.

Figure 5

HD (γD,ηS,η) and HD (γD) functions for ηS = 1 – η.
HD (γD,ηS,η) and HD (γD) functions for ηS = 1 – η.

Figure 6

HU (γU, ηS, η) and HU(γμ,ηS_,η¯)−k(ηS−η−S)${{H}^{U}}\left( {{\gamma }^{\mu }},\underline{{{\eta }^{S}}},\bar{\eta } \right)-k\left( {{\eta }^{S}}-\eta _{-}^{S} \right)$when ηS = 0.9 and ηS_=0.8.$\underline{{{\eta }^{S}}}=0.8.$In order to simplify the presentation, we have assumed: ϵ = 4; Δ = 2; ξ = 2; δ = 3, for all developing countries.
HU (γU, ηS, η) and HU(γμ,ηS_,η¯)−k(ηS−η−S)${{H}^{U}}\left( {{\gamma }^{\mu }},\underline{{{\eta }^{S}}},\bar{\eta } \right)-k\left( {{\eta }^{S}}-\eta _{-}^{S} \right)$when ηS = 0.9 and ηS_=0.8.$\underline{{{\eta }^{S}}}=0.8.$In order to simplify the presentation, we have assumed: ϵ = 4; Δ = 2; ξ = 2; δ = 3, for all developing countries.

ηs thresholds obtained for different (ϵ;Δ;ξ,δ) variables and (γD,γU) values.

Threshold valuesγU = 0.7γU = 0.8γU = 0.9
(ϵ = 2;Δ = 2,ξ =1;δ = 2)0.90.9310.964
(ϵ = 2;Δ = 2,ξ =1;δ = 3)0.870.9130.955
(ϵ = 4;Δ = 2,ξ = 2;δ = 3)0.790.8550.922


CoopHUUS ,η); HDDS ,η)HUU); HDD)
DefectHU(γU,ηS_,η¯)k(ηSηS);HD(γD,ηS_,η¯)${{H}^{U}}\left( {{\gamma }^{U}},\underline{{{\eta }^{S}}},\bar{\eta } \right)-k\left( {{\eta }^{S}}-\eta _{-}^{S} \right);{{H}^{D}}\left( {{\gamma }^{D}},\underline{{{\eta }^{S}}},\bar{\eta } \right)$HU(γU)k(ηSηS);HD(γD)${{H}^{U}}\left( {{\gamma }^{U}} \right)-k\left( {{\eta }^{S}}-\eta _{--}^{S} \right);{{H}^{D}}\left( {{\gamma }^{D}} \right)$


HomeCoopHU(γU,ηS,η);HD(γD,ηS,η)${{H}^{U}}\left( {{\gamma }^{U}},{{\eta }^{S}},\eta \right);{{H}^{D}}\left( {{\gamma }^{D}},{{\eta }^{S}},\eta \right)$HUU); HDD)
DefectHU(γU,ηS_,η¯);HD(γD,ηS_,η¯)${{H}^{U}}\left( {{\gamma }^{U}},\underline{{{\eta }^{S}}},\bar{\eta } \right);{{H}^{D}}\left( {{\gamma }^{D}},\underline{{{\eta }^{S}}},\bar{\eta } \right)$HUU); HDD)


CoopHUUS ,η); HDDS ,η)HUU); HDD)
DefectHUγU,ηS_,η¯;HDγD,ηS_,η¯${{H}^{U}}\left( {{\gamma }^{U}},\underline{{{\eta }^{S}}},\bar{\eta } \right);{{H}^{D}}\left( {{\gamma }^{D}},\underline{{{\eta }^{S}}},\bar{\eta } \right)$HU(γU,η¯);HD(γD,η¯)${{H}^{U}}\left( {{\gamma }^{U}},\bar{\eta } \right);{{H}^{D}}\left( {{\gamma }^{D}},\bar{\eta } \right)$