
Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics by diagnostic subgroups.

Anorexia Nervosa N = 19Bulimia Nervosa N = 20Healthy Controls N = 19P
Age yrs. mean (SD) median (IQR)27.26 (10.07) 23 (20-38)27.65 (9.48) 23.5 (20.5-33.5)26.79 (4.18) 26 (25-30)0.378
In a relationship3 (15.8%)3 (15.0%)5 (26.3%)0.701
Employed3 (15.8%)8 (40.0%)10 (52.6%)0.054
Living condition Alone1 (5.3%)3 (15.0%)2 (10.5%)
With family16 (84.2%)13 (65.0%)12 (63.2%)0.596
With partner2 (10.5%)3 (15.0%)5 (26.3%)
Other01 (5.0%)0
DSM-IV Personality disorders
None11 (57.9%)9 (45.0%)19 (100%)
Borderline Obsessive-compulsive2 (10.5%) 3 (15.8%)5 (25.0%) 00.001
Depressive1 (5.3%)1 (5.0%)
NAS2 (10.5%)5 (25.0%)
Lifetime major childhood abuse
Physical1 (5.3%)1 (5%)-
Sexual02 (10.0%)
BMI mean (SD)16.07 (1.09)21.91 (4.63)21.40 (2.50)0.0001
Median (IQR)16.10 (15.23-17.22)20.04 (19.48-21.55)21.20 (19.31-22.32)
Length of illness yrs. mean (SD)7.95 (11.54)8.30 (7.86)--
Median (IQR)3 (1-7)5 (3-12.5)
IED Set shifting mean (SD) adjusted40.32 (23.15)30.80 (20.51)21.74 (17.98)0.044
total errors
EK-60F, Total mean (SD)48.89 (4.66)48.75 (3.54)50.84 (4.19)0.316
Surprise9.37 (0.83)9.75 (0.55)9.10 (1.29)0.153
Happiness10.00 (0)9.65 (0.75)9.74 (0.45)0.289
Fear6.58 (2.63)6.05 (2.37)9.26 (1.15)0.0001
Disgust9.00 (1.45)8.55 (1.15)8.63 (1.46)0.328
Anger6.74 (1.66)6.45 (1.64)7.00 (1.73)0.666
Sadness7.21 (2.15)8.15 (1.46)8.42 (1.17)0.196
BDI-II mean (SD)24.21 (13.80)21.65 (12.55)2.68 (3.87)0.0001
TAS-20 mean (SD)57.00 (10.59)49.15 (14.38)32.42 (6.14)0.0001
SCL-90 GSI mean (SD)1.42 (0.74)1.26 (0.54)0.29 (0.28)0.0001
EDI-3 mean (SD)
DT79.26 (18.09)72.55 (25.62)9.58 (18.77)0.0001
B67.42 (21.48)63.80 (21.16)15.37 (18.87)0.0001
BD77.21 (15.03)71.40 (20.58)11.79 (17.72)0.0001

Characteristics associated with IED adjusted total errors in different regression models.

IED adjusted total errors
Model 1Model 2
Regression coefficient95% CIPRegression coefficient95% CIP

Reference category Healthy controls.


Reference category Healthy controls.

18.58 9.065.15; 32.01 -4.20; 22.320.008 0.17612.56 1.39-9.25; 34.38 -18.56; 21.330.253 0.890
Age0.54-0.24; 1.320.171
EK-60F Fear-1.92-4.86; 1.020.195
BDI-II0.15-0.53; 0.820.665
TAS-20-0.10-0.83; 0.620.775
Model η20.120.19