Uneingeschränkter Zugang

The Effect of Value Co-Creation on Behavioural Intention and Satisfaction with Tourism Resources in Lagos State, Nigeria


Visit characteristics

Frequency of Visit
First time 306 79.7
Two times 55 14.3
More than three times 23 6.0
Travel Group
Alone 32 8.3
With Spouse 62 16.1
With Family 146 38.0
With Friends 109 28.4
With tour group 35 9.1
Purpose of Travel
Pleasure/Holiday 346 90.1
Business 1 0.3
Convention/Meeting 1 0.3
Official 4 1.0
Educational trip 32 8.3
Trip arrangement
Independent 302 78.6
On a package 82 21.4

Sociodemographic characteristics of the respondents

Male 204 53.1
Female 180 46.9
<18 25 6.5
18–25 128 33.3
26–35 141 36.7
36–45 78 20.3
>45 12 3.1
Marital status
Single 188 49.0
Married 189 49.2
Divorced 6 1.6
Widowed 1 0.3
Educational Background
Primary Education 3 0.8
Secondary Education 55 14.3
Tertiary Education 326 84.9
Income (₦)
<100,000 90 23.4
100,000–199,000 61 15.9
200,000–299,000 65 16.9
300,000–399,000 31 8.1
>400,000 137 35.7
Civil Servant 81 21.1
Self-employed 100 26.0
Student 75 19.5
Private Sector 127 33.1
Unemployed 1 0.3
Nigerian 367 95.6
Foreigner 17 4.4

Relationship between behavioural intention and satisfaction with active participation

Variables r value
I am willing to pay more to actively participate in activities at this site 0.445**
I will recommend this site and activities to my friends 0.455**
I will revisit this site 0.453**
Level of satisfaction with this site 0.269**

Behavioural intention of visitors

I am satisfied having actively participated
Strongly Agree 237 61.7 4.48 0.768
Agree 105 27.3
Neutral 35 9.1
Disagree 4 1.0
Strongly Disagree 3 0.8
I am willing to pay more to actively participate in activities at this site
Strongly Agree 221 57.6 4.29 1.017
Agree 96 25.0
Neutral 35 9.1
Disagree 23 6.0
Strongly Disagree 9 2.3
I will recommend this site and activities to others
Strongly Agree 263 68.5 4.62 0.644
Agree 101 26.3
Neutral 16 4.2
Disagree 2 0.5
Strongly Disagree 2 0.5
I will revisit this site
Strongly Agree 270 70.3 4.62 0.679
Agree 91 23.7
Neutral 16 4.2
Disagree 5 1.3
Strongly Disagree 2 0.5
Level of satisfaction with this site
Very satisfied 186 48.4 4.39 0.722
Moderately satisfied 178 46.4
Neutral 9 2.3
Slightly dissatisfied 7 1.8
Very dissatisfied 4 1.0

Determinants of Active Participation

Variables B S.E. Wald Sig. Exp(B)
Gender .082 .290 .081 .776 1.086
Age .211 .222 .898 .343 1.234
Marital Status −.772 .399 3.732 .053 .462
Education −.614 .353 3.016 .082 .541
Nationality .962 .646 2.221 .136 2.617
Residence .163 .406 .160 .689 1.177
Religion .135 .298 .206 .650 1.145
Income −.024 .105 .054 .816 .976
Occupation .013 .123 .011 .915 1.013
Frequency of Visit .442 .222 3.986 .046 1.557*
Travel Group −.241 .144 2.815 .093 .786
Purpose of Travel −.643 .220 8.548 .003 .525**
Trip arrangement .850 .353 5.804 .016 2.340*
Constant −.659 1.450 .206 .650 .517
Correct prediction (%) 80.5%
Final Model Fit
−2 Log Likelihood 344.850
Nagelkerke R Square 0.137

Active participation by respondents

Did you actively participate in activities at this site?
Yes 309 80.5
No 75 19.5
Did you enjoy such activities?
Yes 339 88.3
No 45 11.7
Does active participation make the destination more interesting?
Yes 375 97.7
No 9 2.3
Level of active participation in destination activities
Not involved 19 4.9
Moderately involved 101 26.3
Highly involved 264 68.8

Sociodemographic difference in co-creation satisfaction and overall satisfaction

Co-creation satisfaction Overall satisfaction
Sociodemographic variable t value t value
Gender −0.303 3.563**
Nationality 2.336* 3.234**
Residence 1.944 3.053**
F value F value
Age 2.427* 8.810**
Marital status 1.048 4.485**
Education 3.349* 1.656
Religion 2.488 1.628
Income 2.052 1.056
Occupation 1.583 2.203
Zeitrahmen der Veröffentlichung:
3 Hefte pro Jahr
Fachgebiete der Zeitschrift:
Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Betriebswirtschaft, andere, Branchen, Tourismus, Gastgewerbe, Reisen, Veranstaltungsgewerbe, Freizeitindustrie, Sport und Freizeit, other