Uneingeschränkter Zugang

Network knowledge gathering of international new ventures, approaches, and preconditions


Figure 1

Classification of network knowledge gathering approaches.Source: Own elaboration.
Classification of network knowledge gathering approaches.Source: Own elaboration.

Main characteristics of unintentional and intentional learning

FeaturesUnintentional knowledge gatheringIntentional knowledge gathering
Learning dimensionTypical for noticing; common also in case of vicarious learning and experiential learningTypical for searching; common also in case of vicarious learning and experiential learning
Newness of knowledge gatheredBoth new knowledge and knowledge similar to the existing oneRather knowledge similar to the existing one
PrerequisitesDepending on the entrepreneur's prior habits, beliefs, and willingness to make sense of unexpected knowledgeDepending on prior knowledge
Procedures of learningInformalBoth formal and informal
SpeedRelatively slowRelatively fast
Approach to learningReactiveProactive

Relationships among the codes in the “Network knowledge-gathering approach” category

Code treeL4.1.1 Relationship abuseL4.1.2 Relationship profitingL4.2.1 Unintentional
L4.1.2 Relationship profiting0
L4.2.1 Unintentional219
L4.2.2 Intentional10178

Characteristics of the studied INVs

RespondentsR1-Vice PresidentR2-MarketingSpecialistR1-PresidentR2-Marketing SpecialistR1-Sales DirectorR2-Marketing SpecialistR1-PresidentR2-Sales Specialist
Year of founding1991200020102007
Internationalization beginning - years after founding32–31–22–3
% of export in total turnoverMore than 90%More than 25%50%–70%More than 30%
INV typeExport start-upExport start-upExport start-upMultinational trader
Company sizeMediumMediumMediumSmall

Code matrix – main category “Learning”

L Learning0001000001
  L1 Learning sources0000000000
    L1.1 Information from network partners25117022020
    L1.2 Information from clients20016212014
    L1.3 Information from competitors0001200104
    L1.4 Internal research-and-development1000220229
    L1.5 Formalized information13211221013
    L1.6 Others11033313015
  L2 Knowledge types used in strategic decisions0001010002
  L3 Learning role1130000106
  L4 Network knowledge-gathering approach0000000000
    L4.1 Relationship approach0000000000
      L4.1.1 Relationship abuse0701000008
      L4.1.2 Relationship profiting22127312020
    L4.2 Intentionality0000000000
      L4.2.1 Unintentional34224000015
      L4.2.2 Intentional29014222022